[section Introduction] "I like to start documentation with a quote. A nice, pithy one." ['[*_emdash_ Eric Niebler (paraphrased)]] [heading Motivation] _Ets_ are rad. They are used in lots of libraries; here are just three of the most impressive: * _spirit_ allows you to write an EBNF-style grammar that gets transformed into a PEG parser. * _eigen_ allows you to do linear algebra using a very natural and mathematical expression syntax that _eigen_ uses to heavily optimize your expressions. * _nt2_ takes slightly modified MatLab code and allows it to be parsed and run as highly optimized C++ code. However, this can come at a high cost. _Ets_ are costly to implement and maintain. Each of _eigen_ and Boost.Ublas has a large volume of complex _et_ code that cannot be reused elsewhere. With the language facilities available in the C++14 and C++17 standards, an _et_ library is now straightforward to write and use, and has very reasonable compile times. As a quick example, let's say we are doing a bit of matrix math, and we write this statement: D = A * B + C; in which all the variables are matrices. It turns out that making a temporary for `A * B` and then another temporary for the resulting product plus `C` is very inefficient. Most matrix math libraries will have a single function that does it in one go: mul_add_assign(D, A, B, C); If you use a matrix library that offers both kinds of syntax, you have to notice when some bit of operator-using code should be replaced with some more efficient function; this is tedious and error-prone. If the library does not provide the operator syntax at all, only providing the more-efficient function calls, code using the library is a lot less writable and readable. Using _yap_, you can write some library code that enables expressions like `D = A * B + C` to be automatically transformed into expressions like `mul_add_assign(D, A, B, C)`. Consider another example. Many of us have used Unix command line tools to remove duplicate lines in a file: sort file_with_duplicates | uniq > file_without_duplicates We can do something very similar with the standard algorithms, of course: [typical_sort_unique_usage] However, it would be much better if our code did exactly that, but with a more concise syntax: [pipable_sort_unique_usage] This looks much more similar to the Unix command line above. (Let's pretend that _range_v3_ doesn't already do almost exactly this.) _yap_ can be used to do both of these things, in a pretty small amount of code. In fact, you can jump right into the _pipable_algorithms_ example if you want to see how the second one can be implemented. [heading Features] * Simple _ExprTmpl_ and _Expr_ concepts easily modeled by user code. Member and non-member functions on _ExprTmpls_ and _Exprs_ can be added with compact macros, and a reference template that models _ExprTmpl_ exists for prototyping or experimentation. * Evaluation of _yap_ expressions matches the semantics of builtin C++ expressions as closely as possible. This leads to clearer understanding of the semantics of expression evaluation, because the definitions are local to the types involved. * Expressions may be transformed explicitly in a user-defined way. This is accomplished with overloaded call operators in a transform class, which are matched against subexpressions in the overall expression. While these member functions may transform a subexpression into anything, a common pattern is to transform only some subexpressions into either new subexpressions or appropriate values and to leave other subexpressions unchanged. This `evaluate(transform(expr))` idiom is expected to be one of the most common ways of using Yap to manipulate and evaluate expressions. * Functions that operate on or create expressions. Functions are provided (and used within _yap_) that manipulate expressions or their subexpressions. These simplify the process of writing user-defined transforms, for example. [endsect]