/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef ZONESERVER_H #define ZONESERVER_H #include "../common/linked_list.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/queue.h" #include "../common/servertalk.h" #include "../common/TCPConnection.h" #include "WorldTCPConnection.h" #include "../common/Mutex.h" #include "../common/DataBuffer.h" #include "net.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Combat.h" #include #include #include #include "MutexList.h" #include "MutexMap.h" #include "MutexVector.h" #include "NPC.h" #include "Widget.h" #include "Object.h" #include "GroundSpawn.h" #include "Sign.h" #include "Zone/map.h" #include "Zone/pathfinder_interface.h" #include "Zone/mob_movement_manager.h" #include "Zone/region_map.h" extern NetConnection net; // needs to be here or compile errors in commands.cpp class SpellProcess; class TradeskillMgr; class Bot; #define EXPANSION_UNKNOWN 1 #define EXPANSION_UNKNOWN2 64 #define EXPANSION_UNKNOWN3 128 #define EXPANSION_UNKNOWN4 256 #define EXPANSION_UNKNOWN5 512 #define EXPANSION_DOF 1024 #define EXPANSION_KOS 2048 #define EXPANSION_EOF 4096 #define EXPANSION_ROK 8192 #define EXPANSION_TSO 16384 #define EXPANSION_DOV 65536 // This enables DoV and CoE AA tree's lower values disable both trees // Can't verify these 3 values // 32768 - SF // 131072 - AoD #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_SPAWN 0 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_RESPAWN 1 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_ATTACKED 2 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_TARGETED 3 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_HAILED 4 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_DEATH 5 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_KILLED 6 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_AGGRO 7 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_HEALTHCHANGED 8 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_RANDOMCHAT 9 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_CONVERSATION 10 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_TIMER 11 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_CUSTOM 12 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_HAILED_BUSY 13 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_CASTED_ON 14 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_AUTO_ATTACK_TICK 15 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_COMBAT_RESET 16 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_GROUP_DEAD 17 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_HEAR_SAY 18 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_PRESPAWN 19 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_USEDOOR 20 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_BOARD 21 #define SPAWN_SCRIPT_DEBOARD 22 #define SPAWN_CONDITIONAL_NONE 0 #define SPAWN_CONDITIONAL_DAY 1 #define SPAWN_CONDITIONAL_NIGHT 2 #define SPAWN_CONDITIONAL_NOT_RAINING 4 #define SPAWN_CONDITIONAL_RAINING 8 #define MAX_REVIVEPOINT_DISTANCE 1000 /* JA: TODO Turn into R_World Rules */ #define SEND_SPAWN_DISTANCE 250 /* when spawns appear visually to the client */ #define HEAR_SPAWN_DISTANCE 30 /* max distance a client can be from a spawn to 'hear' it */ #define MAX_CHASE_DISTANCE 80 #define REMOVE_SPAWN_DISTANCE 300 // increased distance between send/remove is ideal, this makes sure there is no overlap if a 'fast' client (AKA GM warp speed) #define TRACKING_STOP 0 #define TRACKING_START 1 #define TRACKING_UPDATE 2 #define TRACKING_CLOSE_WINDOW 3 #define TRACKING_TYPE_ENTITIES 1 #define TRACKING_TYPE_HARVESTABLES 2 #define TRACKING_SPAWN_TYPE_PC 0 #define TRACKING_SPAWN_TYPE_NPC 1 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_GROUP 0 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_QUESTS 1 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_PEOPLE 2 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_PLACES 3 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_USER 4 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_DIRECTIONS 5 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_TRACKING 6 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_HOUSES 7 #define WAYPOINT_CATEGORY_MAP 8 struct PlayerProximity{ float distance; string in_range_lua_function; string leaving_range_lua_function; map clients_in_proximity; }; struct LocationProximity { float x; float y; float z; float max_variation; string in_range_lua_function; string leaving_range_lua_function; map clients_in_proximity; }; struct LocationGrid { int32 id; int32 grid_id; string name; bool include_y; bool discovery; MutexList locations; MutexMap players; }; struct TrackedSpawn { Spawn* spawn; float distance; }; struct HouseItem { int32 spawn_id; int32 item_id; int32 unique_id; Item* item; }; class Widget; class Client; class Sign; class Object; class GroundSpawn; struct GroundSpawnEntry; struct GroundSpawnEntryItem; struct LootTable; struct LootDrop; struct GlobalLoot; struct TransportDestination; struct LocationTransportDestination; #ifdef WIN32 void ZoneLoop(void *tmp); void SpawnLoop(void *tmp); void SendInitialSpawns(void *tmp); void