/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef __EQ2_NET__ #define __EQ2_NET__ #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #endif #include "../common/linked_list.h" #include "../common/types.h" ThreadReturnType EQ2ConsoleListener(void *tmp); void CatchSignal(int sig_num); void UpdateWindowTitle(char* iNewTitle); #define PORT 9000 #define LOGIN_PORT 9100 class NetConnection { public: NetConnection() { world_locked = false; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { memset(loginaddress[i], 0, sizeof(loginaddress[i])); loginport[i] = LOGIN_PORT; } listening_socket = 0; memset(worldname, 0, sizeof(worldname)); memset(worldaccount, 0, sizeof(worldaccount)); memset(worldpassword, 0, sizeof(worldpassword)); memset(worldaddress, 0, sizeof(worldaddress)); memset(internalworldaddress, 0, sizeof(internalworldaddress)); worldport = PORT; DEFAULTSTATUS=0; LoginServerInfo = 0;//ReadLoginINI(); UpdateStats = false; web_worldport = 0; } ~NetConnection() { } bool ReadLoginINI(); void WelcomeHeader(); bool LoginServerInfo; bool UpdateStats; char* GetLoginInfo(int16* oPort); inline char* GetLoginAddress(int8 i) { return loginaddress[i]; } inline int16 GetLoginPort(int8 i) { return loginport[i]; } inline char* GetWorldName() { return worldname; } inline char* GetWorldAccount() { return worldaccount; } inline char* GetWorldPassword() { return worldpassword; } inline char* GetWorldAddress() { return worldaddress; } inline char* GetInternalWorldAddress() { return internalworldaddress; } inline int16 GetWorldPort() { return worldport; } inline int8 GetDefaultStatus() { return DEFAULTSTATUS; } std::string GetWebWorldAddress() { return web_worldaddress; } inline int16 GetWebWorldPort() { return web_worldport; } std::string GetWebCertFile() { return web_certfile; } std::string GetWebKeyFile() { return web_keyfile; } std::string GetWebKeyPassword() { return web_keypassword; } std::string GetWebHardcodeUser() { return web_hardcodeuser; } std::string GetWebHardcodePassword() { return web_hardcodepassword; } bool world_locked; private: int listening_socket; char loginaddress[4][255]; int16 loginport[4]; char worldname[201]; char worldaccount[31]; char worldpassword[31]; char worldaddress[255]; char internalworldaddress[21]; int16 worldport; int8 DEFAULTSTATUS; std::string web_worldaddress; std::string web_certfile; std::string web_keyfile; std::string web_keypassword; std::string web_hardcodeuser; std::string web_hardcodepassword; int16 web_worldport; }; class ZoneAuthRequest { public: ZoneAuthRequest(int32 account_id, char* name, int32 access_key); ~ZoneAuthRequest( ); int32 GetAccountID() { return accountid; } const char* GetCharacterName() { return character_name.c_str(); } int32 GetAccessKey() { return accesskey; } int32 GetTimeStamp() { return timestamp; } void setFirstLogin(bool value) { firstlogin = value; } bool isFirstLogin() { return firstlogin; } private: int32 accountid; string character_name; int32 accesskey; int32 timestamp; bool firstlogin; }; class ZoneAuth { public: void AddAuth(ZoneAuthRequest* zar); ZoneAuthRequest* GetAuth(int32 account_id, int32 access_key); void PurgeInactiveAuth(); void RemoveAuth(ZoneAuthRequest* zar); private: LinkedList list; }; #endif