--[[ Script Name : HoT (Spell Type) Script Purpose : Generic script for heal-over-time spells Script Author : John Adams Script Date : 2008.12.04 Script Notes : JA: Need to determine if HoT's land instantly with the initial heal, or wait til tick() --]] function cast(Caster, Target, HealType, HealMinVal, HealMaxVal, HOTType, HOTMinVal, HOTMaxVal) -- Heal component if HealMinVal < HealMaxVal then ModifyHP(Caster, math.random(HealMinVal, HealMaxVal)) else ModifyHP(Caster, HealMinVal) end -- HoT component if HOTType ~= nil then -- Determine if there is a range to HoT values if HOTMaxVal ~= nil and HOTMinVal < HOTMaxVal then ModifyHP(Caster, math.random(HOTMinVal, HOTMaxVal)) else ModifyHP(Caster, HOTMinVal) end end end function tick(Caster, Target, HealType, HealMinVal, HealMaxVal, HOTType, HOTMinVal, HOTMaxVal) if HOTMaxVal ~= nil and HOTMinVal < HOTMaxVal then ModifyHP(Caster, math.random(HOTMinVal, HOTMaxVal)) else ModifyHP(Caster, HOTMinVal) end end function remove(Caster, Target) -- code to remove the spell end