SendLevelChangedSpawns(void*tmp); #else void *ZoneLoop(void *tmp); void *SpawnLoop(void *tmp); void *SendInitialSpawns(void *tmp); void *SendLevelChangedSpawns(void *tmp); #endif using namespace std; struct RevivePoint{ int32 id; int32 zone_id; //usually this zone, but not always string location_name; float x; float y; float z; float heading; }; struct SpawnScriptTimer { int32 timer; int32 spawn; int32 player; string function; int32 current_count; int32 max_count; }; enum Instance_Type { NONE, GROUP_LOCKOUT_INSTANCE, GROUP_PERSIST_INSTANCE, RAID_LOCKOUT_INSTANCE, RAID_PERSIST_INSTANCE, SOLO_LOCKOUT_INSTANCE, SOLO_PERSIST_INSTANCE, TRADESKILL_INSTANCE, // allows anyone to enter, server searches for the first instance that is available PUBLIC_INSTANCE, // same as tradeskill, except dead spawns are tracked PERSONAL_HOUSE_INSTANCE, GUILD_HOUSE_INSTANCE, QUEST_INSTANCE }; struct FlightPathInfo { float speed; bool flying; bool dismount; }; struct FlightPathLocation { float X; float Y; float Z; }; struct ZoneInfoSlideStructInfo { float unknown1[2]; int32 unknown2[2]; int32 unknown3; int32 unknown4; char slide[128]; char voiceover[128]; int32 key1; int32 key2; }; struct ZoneInfoSlideStructTransitionInfo { int32 transition_x; int32 transition_y; float transition_zoom; float transition_time; }; struct ZoneInfoSlideStruct { ZoneInfoSlideStructInfo* info; vector slide_transition_info; }; enum SUBSPAWN_TYPES { COLLECTOR = 0, HOUSE_ITEM_SPAWN = 1, MAX_SUBSPAWN_TYPE = 20 }; // need to attempt to clean this up and add xml comments, remove unused code, find a logical way to sort the functions maybe by get/set/process/add etc... class ZoneServer { public: ZoneServer(const char* file, bool incoming_client=false); ~ZoneServer(); void IncrementIncomingClients(); void DecrementIncomingClients(); void Init(); bool Process(); bool SpawnProcess(); ZoneInfoSlideStruct* GenerateSlideStruct(float unknown1a, float unknown1b, int32 unknown2a, int32 unknown2b, int32 unknown3, int32 unknown4, const char* slide, const char* voiceover, int32 key1, int32 key2); void AddZoneInfoSlideStructTransitionInfo(ZoneInfoSlideStruct* info, int32 x, int32 y, float zoom, float transition_time); vector* GenerateTutorialSlides(); void LoadRevivePoints(vector* revive_points); vector* GetRevivePoints(Client* client); RevivePoint* GetRevivePoint(int32 id); void AddClient(Client* client); void SimpleMessage(int8 type, const char* message, Spawn* from, float distance, bool send_to_sender = true); void HandleChatMessage(Spawn* from, const char* to, int16 channel, const char* message, float distance = 0, const char* channel_name = 0, bool show_bubble = true, int32 language = 0); void HandleChatMessage(Client* client, Spawn* from, const char* to, int16 channel, const char* message, float distance = 0, const char* channel_name = 0, bool show_bubble = true, int32 language = 0); void HandleBroadcast(const char* message); void HandleAnnouncement(const char* message); int16 SetSpawnTargetable(Spawn* spawn, float distance); int16 SetSpawnTargetable(int32 spawn_id); void ApplySetSpawnCommand(Client* client, Spawn* target, int8 type, const char* value); void SetSpawnCommand(Spawn* spawn, int8 type, char* value, Client* client = 0); void SetSpawnCommand(int32 spawn_id, int8 type, char* value, Client* client = 0); void AddLoot(NPC* npc, Spawn* killer = nullptr); NPC* AddNPCSpawn(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, SpawnEntry* spawnentry); Object* AddObjectSpawn(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, SpawnEntry* spawnentry); GroundSpawn* AddGroundSpawn(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, SpawnEntry* spawnentry); Widget* AddWidgetSpawn(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, SpawnEntry* spawnentry); Sign* AddSignSpawn(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, SpawnEntry* spawnentry); void AddSpawn(Spawn* spawn); void RemoveDeadEnemyList(Spawn* spawn); void RemoveDeadSpawn(Spawn* spawn); void AddSpawnGroupLocation(int32 group_id, int32 location_id, int32 spawn_location_id); void AddSpawnGroupAssociation(int32 group_id1, int32 group_id2); void AddSpawnGroupChance(int32 group_id, float percent); void RemoveSpawn(Spawn* spawn, bool delete_spawn = true, bool respawn = true, bool lock = true, bool erase_from_spawn_list = true, bool lock_spell_process = false); void ProcessSpawnLocations(); void SendQuestUpdates(Client* client, Spawn* spawn = 0); EQ2Packet* GetZoneInfoPacket(Client* client); Spawn* FindSpawn(Player* searcher, const char* name); bool CallSpawnScript(Spawn* npc, int8 type, Spawn* spawn = 0, const char* message = 0, bool is_door_open = false, sint32 input_value = 0, sint32* return_value = 0); void SendSpawnVisualState(Spawn* spawn, int16 type); void SendSpellFailedPacket(Client* client, int16 error); void SendInterruptPacket(Spawn* interrupted, LuaSpell* spell, bool fizzle=false); void HandleEmote(Client* originator, string name); Client* GetClientBySpawn(Spawn* spawn); Spawn* GetSpawnByDatabaseID(int32 id); Spawn* GetSpawnByID(int32 id, bool spawnListLocked=false); void PlaySoundFile(Client* client, const char* name, float origin_x, float