#include "raycast_mesh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // This code snippet allows you to create an axis aligned bounding volume tree for a triangle mesh so that you can do // high-speed raycasting. // // There are much better implementations of this available on the internet. In particular I recommend that you use // OPCODE written by Pierre Terdiman. // @see: http://www.codercorner.com/Opcode.htm // // OPCODE does a whole lot more than just raycasting, and is a rather significant amount of source code. // // I am providing this code snippet for the use case where you *only* want to do quick and dirty optimized raycasting. // I have not done performance testing between this version and OPCODE; so I don't know how much slower it is. However, // anytime you switch to using a spatial data structure for raycasting, you increase your performance by orders and orders // of magnitude; so this implementation should work fine for simple tools and utilities. // // It also serves as a nice sample for people who are trying to learn the algorithm of how to implement AABB trees. // AABB = Axis Aligned Bounding Volume trees. // // http://www.cgal.org/Manual/3.5/doc_html/cgal_manual/AABB_tree/Chapter_main.html // // // This code snippet was written by John W. Ratcliff on August 18, 2011 and released under the MIT. license. // // mailto:jratcliffscarab@gmail.com // // The official source can be found at: http://code.google.com/p/raycastmesh/ // // #pragma warning(disable:4100) namespace RAYCAST_MESH { typedef std::vector< RmUint32 > TriVector; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A method to compute a ray-AABB intersection. * Original code by Andrew Woo, from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990 * Optimized code by Pierre Terdiman, 2000 (~20-30% faster on my Celeron 500) * Epsilon value added by Klaus Hartmann. (discarding it saves a few cycles only) * * Hence this version is faster as well as more robust than the original one. * * Should work provided: * 1) the integer representation of 0.0f is 0x00000000 * 2) the sign bit of the RmReal is the most significant one * * Report bugs: p.terdiman@codercorner.com * * \param aabb [in] the axis-aligned bounding box * \param origin [in] ray origin * \param dir [in] ray direction * \param coord [out] impact coordinates * \return true if ray intersects AABB */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define RAYAABB_EPSILON 0.00001f //! Integer representation of a RmRealing-point value. #define IR(x) ((RmUint32&)x) bool intersectRayAABB(const RmReal MinB[3],const RmReal MaxB[3],const RmReal origin[3],const RmReal dir[3],RmReal coord[3]) { bool Inside = true; RmReal MaxT[3]; MaxT[0]=MaxT[1]=MaxT[2]=-1.0f; // Find candidate planes. for(RmUint32 i=0;i<3;i++) { if(origin[i] < MinB[i]) { coord[i] = MinB[i]; Inside = false; // Calculate T distances to candidate planes if(IR(dir[i])) MaxT[i] = (MinB[i] - origin[i]) / dir[i]; } else if(origin[i] > MaxB[i]) { coord[i] = MaxB[i]; Inside = false; // Calculate T distances to candidate planes if(IR(dir[i])) MaxT[i] = (MaxB[i] - origin[i]) / dir[i]; } } // Ray origin inside bounding box if(Inside) { coord[0] = origin[0]; coord[1] = origin[1]; coord[2] = origin[2]; return true; } // Get largest of the maxT's for final choice of intersection RmUint32 WhichPlane = 0; if(MaxT[1] > MaxT[WhichPlane]) WhichPlane = 1; if(MaxT[2] > MaxT[WhichPlane]) WhichPlane = 2; // Check final candidate actually inside box if(IR(MaxT[WhichPlane])&0x80000000) return false; for(RmUint32 i=0;i<3;i++) { if(i!