--[[ Script Name : Script Purpose : Script Author : Script Date : Script Notes : --]] function spawn(NPC) choice = math.random(1, 4) if choice == 1 then clockwise1(NPC) elseif choice == 2 then clockwise2(NPC) elseif choice == 3 then counter_clockwise1(NPC) elseif choice == 4 then counter_clockwise2(NPC) end AddTimer(NPC, 10000, "InitialWait") end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function InitialWait(NPC) AddTimer(NPC, 1000, "CheckForCrabs") end function CheckForCrabs(NPC) Crab = GetSpawn(NPC, 2630015) if GetDistance(NPC, Crab) <= 5 and IsAlive(Crab) then KillSpawn(Crab, NPC, 1) else Crab2 = GetSpawn(NPC, 2630016) if GetDistance(NPC, Crab2) <= 5 and IsAlive(Crab2) then KillSpawn(Crab2, NPC, 1) end end AddTimer(NPC, 10000, "SetUpCheck") end function SetUpCheck(NPC) AddTimer(NPC, 1000, "CheckForCrabs") end function aggro(NPC, Spawn) chance = math.random(1, 100) if chance <= 30 then PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/rok_combat_vo/a_spiroc/ft/_exp04/aviak/spiroc_victory_9f0466af.mp3", "Score one for the spiroc!", "", 2170775157, 841438160) end end function killed(NPC, Spawn) chance = math.random(1, 100) if chance <= 30 then PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/rok_combat_vo/a_spiroc/ft/_exp04/aviak/spiroc_aggro_64bf7f6f.mp3", "I'm taking this one down!", "", 1322142455, 2874795880) end end function clockwise1(NPC) x = GetX(NPC) y = GetY(NPC) z = GetZ(NPC) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 7 , y, z - 8 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 5 , y, z - 10, 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 10, y, z + 9 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 5 , y, z + 8 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) end function clockwise2(NPC) x = GetX(NPC) y = GetY(NPC) z = GetZ(NPC) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 2 , y, z - 8 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 7 , y, z - 5 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x , y, z + 6 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 9 , y, z + 1 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) end function counter_clockwise1(NPC) x = GetX(NPC) y = GetY(NPC) z = GetZ(NPC) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 7 , y, z + 8 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 5 , y, z + 10, 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 10, y, z - 9 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 5 , y, z - 8 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) end function counter_clockwise2(NPC) x = GetX(NPC) y = GetY(NPC) z = GetZ(NPC) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 2 , y, z + 8 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x + 7 , y, z + 5 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x , y, z - 6 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, x - 9 , y, z - 1 , 2, math.random(5, 15)) end