origin_y, float origin_z); void SendZoneSpawns(Client* client); void StartZoneInitialSpawnThread(Client* client); void SendSpawnChanges(); void SendSpawnChanges(Spawn* spawn); void SendSpawnChanges(Spawn* spawn, Client* client, bool override_changes = false, bool override_vis_changes = false); void SendSpawnChangesByDBID(int32 spawn_id, Client* client, bool override_changes = false, bool override_vis_changes = false); void SendPlayerPositionChanges(Player* player); void UpdateVitality(float amount); vector GetPlayers(); void KillSpawn(bool spawnListLocked, Spawn* dead, Spawn* killer, bool send_packet = true, int8 type = 0, int8 damage_type = 0, int16 kill_blow_type = 0); void SendDamagePacket(Spawn* attacker, Spawn* victim, int8 type1, int8 type2, int8 damage_type, int16 damage, const char* spell_name); void SendHealPacket(Spawn* caster, Spawn* target, int16 type, int32 heal_amt, const char* spell_name); void SendCastSpellPacket(LuaSpell* spell, Entity* caster); void SendCastSpellPacket(int32 spell_visual, Spawn* target, Spawn* caster = 0); void SendCastEntityCommandPacket(EntityCommand* entity_command, int32 spawn_id, int32 target_id); void TriggerCharSheetTimer(); /// Sends the game time packet to all connected clients void SendTimeUpdateToAllClients(); void AddWidgetTimer(Spawn* widget, float time); bool HasWidgetTimer(Spawn* widget); void Despawn(Spawn* spawn, int32 timer); void RepopSpawns(Client* client, Spawn* spawn); bool AddCloseSpawnsToSpawnGroup(Spawn* spawn, float radius); void Depop(bool respawns = false, bool repop = false); Spawn* GetSpawnGroup(int32 id); void AddEnemyList(NPC* npc); void ReloadClientQuests(); void SendAllSpawnsForLevelChange(Client* client); void SendAllSpawnsForSeeInvisChange(Client* client); void SendAllSpawnsForVisChange(Client* client, bool limitToEntities=true); void AddLocationGrid(LocationGrid* grid); void RemoveLocationGrids(); void DeleteTransporters(); void CheckTransporters(Client* client); void WritePlayerStatistics(); bool SendRadiusSpawnInfo(Client* client, float radius); void FindSpawn(Client* client, char* regSearchStr); volatile bool spawnthread_active; volatile bool combatthread_active; volatile int8 initial_spawn_threads_active; volatile bool client_thread_active; void AddChangedSpawn(Spawn* spawn); void AddDamagedSpawn(Spawn* spawn); void AddDrowningVictim(Player* player); void RemoveDrowningVictim(Player* player); Client* GetDrowningVictim(Player* player); void DeleteSpellProcess(); void LoadSpellProcess(); void LockAllSpells(Player* player); void UnlockAllSpells(Player* player); void RemoveSpellTimersFromSpawn(Spawn* spawn, bool remove_all, bool delete_recast = true, bool call_expire_function = true, bool lock_spell_process = false); void Interrupted(Entity* caster, Spawn* interruptor, int16 error_code, bool cancel = false, bool from_movement = false); Spell* GetSpell(Entity* caster); void ProcessSpell(Spell* spell, Entity* caster, Spawn* target = 0, bool lock = true, bool harvest_spell = false, LuaSpell* customSpell = 0, int16 custom_cast_time = 0, bool in_heroic_opp = false); void ProcessEntityCommand(EntityCommand* entity_command, Entity* caster, Spawn* target, bool lock = true); void AddPlayerTracking(Player* player); void RemovePlayerTracking(Player* player, int8 mode); void SendUpdateTitles(Client *client, Title *suffix = 0, Title *prefix = 0); void SendUpdateTitles(Spawn *spawn, Title *suffix = 0, Title *prefix = 0); void RemoveTargetFromSpell(LuaSpell* spell, Spawn* target, bool remove_caster = false); /// Set the rain levl in the zone /// Level of rain in the zone 0.0 - 1.1 (rain starts at 0.76) void SetRain(float val); /// Sets the wind direction /// Direction in degrees to set the wind void SetWind(float val); /// Handles zone-wide weather changes void ProcessWeather(); Spawn* GetClosestTransportSpawn(float x, float y, float z); Spawn* GetTransportByRailID(sint64 rail_id); void ResurrectSpawn(Spawn* spawn, Client* client); void HidePrivateSpawn(Spawn* spawn); Client* GetClientByName(char* name); Client* GetClientByCharID(int32 charid); /// Gets spawns for a true AoE spell vector GetAttackableSpawnsByDistance(Spawn* spawn, float distance); void StartZoneSpawnsForLevelThread(Client* client); void SendDispellPacket(Entity* caster, Spawn* target, string dispell_name, string spell_name, int8 dispell_type); void SetupInstance(int32 createdInstanceID=0); void SendUpdateDefaultCommand(Spawn* spawn, const char* command, float distance, Spawn* toplayer = NULL); map* GetSpawnLocationsByGroup(int32 group_id); IPathfinder* pathing; MobMovementManager* movementMgr; /**************************************************** Following functions are only used for LUA commands ****************************************************/ int32 GetClosestLocation(Spawn* spawn); Spawn* GetClosestSpawn(Spawn* spawn, int32 spawn_id); SpawnLocation* GetSpawnLocation(int32 id); void PlayFlavor(Client* client, Spawn* spawn, const char* mp3, const char* text, const char* emote, int32 key1, int32 key2, int8 language); void PlayVoice(Client* client, Spawn* spawn, const char* mp3, int32 key1, int32 key2); void PlayFlavor(Spawn* spawn, const