=WhichPlane) { coord[i] = origin[i] + MaxT[WhichPlane] * dir[i]; #ifdef RAYAABB_EPSILON if(coord[i] < MinB[i] - RAYAABB_EPSILON || coord[i] > MaxB[i] + RAYAABB_EPSILON) return false; #else if(coord[i] < MinB[i] || coord[i] > MaxB[i]) return false; #endif } } return true; // ray hits box } bool intersectLineSegmentAABB(const RmReal bmin[3],const RmReal bmax[3],const RmReal p1[3],const RmReal dir[3],RmReal &dist,RmReal intersect[3]) { bool ret = false; if ( dist > RAYAABB_EPSILON ) { ret = intersectRayAABB(bmin,bmax,p1,dir,intersect); if ( ret ) { RmReal dx = p1[0]-intersect[0]; RmReal dy = p1[1]-intersect[1]; RmReal dz = p1[2]-intersect[2]; RmReal d = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz; if ( d < dist*dist ) { dist = sqrtf(d); } else { ret = false; } } } return ret; } /* a = b - c */ #define vector(a,b,c) \ (a)[0] = (b)[0] - (c)[0]; \ (a)[1] = (b)[1] - (c)[1]; \ (a)[2] = (b)[2] - (c)[2]; #define innerProduct(v,q) \ ((v)[0] * (q)[0] + \ (v)[1] * (q)[1] + \ (v)[2] * (q)[2]) #define crossProduct(a,b,c) \ (a)[0] = (b)[1] * (c)[2] - (c)[1] * (b)[2]; \ (a)[1] = (b)[2] * (c)[0] - (c)[2] * (b)[0]; \ (a)[2] = (b)[0] * (c)[1] - (c)[0] * (b)[1]; static inline bool rayIntersectsTriangle(const RmReal *p,const RmReal *d,const RmReal *v0,const RmReal *v1,const RmReal *v2,RmReal &t) { RmReal e1[3],e2[3],h[3],s[3],q[3]; RmReal a,f,u,v; vector(e1,v1,v0); vector(e2,v2,v0); crossProduct(h,d,e2); a = innerProduct(e1,h); if (a > -0.00001 && a < 0.00001) return(false); f = 1/a; vector(s,p,v0); u = f * (innerProduct(s,h)); if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) return(false); crossProduct(q,s,e1); v = f * innerProduct(d,q); if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0) return(false); // at this stage we can compute t to find out where // the intersection point is on the line t = f * innerProduct(e2,q); if (t > 0) // ray intersection return(true); else // this means that there is a line intersection // but not a ray intersection return (false); } static RmReal computePlane(const RmReal *A,const RmReal *B,const RmReal *C,RmReal *n) // returns D { RmReal vx = (B[0] - C[0]); RmReal vy = (B[1] - C[1]); RmReal vz = (B[2] - C[2]); RmReal wx = (A[0] - B[0]); RmReal wy = (A[1] - B[1]); RmReal wz = (A[2] - B[2]); RmReal vw_x = vy * wz - vz * wy; RmReal vw_y = vz * wx - vx * wz; RmReal vw_z = vx * wy - vy * wx; RmReal mag = sqrt((vw_x * vw_x) + (vw_y * vw_y) + (vw_z * vw_z)); if ( mag < 0.000001f ) { mag = 0; } else { mag = 1.0f/mag; } RmReal x = vw_x * mag; RmReal y = vw_y * mag; RmReal z = vw_z * mag; RmReal D = 0.0f - ((x*A[0])+(y*A[1])+(z*A[2])); n[0] = x; n[1] = y; n[2] = z; return D; } #define TRI_EOF 0xFFFFFFFF enum AxisAABB { AABB_XAXIS, AABB_YAXIS, AABB_ZAXIS }; enum ClipCode { CC_MINX = (1<<0), CC_MAXX = (1<<1), CC_MINY = (1<<2), CC_MAXY = (1<<3), CC_MINZ = (1<<4), CC_MAXZ = (1<<5), }; class BoundsAABB { public: void setMin(const RmReal *v) { mMin[0] = v[0]; mMin[1] = v[1]; mMin[2] = v[2]; } void setMax(const RmReal *v) { mMax[0] = v[0]; mMax[1] = v[1]; mMax[2] = v[2]; } void setMin(RmReal x,RmReal y,RmReal z) { mMin[0] = x; mMin[1] = y; mMin[2] = z; } void setMax(RmReal x,RmReal y,RmReal z) { mMax[0] = x; mMax[1] = y; mMax[2] = z; } void include(const RmReal *v) { if ( v[0] < mMin[0] ) mMin[0] = v[0]; if ( v[1] < mMin[1] ) mMin[1] = v[1]; if ( v[2] < mMin[2] ) mMin[2] = v[2]; if ( v[0] > mMax[0] ) mMax[0] = v[0]; if ( v[1] > mMax[1] ) mMax[1] = v[1]; if ( v[2] > mMax[2] ) mMax[2] = v[2]; } void getCenter(RmReal *center) const { center[0] = (mMin[0]+mMax[0])*0.5f; center[1] = (mMin[1]+mMax[1])*0.5f; center[2] = (mMin[2]+mMax[2])*0.5f; } bool