char* mp3, const char* text, const char* emote, int32 key1, int32 key2, int8 language); void PlayFlavorID(Spawn* spawn, int8 type, int32 id, int16 index, int8 language); void PlayVoice(Spawn* spawn, const char* mp3, int32 key1, int32 key2); void SendThreatPacket(Spawn* caster, Spawn* target, int32 threat_amt, const char* spell_name); void KillSpawnByDistance(Spawn* spawn, float max_distance, bool include_players = false, bool send_packet = false); void SpawnSetByDistance(Spawn* spawn, float max_distance, string field, string value); void AddSpawnScriptTimer(SpawnScriptTimer* timer); Spawn* GetSpawnByLocationID(int32 location_id); void AddMovementNPC(Spawn* spawn); void AddPlayerProximity(Spawn* spawn, float distance, string in_range_function, string leaving_range_function); void AddLocationProximity(float x, float y, float z, float max_variation, string in_range_function, string leaving_range_function); void PlayAnimation(Spawn* spawn, int32 visual_state, Spawn* spawn2 = 0, int8 type = 1); void AddTransportSpawn(Spawn* spawn); vector GetSpawnsByID(int32 id); vector GetSpawnsByRailID(sint64 rail_id); void RemovePlayerPassenger(int32 char_id); bool IsDusk() { return isDusk; } // never used, probably meant for lua though /**************************************************** Following functions are all contained in the header ****************************************************/ inline const char* GetZoneName() { return zone_name; } void SetZoneName(char* new_zone) { if( strlen(new_zone) >= sizeof zone_name ) return; strcpy(zone_name, new_zone); } inline const char* GetZoneFile() { return zone_file; } void SetZoneFile(char* zone) { if (strlen(zone) >= sizeof zone_file) return; strcpy(zone_file, zone); } inline const char* GetZoneSkyFile() { return zonesky_file; } void SetZoneSkyFile(char* zone) { if (strlen(zone) >= sizeof zonesky_file) return; strcpy(zonesky_file, zone); } inline const char* GetZoneDescription() { return zone_description; } void SetZoneDescription(char* desc) { if( strlen(desc) >= sizeof zone_description ) return; strcpy(zone_description, desc); } void SetUnderWorld(float under){ underworld = under; } float GetUnderWorld(){ return underworld; } inline int32 GetZoneID() { return zoneID; } void SetZoneID(int32 new_id){ zoneID = new_id; } inline bool IsCityZone() { return cityzone; } inline bool AlwaysLoaded() { return always_loaded; } void SetCityZone(bool val) { cityzone = val; } void SetAlwaysLoaded(bool val) { always_loaded = val; } inline int32& NumPlayers() { return pNumPlayers; } void SetMinimumStatus(sint16 minStatus) { minimumStatus = minStatus; } sint16 GetMinimumStatus() { return minimumStatus; } void SetMinimumLevel(int16 minLevel) { minimumLevel = minLevel; } void SetMaximumLevel(int16 maxLevel) { maximumLevel = maxLevel; } void SetMinimumVersion(int16 minVersion) { minimumVersion = minVersion; } int16 GetMinimumLevel() { return minimumLevel; } int16 GetMaximumLevel() { return maximumLevel; } int16 GetMinimumVersion() { return minimumVersion; } inline bool GetZoneLockState() { return locked; } // JA: /zone lock|unlock void SetZoneLockState(bool lock_state) { locked = lock_state; } // JA: /zone lock|unlock int32 GetInstanceID() { return instanceID; } bool IsInstanceZone() { return isInstance; } void SetShutdownTimer(int val){ shutdownTimer.SetTimer(val*1000); } void AddSpawnLocation(int32 id, SpawnLocation* spawnlocation) { MSpawnLocationList.writelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (spawn_location_list.count(id) > 0) safe_delete(spawn_location_list[id]); spawn_location_list[id] = spawnlocation; MSpawnLocationList.releasewritelock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } void SetInstanceType(int16 type) { InstanceType = (Instance_Type)type; if(type>0)isInstance=true; else isInstance=false; } Instance_Type GetInstanceType() { return InstanceType; } float GetSafeX(){ return safe_x; } float GetSafeY(){ return safe_y; } float GetSafeZ(){ return safe_z; } float GetSafeHeading() { return safe_heading; } void SetSafeX(float val){ safe_x = val; } void SetSafeY(float val){ safe_y = val; } void SetSafeZ(float val){ safe_z = val; } void SetSafeHeading(float val) { safe_heading = val; } float GetXPModifier() { return xp_mod; } void SetXPModifier(float val) { xp_mod = val; } void SetZoneMOTD(string z_motd) { zone_motd = z_motd; } string GetZoneMOTD() { return zone_motd; } bool isZoneShuttingDown ( ) { return zoneShuttingDown; } void Shutdown(){ zoneShuttingDown = true; } int32 GetClientCount(){ return clients.size(); } int32 GetDefaultLockoutTime() { return def_lockout_time; } int32 GetDefaultReenterTime() { return def_reenter_time; } int32 GetDefaultResetTime() { return def_reset_time; } int8 GetForceGroupZoneOption() { return group_zone_option; } void SetDefaultLockoutTime(int32 val) { def_lockout_time = val; } void SetDefaultReenterTime(int32 val) { def_reenter_time = val; } void SetDefaultResetTime(int32 val) { def_reset_time = val; } void SetForceGroupZoneOption(int8 val) { group_zone_option = val; } SpellProcess* GetSpellProcess() {return spellProcess;} bool FinishedDepop(){ return finished_depop; } /// Returns the Tradeskill Manager for this zone TradeskillMgr* GetTradeskillMgr() { return tradeskillMgr; } // had to add these to access weather from Commands bool isWeatherEnabled() { return weather_enabled; } void SetWeatherEnabled(bool val) { weather_enabled = val; } bool isWeatherAllowed() { return weather_allowed; } void SetWeatherAllowed(bool val) { weather_allowed = val; } int8 GetWeatherType() { return weather_type; } void SetWeatherType(int8 val) { weather_type = val; } int32 GetWeatherFrequency() { return weather_frequency; } void SetWeatherFrequency(int32 val) { weather_frequency = val; } float GetWeatherMinSeverity() { return weather_min_severity; } void SetWeatherMinSeverity(float val) { weather_min_severity = val; } float GetWeatherMaxSeverity() { return weather_max_severity; } void SetWeatherMaxSeverity(float val) { weather_max_severity = val; } float GetWeatherChangeAmount() { return weather_change_amount; } void SetWeatherChangeAmount(float val) { weather_change_amount = val; } float GetWeatherDynamicOffset() { return weather_dynamic_offset; } void SetWeatherDynamicOffset(float val) { weather_dynamic_offset = val; } int8 GetWeatherChance() { return weather_change_chance; } void SetWeatherChance(int8 val) { weather_change_chance = val; } float GetCurrentWeather() { return weather_current_severity; } void SetCurrentWeather(float val) { weather_current_severity = val; } int8 GetWeatherPattern() { return weather_pattern; } void SetWeatherPattern(int8 val) { weather_pattern = val; } void SetWeatherLastChangedTime(int32 val) { weather_last_changed_time = val; } int32 GetExpansionFlag() { return expansion_flag; } void SetExpansionFlag(int32 val) { expansion_flag = val; } int32 GetHolidayFlag() { return holiday_flag; } void SetHolidayFlag(int32 val) { holiday_flag = val; } int32 GetCanBind() { return can_bind; } void SetCanBind(int32 val) { can_bind = val; } bool GetCanGate() { return can_gate; } void SetCanGate(int32 val) { can_gate = val; } void RemoveClientImmediately(Client* client); void ClearHate(Entity* entity); /**************************************************** Following functions are pending deletion, left in for now just to make sure one won't be of future use. ****************************************************/ //void RemoveFromRangeMap(Client* client); // never used? //void AddSpawnAssociatedGroup(vector* ret, int32 group_id); // never used, not even any code for it //inline const char* GetCAddress() { return clientaddress; } // never used? //inline int16 GetCPort() { return clientport; } // never used? //inline bool IsBootingUp() { return BootingUp; } // never used? //int32 GetShutdownTimer() {return shutdownTimer.GetTimerTime();} // never used // Following were private //char clientaddress[250]; // never used //int16 clientport; // never used //bool BootingUp; // never used //bool authenticated; // never used? //int16 next_index; // never used void AddFlightPath(int32 id, FlightPathInfo* info); void AddFlightPathLocation(int32 id, FlightPathLocation* location); void DeleteFlightPaths(); void SendFlightPathsPackets(Client* client); int32 GetFlightPathIndex(int32 id); float GetFlightPathSpeed(int32 id); void SendSpawn(Spawn* spawn, Client* client); // moved from private to public for bots void ProcessSpawnConditional(int8 condition); void SetSpawnStructs(Client* client); void AddSpawnProximities(Spawn* spawn); void RemoveSpawnProximities(Spawn* spawn); void SetSpawnScript(SpawnEntry* entry, Spawn* spawn); bool IsLoading() { return LoadingData; } vector GetHouseItems(Client* client); Spawn* GetSpawnFromUniqueItemID(int32 unique_id); void SendHouseItems(Client* client); MutexMap house_object_database_lookup; // 1st int32 = model type, 2nd int32 = spawn id int32 GetWatchdogTime() { return watchdogTimestamp; } void SetWatchdogTime(int32 time) { watchdogTimestamp = time; } void CancelThreads(); void AddPendingSpawnRemove(int32 id); void ProcessSpawnRemovals(); bool SendRemoveSpawn(Client* client, Spawn* spawn, PacketStruct* packet = 0, bool delete_spawn = false); void AddSpawnToGroup(Spawn* spawn, int32 group_id); void QueueStateCommandToClients(int32 spawn_id, int32 state); void QueueDefaultCommand(int32 spawn_id, std::string command, float distance); void ProcessQueuedStateCommands(); void UpdateClientSpawnMap(Player* player, Client* client); void RemoveClientsFromZone(ZoneServer* zone); void WorldTimeUpdateTrigger() { sync_game_time_timer.Trigger(); } void StopSpawnScriptTimer(Spawn* spawn, std::string functionName); Client* RemoveZoneServerFromClient(ZoneServer* zone); void SendSubSpawnUpdates(SUBSPAWN_TYPES subtype); bool HouseItemSpawnExists(int32 item_id); void ProcessPendingSpawns(); private: #ifndef WIN32 pthread_t ZoneThread; pthread_t SpawnThread; #endif /* Private Functions */ void AddTransporter(LocationTransportDestination* loc); void CheckDeadSpawnRemoval(); void DeleteData(bool boot_clients = true); void DeleteFactionLists(); void ProcessDepop(bool respawns_allowed = false, bool repop = false); /* Following functions were public but never used outside the zone server so moved them to private */ void