intersects(const BoundsAABB &b) const { if ((mMin[0] > b.mMax[0]) || (b.mMin[0] > mMax[0])) return false; if ((mMin[1] > b.mMax[1]) || (b.mMin[1] > mMax[1])) return false; if ((mMin[2] > b.mMax[2]) || (b.mMin[2] > mMax[2])) return false; return true; } bool containsTriangle(const RmReal *p1,const RmReal *p2,const RmReal *p3) const { BoundsAABB b; b.setMin(p1); b.setMax(p1); b.include(p2); b.include(p3); return intersects(b); } bool containsTriangleExact(const RmReal *p1,const RmReal *p2,const RmReal *p3,RmUint32 &orCode) const { bool ret = false; RmUint32 andCode; orCode = getClipCode(p1,p2,p3,andCode); if ( andCode == 0 ) { ret = true; } return ret; } inline RmUint32 getClipCode(const RmReal *p1,const RmReal *p2,const RmReal *p3,RmUint32 &andCode) const { andCode = 0xFFFFFFFF; RmUint32 c1 = getClipCode(p1); RmUint32 c2 = getClipCode(p2); RmUint32 c3 = getClipCode(p3); andCode&=c1; andCode&=c2; andCode&=c3; return c1|c2|c3; } inline RmUint32 getClipCode(const RmReal *p) const { RmUint32 ret = 0; if ( p[0] < mMin[0] ) { ret|=CC_MINX; } else if ( p[0] > mMax[0] ) { ret|=CC_MAXX; } if ( p[1] < mMin[1] ) { ret|=CC_MINY; } else if ( p[1] > mMax[1] ) { ret|=CC_MAXY; } if ( p[2] < mMin[2] ) { ret|=CC_MINZ; } else if ( p[2] > mMax[2] ) { ret|=CC_MAXZ; } return ret; } inline void clamp(const BoundsAABB &aabb) { if ( mMin[0] < aabb.mMin[0] ) mMin[0] = aabb.mMin[0]; if ( mMin[1] < aabb.mMin[1] ) mMin[1] = aabb.mMin[1]; if ( mMin[2] < aabb.mMin[2] ) mMin[2] = aabb.mMin[2]; if ( mMax[0] > aabb.mMax[0] ) mMax[0] = aabb.mMax[0]; if ( mMax[1] > aabb.mMax[1] ) mMax[1] = aabb.mMax[1]; if ( mMax[2] > aabb.mMax[2] ) mMax[2] = aabb.mMax[2]; } RmReal mMin[3]; RmReal mMax[3]; }; class NodeAABB; class NodeInterface { public: virtual NodeAABB * getNode(void) = 0; virtual void getFaceNormal(RmUint32 tri,RmReal *faceNormal) = 0; }; class NodeAABB { public: NodeAABB(void) { mLeft = NULL; mRight = NULL; mLeafTriangleIndex= TRI_EOF; } NodeAABB(RmUint32 vcount,const RmReal *vertices,RmUint32 tcount,RmUint32 *indices, RmUint32 maxDepth, // Maximum recursion depth for the triangle mesh. RmUint32 minLeafSize, // minimum triangles to treat as a 'leaf' node. RmReal minAxisSize, NodeInterface *callback, TriVector &leafTriangles) // once a particular axis is less than this size, stop sub-dividing. { mLeft = NULL; mRight = NULL; mLeafTriangleIndex = TRI_EOF; TriVector triangles; triangles.reserve(tcount); for (RmUint32 i=0; i dx ) { axis = AABB_YAXIS; laxis = dy; } if ( dz > dx && dz > dy ) { axis = AABB_ZAXIS; laxis = dz; } RmUint32 count = triangles.size(); // if the number of triangles is less than the minimum allowed for a leaf node or... // we have reached the maximum recursion depth or.. // the width of the longest axis is less than the minimum axis size then... // we create the leaf node and copy the triangles into the leaf node triangle array. if ( count < minLeafSize || depth >= maxDepth || laxis < minAxisSize ) { // Copy the triangle indices into the leaf triangles array mLeafTriangleIndex = leafTriangles.size(); // assign the array start location for these leaf triangles. leafTriangles.push_back(count); for (auto i = triangles.begin(); i != triangles.end(); ++i) { RmUint32 tri = *i; leafTriangles.push_back(tri); } } else { RmReal center[3]; mBounds.getCenter(center); BoundsAABB b1,b2; splitRect(axis,mBounds,b1,b2,center); // Compute two bounding boxes based upon the split of the longest axis BoundsAABB leftBounds,rightBounds; TriVector leftTriangles; TriVector rightTriangles; // Create two arrays; one