ClientProcess(); // never used outside zone server void RemoveClient(Client* client); // never used outside zone server void DeterminePosition(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void AddDeadSpawn(Spawn* spawn, int32 timer = 0xFFFFFFFF); // never used outside zone server int32 CalculateSpawnGroup(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, bool respawn = false); // never used outside zone server float GetSpawnGroupChance(int32 group_id); // never used outside zone server vector* GetAssociatedLocations(set* groups); // never used outside zone server set* GetAssociatedGroups(int32 group_id); // never used outside zone server list* GetSpawnGroupsByLocation(int32 location_id); // never used outside zone server void ProcessSpawnLocation(int32 location_id, bool respawn = false); // never used outside zone server Spawn* ProcessSpawnLocation(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, bool respawn = false); // never used outside zone server Spawn* ProcessInstanceSpawnLocation(SpawnLocation* spawnlocation, map* instNPCs, map* instGroundSpawns, map* instObjSpawns, map* instWidgetSpawns, map* instSignSpawns, bool respawn = false); // never used outside zone server void SendCharSheetChanges(); // never used outside zone server void SendCharSheetChanges(Client* client); // never used outside zone server void SaveClients(); // never used outside zone server void CheckSendSpawnToClient(); // never used outside zone server void CheckSendSpawnToClient(Client* client, bool initial_login = false); // never used outside zone server void CheckRemoveSpawnFromClient(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void SaveClient(Client* client); // never used outside zone server void ProcessFaction(Spawn* spawn, Client* client); // never used outside zone server void RegenUpdate(); // never used outside zone server void SendCalculatedXP(Player* player, Spawn* victim); // never used outside zone server, might not be used at all any more void SendTimeUpdate(Client* client); // never used outside zone server void CheckWidgetTimers(); // never used outside zone server void CheckRespawns(); // never used outside zone server void CheckSpawnExpireTimers(); // never used outside zone server void AddSpawnExpireTimer(Spawn* spawn, int32 expire_time, int32 expire_offset = 0); // never used outside zone server void CheckSpawnRange(Client* client, Spawn* spawn, bool initial_login = false); // never used outside zone server void CheckSpawnRange(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void DeleteSpawnScriptTimers(Spawn* spawn, bool all = false); // never used outside zone server void DeleteSpawnScriptTimers(); // never used outside zone server void CheckSpawnScriptTimers(); // never used outside zone server bool PrepareSpawnID(Player* player, Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void RemoveMovementNPC(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server bool CheckNPCAttacks(NPC* npc, Spawn* victim, Client* client = 0); // never used outside zone server bool AggroVictim(NPC* npc, Spawn* victim, Client* client = 0); // never used outside zone server bool CheckEnemyList(NPC* npc); // never used outside zone server void RemovePlayerProximity(Spawn* spawn, bool all = false); // never used outside zone server void RemovePlayerProximity(Client* client); // never used outside zone server void CheckPlayerProximity(Spawn* spawn, Client* client); // never used outside zone server void RemoveLocationProximities(); // never used outside zone server void CheckLocationProximity(); // never used outside zone server void CheckLocationGrids(); // never used outside zone server void RemoveSpawnSupportFunctions(Spawn* spawn, bool lock_spell_process = false); // never used outside zone server void ReloadTransporters(); // never used outside zone server void DeleteSpawns(bool delete_all); // never used outside zone server void AddPendingDelete(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void RemovePendingDelete(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void ClearDeadSpawns(); // never used outside zone server void RemoveChangedSpawn(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void ProcessDrowning(); // never used outside zone server void RemoveDamagedSpawn(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void ProcessTracking(); // never used outside zone server void ProcessTracking(Client* client); // never used outside zone server void SendEpicMobDeathToGuild(Player* killer, Spawn* victim); // never used outside zone server void ProcessAggroChecks(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server /// Checks to see if it is time to remove a spawn and removes it /// Forces all spawns scheduled to be removed regardless of time bool CombatProcess(Spawn* spawn); // never used outside zone server void InitWeather(); // never used outside zone server ///Dismiss all pets in the zone, useful when the spell process needs to be reloaded void DismissAllPets(); // never used outside zone server /* Mutex Lists */ MutexList changed_spawns; // int32 = spawn id vector clients; MutexList connected_clients; // probably remove this list so we are not maintaining 2 client lists MutexList damaged_spawns; // int32 = spawn id MutexList location_proximities; MutexList location_grids; MutexList remove_movement_spawns; // int32 = spawn id set spawn_script_timers; Mutex MSpawnScriptTimers; set remove_spawn_script_timers_list; Mutex MRemoveSpawnScriptTimersList; list transporter_locations; /* Mutex Maps */ MutexMap client_spawn_map; // ok MutexMap drowning_victims; MutexMap movement_spawns; // 1st int32 = spawn id MutexMap player_proximities; // 1st int32 = spawn id MutexMap players_tracking; MutexMap quick_database_id_lookup; // 1st int32 = database id, 2nd int32 = spawn id MutexMap quick_location_id_lookup; // 1st int32 = location id, 2nd int32 = spawn id MutexMap quick_group_id_lookup; // 1st int32 = group id, 2nd int32 = spawn id MutexMap respawn_timers; map spawn_delete_list; MutexMap spawn_expire_timers; // 1st int32 = spawn id map* > spawn_group_associations; map spawn_group_chances; map* > spawn_group_locations; MutexMap > spawn_group_map; // MutexList is a list of spawn id's map* > spawn_location_groups; map spawn_location_list; MutexMap* > spawn_range_map; // int32 in the MutexMap* = spawn id, float = distance Mutex MWidgetTimers; map widget_timers; // 1st int32 = spawn id /* Mutexs */ Mutex m_enemy_faction_list; Mutex m_npc_faction_list; Mutex m_reverse_enemy_faction_list; Mutex MDeadSpawns; CriticalSection* MMasterZoneLock; //This needs to be a recursive lock to fix a possible /reload spells crash with multiple zones loaded - Foof Mutex MMasterSpawnLock; Mutex MPendingSpawnListAdd; Mutex MSpawnList; Mutex MTransportSpawns; Mutex MSpawnGroupAssociation; Mutex MSpawnGroupLocations; Mutex MSpawnLocationGroups; Mutex MSpawnGroupChances; Mutex MTransportLocations; Mutex MSpawnLocationList; Mutex MSpawnDeleteList; Mutex MClientList; Mutex MIncomingClients; /* Maps */ map dead_spawns; map* > enemy_faction_list; map* > npc_faction_list; map* > reverse_enemy_faction_list; map spawn_list; map m_flightPaths; map > m_flightPathRoutes; /* Lists */ list pending_spawn_list_add; /* Specialized Lists to update specific scenarios */ std::map subspawn_list[SUBSPAWN_TYPES::MAX_SUBSPAWN_TYPE]; std::map housing_spawn_map; /* Vectors */ vector* revive_points; vector transport_spawns; /* Classes */ SpellProcess* spellProcess; TradeskillMgr* tradeskillMgr; /* Timers */ Timer aggro_timer; Timer charsheet_changes; Timer client_save; Timer location_prox_timer; Timer location_grid_timer; Timer movement_timer; Timer regenTimer; Timer respawn_timer; Timer shutdownTimer; Timer spawn_check_add; Timer spawn_check_remove; Timer spawn_expire_timer; Timer spawn_range; Timer spawn_update; Timer sync_game_time_timer; Timer tracking_timer; Timer weatherTimer; Timer widget_timer; Timer queue_updates; Timer shutdownDelayTimer; /* Enums */ Instance_Type InstanceType; /* Variables */ volatile bool finished_depop; volatile bool depop_zone; volatile bool repop_zone; volatile bool respawns_allowed; volatile bool LoadingData; bool reloading_spellprocess; bool zoneShuttingDown; bool cityzone; bool always_loaded; bool isInstance; int32 pNumPlayers; sint16 minimumStatus; int16 minimumLevel; int16 maximumLevel; int16 minimumVersion; char zone_name[64]; char zonesky_file[64]; char zone_file[64]; char zone_description[255]; float underworld; float safe_x; float safe_y; float safe_z; float safe_heading; float xp_mod; volatile int32 zoneID; bool locked; // JA: implementing /zone lock|unlock commands int32 instanceID; string zone_motd; int32 def_reenter_time; int32 def_reset_time; int32 def_lockout_time; int8 group_zone_option; float rain; bool isDusk; int dusk_hour; int dawn_hour; int dusk_minute; int dawn_minute; int32 spawn_delete_timer; int32 expansion_flag; int32 holiday_flag; //devn00b:test int can_bind; bool can_gate; map versioned_pos_structs; map versioned_info_structs; map versioned_vis_structs; /* Weather Stuff */ bool weather_enabled; // false = disabled, true = enabled int8 weather_type; // 0 = normal, 1 = dynamic, 2 = random, 3 = chaotic int32 weather_frequency; // how often weather changes float weather_min_severity; // minimum weather severity in a zone float weather_max_severity; // maximum weather severity in a zone float weather_change_amount; // how much does the weather change each interval (normal weather conditions) float weather_dynamic_offset; // max amount the weather change each interval (dynamic weather conditions) int8 weather_change_chance; // percentage chance the weather will change int8 weather_pattern; // 0 = decreasing severity, 1 = increasing severity, 2 = random severity int32 weather_last_changed_time; // last time weather changed (used with weather_frequency) float weather_current_severity; // current weather conditions in a zone bool weather_allowed; // from zones.weather_allowed field in database bool weather_signaled; // whether or not we told the client "it begins to rain" bool reloading; map* > entity_command_list; map > npc_skill_list; map > npc_equipment_list; map npc_list; map object_list; map sign_list; map widget_list; map > groundspawn_entries; map > groundspawn_items; Mutex