of all triangles which intersect the 'left' half of the bounding volume node // and another array that includes all triangles which intersect the 'right' half of the bounding volume node. for (auto i = triangles.begin(); i != triangles.end(); ++i) { RmUint32 tri = (*i); { RmUint32 i1 = indices[tri*3+0]; RmUint32 i2 = indices[tri*3+1]; RmUint32 i3 = indices[tri*3+2]; const RmReal *p1 = &vertices[i1*3]; const RmReal *p2 = &vertices[i2*3]; const RmReal *p3 = &vertices[i3*3]; RmUint32 addCount = 0; RmUint32 orCode=0xFFFFFFFF; if ( b1.containsTriangleExact(p1,p2,p3,orCode)) { addCount++; if ( leftTriangles.empty() ) { leftBounds.setMin(p1); leftBounds.setMax(p1); } leftBounds.include(p1); leftBounds.include(p2); leftBounds.include(p3); leftTriangles.push_back(tri); // Add this triangle to the 'left triangles' array and revise the left triangles bounding volume } // if the orCode is zero; meaning the triangle was fully self-contiained int he left bounding box; then we don't need to test against the right if ( orCode && b2.containsTriangleExact(p1,p2,p3,orCode)) { addCount++; if ( rightTriangles.empty() ) { rightBounds.setMin(p1); rightBounds.setMax(p1); } rightBounds.include(p1); rightBounds.include(p2); rightBounds.include(p3); rightTriangles.push_back(tri); // Add this triangle to the 'right triangles' array and revise the right triangles bounding volume. } assert( addCount ); } } if ( !leftTriangles.empty() ) // If there are triangles in the left half then... { leftBounds.clamp(b1); // we have to clamp the bounding volume so it stays inside the parent volume. mLeft = callback->getNode(); // get a new AABB node new ( mLeft ) NodeAABB(leftBounds); // initialize it to default constructor values. // Then recursively split this node. mLeft->split(leftTriangles,vcount,vertices,tcount,indices,depth+1,maxDepth,minLeafSize,minAxisSize,callback,leafTriangles); } if ( !rightTriangles.empty() ) // If there are triangles in the right half then.. { rightBounds.clamp(b2); // clamps the bounding volume so it stays restricted to the size of the parent volume. mRight = callback->getNode(); // allocate and default initialize a new node new ( mRight ) NodeAABB(rightBounds); // Recursively split this node. mRight->split(rightTriangles,vcount,vertices,tcount,indices,depth+1,maxDepth,minLeafSize,minAxisSize,callback,leafTriangles); } } } void splitRect(AxisAABB axis,const BoundsAABB &source,BoundsAABB &b1,BoundsAABB &b2,const RmReal *midpoint) { switch ( axis ) { case AABB_XAXIS: { b1.setMin( source.mMin ); b1.setMax( midpoint[0], source.mMax[1], source.mMax[2] ); b2.setMin( midpoint[0], source.mMin[1], source.mMin[2] ); b2.setMax(source.mMax); } break; case AABB_YAXIS: { b1.setMin(source.mMin); b1.setMax(source.mMax[0], midpoint[1], source.mMax[2]); b2.setMin(source.mMin[0], midpoint[1], source.mMin[2]); b2.setMax(source.mMax); } break; case AABB_ZAXIS: { b1.setMin(source.mMin); b1.setMax(source.mMax[0], source.mMax[1], midpoint[2]); b2.setMin(source.mMin[0], source.mMin[1], midpoint[2]); b2.setMax(source.mMax); } break; } } virtual void raycast(bool &hit, const RmReal *from, const RmReal *to, const RmReal *dir, RmReal *hitLocation, RmReal *hitNormal, RmReal *hitDistance, RmUint32 *GridID, const RmReal *vertices, const RmUint32 *indices, const RmUint32 *grids, RmReal &nearestDistance, NodeInterface *callback, RmUint32 *raycastTriangles, RmUint32 raycastFrame, const TriVector &leafTriangles, RmUint32 &nearestTriIndex) { RmReal sect[3]; RmReal nd = nearestDistance; if ( !intersectLineSegmentAABB(mBounds.mMin,mBounds.mMax,from,dir,nd,sect) ) { return; } if ( mLeafTriangleIndex != TRI_EOF ) { const RmUint32 *scan = &leafTriangles[mLeafTriangleIndex]; RmUint32 count = *scan++; for (RmUint32 i=0; igetFaceNormal(tri,hitNormal); } if ( hitDistance ) { *hitDistance = t; } if(GridID) { *GridID = grids[tri]; } nearestTriIndex = tri; hit = true; } } } } } else { if ( mLeft ) { mLeft->raycast(hit,from,to,dir,hitLocation,hitNormal,hitDistance,GridID,vertices,indices,grids,nearestDistance,callback,raycastTriangles,raycastFrame,leafTriangles,nearestTriIndex); } if ( mRight ) { mRight->raycast(hit,from,to,dir,hitLocation,hitNormal,hitDistance,GridID,vertices,indices,grids,nearestDistance,callback,raycastTriangles,raycastFrame,leafTriangles,nearestTriIndex); } } } NodeAABB *mLeft; // left node NodeAABB *mRight; // right node BoundsAABB mBounds; // bounding volume of node RmUint32 mLeafTriangleIndex; // if it is a leaf node; then these are the triangle indices. }; class MyRaycastMesh : public RaycastMesh, public NodeInterface { public: MyRaycastMesh(RmUint32 vcount,const RmReal *vertices,RmUint32 tcount,const RmUint32 *indices,const RmUint32 *grids,RmUint32 maxDepth,RmUint32 minLeafSize,RmReal minAxisSize) { mRaycastFrame = 0; if ( maxDepth < 2 ) { maxDepth = 2; } if ( maxDepth > 15 ) { maxDepth = 15; } RmUint32 pow2Table[16] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 65536 }; mMaxNodeCount = 0; for (RmUint32 i=0; i<=maxDepth; i++) { mMaxNodeCount+=pow2Table[i]; } mNodes = new NodeAABB[mMaxNodeCount]; mNodeCount = 0; mVcount = vcount; mVertices = (RmReal *)::malloc(sizeof(RmReal)*3*vcount); memcpy(mVertices,vertices,sizeof(RmReal)*3*vcount); mTcount = tcount; mIndices = (RmUint32 *)::malloc(sizeof(RmUint32)*tcount*3); memcpy(mIndices,indices,sizeof(RmUint32)*tcount*3); mRaycastTriangles = (RmUint32 *)::malloc(tcount*sizeof(RmUint32)); memset(mRaycastTriangles,0,tcount*sizeof(RmUint32)); mGrids = (RmUint32 *)::malloc(sizeof(RmUint32)*tcount); memcpy(mGrids,grids,sizeof(RmUint32)*tcount); mRoot = getNode(); mFaceNormals = NULL; new ( mRoot ) NodeAABB(mVcount,mVertices,mTcount,mIndices,maxDepth,minLeafSize,minAxisSize,this,mLeafTriangles); } ~MyRaycastMesh(void) { delete []mNodes; ::free(mVertices); ::free(mIndices); ::free(mFaceNormals); ::free(mRaycastTriangles); ::free(mGrids); } virtual bool raycast(const RmReal *from,const RmReal *to,RmReal *hitLocation,RmReal *hitNormal,RmReal *hitDistance,RmUint32 *GridID) { bool ret = false; RmReal dir[3]; dir[0] = to[0] - from[0]; dir[1] = to[1] - from[1]; dir[2] = to[2] - from[2]; RmReal distance = sqrtf( dir[0]*dir[0] + dir[1]*dir[1]+dir[2]*dir[2] ); if ( distance < 0.0000000001f ) return false; RmReal recipDistance = 1.0f / distance; dir[0]*=recipDistance; dir[1]*=recipDistance; dir[2]*=recipDistance; mRaycastFrame++; RmUint32 nearestTriIndex=TRI_EOF; mRoot->raycast(ret,from,to,dir,hitLocation,hitNormal,hitDistance,GridID,mVertices,mIndices,mGrids,distance,this,mRaycastTriangles,mRaycastFrame,mLeafTriangles,nearestTriIndex); return ret; } virtual void release(void) { delete this; } virtual const RmReal * getBoundMin(void) const // return the minimum bounding box { return mRoot->mBounds.mMin; } virtual const RmReal * getBoundMax(void) const // return the maximum bounding box. { return mRoot->mBounds.mMax; } virtual NodeAABB * getNode(void) { assert( mNodeCount < mMaxNodeCount ); NodeAABB *ret = &mNodes[mNodeCount]; mNodeCount++; return ret; } virtual void getFaceNormal(RmUint32 tri,RmReal *faceNormal) { if ( mFaceNormals == NULL ) { mFaceNormals = (RmReal *)::malloc(sizeof(RmReal)*3*mTcount); for (RmUint32 i=0; i(m); }