MGroundSpawnItems; map groundspawn_list; map loot_tables; map > loot_drops; map > spawn_loot_list; vector level_loot_list; map > racial_loot_list; map > zone_loot_list; map > transporters; map* > location_transporters; Mutex MTransporters; Mutex MTransportMaps; // Map map m_transportMaps; int32 watchdogTimestamp; std::map m_pendingSpawnRemove; Mutex MPendingSpawnRemoval; std::map lua_queued_state_commands; std::map> lua_spawn_update_command; std::mutex MLuaQueueStateCmd; public: Spawn* GetSpawn(int32 id); /* Entity Commands */ map*>* GetEntityCommandListAll() {return &entity_command_list;} vector* GetEntityCommandList(int32 id); void SetEntityCommandList(int32 id, EntityCommand* command); void ClearEntityCommands(); EntityCommand* GetEntityCommand(int32 id, string name); /* NPC's */ void AddNPC(int32 id, NPC* npc); NPC* GetNPC(int32 id, bool override_loading = false) { if((!reloading || override_loading) && npc_list.count(id) > 0) return npc_list[id]; else return 0; } NPC* GetNewNPC(int32 id) { if(!reloading && npc_list.count(id) > 0) return new NPC(npc_list[id]); else return 0; } /* NPC Skills */ void AddNPCSkill(int32 list_id, int32 skill_id, int16 value); map* GetNPCSkills(int32 primary_list, int32 secondary_list); /* NPC Equipment */ void AddNPCEquipment(int32 list_id, int32 item_id); void SetNPCEquipment(NPC* npc); /* Objects */ void AddObject(int32 id, Object* object){ object_list[id] = object; } Object* GetObject(int32 id, bool override_loading = false) { if((!reloading || override_loading) && object_list.count(id) > 0) return object_list[id]; else return 0; } Object* GetNewObject(int32 id) { if(!reloading && object_list.count(id) > 0) return object_list[id]->Copy(); else return 0; } /* Signs */ void AddSign(int32 id, Sign* sign){ sign_list[id] = sign; } Sign* GetSign(int32 id, bool override_loading = false) { if((!reloading || override_loading) && sign_list.count(id) > 0) return sign_list[id]; else return 0; } Sign* GetNewSign(int32 id) { if(!reloading && sign_list.count(id) > 0) return sign_list[id]->Copy(); else return 0; } /* Widgets */ void AddWidget(int32 id, Widget* widget); Widget* GetWidget(int32 id, bool override_loading = false); Widget* GetNewWidget(int32 id); /* Groundspawns */ // JA: groundspawn revamp void AddGroundSpawnEntry(int32 groundspawn_id, int16 min_skill_level, int16 min_adventure_level, int8 bonus_table, float harvest1, float harvest3, float harvest5, float harvest_imbue, float harvest_rare, float harvest10, int32 harvest_coin); void AddGroundSpawnItem(int32 groundspawn_id, int32 item_id, int8 is_rare, int32 grid_id); vector* GetGroundSpawnEntries(int32 id); vector* GetGroundSpawnEntryItems(int32 id); void LoadGroundSpawnEntries(); void LoadGroundSpawnItems(); // void DeleteGroundSpawnItems(); void AddGroundSpawn(int32 id, GroundSpawn* spawn); GroundSpawn* GetGroundSpawn(int32 id, bool override_loading = false); GroundSpawn* GetNewGroundSpawn(int32 id); /* Pet names */ vector pet_names; /* Loot */ void AddLootTable(int32 id, LootTable* table); void AddLootDrop(int32 id, LootDrop* drop); void AddSpawnLootList(int32 spawn_id, int32 id); void ClearSpawnLootList(int32 spawn_id); void AddLevelLootList(GlobalLoot* loot); void AddRacialLootList(int16 racial_id, GlobalLoot* loot); void AddZoneLootList(int32 zone, GlobalLoot* loot); void ClearLootTables(); vector GetSpawnLootList(int32 spawn_id, int32 zone_id, int8 spawn_level, int16 racial_id, Spawn* spawn = 0); vector* GetLootDrops(int32 table_id); LootTable* GetLootTable(int32 table_id); /* Transporters */ void AddLocationTransporter(int32 zone_id, string message, float trigger_x, float trigger_y, float trigger_z, float trigger_radius, int32 destination_zone_id, float destination_x, float destination_y, float destination_z, float destination_heading, int32 cost, int32 unique_id); void AddTransporter(int32 transport_id, int8 type, string name, string message, int32 destination_zone_id, float destination_x, float destination_y, float destination_z, float destination_heading, int32 cost, int32 unique_id, int8 min_level, int8 max_level, int32 quest_req, int16 quest_step_req, int32 quest_complete, int32 map_x, int32 map_y, int32 expansion_flag, int32 holiday_flag, int32 min_client_version, int32 max_client_version, int32 flight_path_id, int16 mount_id, int8 mount_red_color, int8 mount_green_color, int8 mount_blue_color); void GetTransporters(vector* returnList, Client* client, int32 transport_id); MutexList* GetLocationTransporters(int32 zone_id); void DeleteGlobalTransporters(); /// ///The transport id ///Name of the map void AddTransportMap(int32 id, string name); ///Checks to see if the transport has a map ///The transport id we want to check ///True if the transport id has a map bool TransportHasMap(int32 id); ///Gets the map name for the given transport id ///The transport id that we want a map for ///Map name string GetTransportMap(int32 id); ///Clears the list of transporter maps void DeleteTransporterMaps(); void DeleteGlobalSpawns(); void ReloadSpawns(); void SendStateCommand(Spawn* spawn, int32 state); int32 lifetime_client_count; int32 incoming_clients; }; #endif