# -*- python -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Stefan Seefeld # All rights reserved. # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) from faber import platform from faber.feature import set from faber.tools.compiler import runpath from faber.tools.python import python, pythonpath from faber.artefacts.object import object from faber.artefacts.binary import binary from faber.artefacts.python import extension from faber.test import test, report, fail src = module('..src') python_libs=python.instance().libs features |= runpath(src.bpl.path, base='') def extension_test(name, ext=[], script=None, np=False, features=features, condition=None): """Create a Python extension test `name`. Arguments: * name: the name of the test. * ext: extensions to be compiled, if none are given. * script: the test script to execute, .py if none is given. * np: if true, add boost_numpy to sources * features: pre-defined features * condition: any condition under which to run the test Return: * the test artefact""" features=features.copy() extensions = [] libs = [src.bnl, src.bpl] if np else [src.bpl] for e in ext or [name]: if type(e) is str: # build from a single source file n = e if e != name else e + '_ext' s = [e + '.cpp'] else: # build from a list of source files n = e[0] if e[0] != name else e[0] + '_ext' s = [n + '.cpp' for n in e] e = extension(n, s + libs, features=features) features |= pythonpath(e.path, base='') extensions.append(e) if not script: script = name+'.py' return test(name, script, run=python.run, dependencies=extensions, features=features, condition=condition) tests = [] for t in [('injected',), ('properties',), ('return_arg',), ('staticmethod',), ('boost_shared_ptr',), ('enable_shared_from_this',), ('andreas_beyer',), ('polymorphism',), ('polymorphism2',), ('wrapper_held_type',), ('minimal',), ('args',), ('raw_ctor',), ('exception_translator',), ('test_enum', ['enum_ext']), ('test_cltree', ['cltree']), ('newtest', ['m1', 'm2']), ('const_argument',), ('keywords_test', ['keywords']), ('test_pointer_adoption',), ('operators',), ('operators_wrapper',), ('callbacks',), ('defaults',), ('object',), ('list',), ('long',), ('dict',), ('tuple',), ('str',), ('slice',), ('virtual_functions',), ('back_reference',), ('implicit',), ('data_members',), ('ben_scott1',), ('bienstman1',), ('bienstman2',), ('bienstman3',), ('multi_arg_constructor',), ('iterator', ['iterator', 'input_iterator']), ('stl_iterator',), ('extract',), ('crossmod_opaque', ['crossmod_opaque_a', 'crossmod_opaque_b']), ('opaque',), ('voidptr',), ('pickle1',), ('pickle2',), ('pickle3',), ('pickle4',), ('nested',), ('docstring',), ('pytype_function',), ('vector_indexing_suite',), ('pointer_vector',), ('builtin_converters', [], 'test_builtin_converters.py'), ('map_indexing_suite', [['map_indexing_suite', 'int_map_indexing_suite', 'a_map_indexing_suite']])]: tests.append(extension_test(*t)) tests.append(extension_test('shared_ptr', condition=set.define.contains('HAS_CXX11'))) tests.append(extension_test('polymorphism2_auto_ptr', condition=set.define.contains('HAS_CXX11').not_())) tests.append(extension_test('auto_ptr', condition=set.define.contains('HAS_CXX11'))) import_ = binary('import_', ['import_.cpp', src.bpl], features=features|python_libs) if platform.os == 'Windows': command = """set PATH=$(runpath);%PATH% $(>[1]) $(>[2])""" else: command = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(runpath) $(>[1]) $(>[2])' tests.append(test('import', [import_, 'import_.py'], run=action('run', command), features=features)) tests.append(extension_test('calling_conventions', condition=platform.os == 'Windows')) tests.append(extension_test('calling_conventions_mf', condition=platform.os == 'Windows')) for t in ['destroy_test', 'pointer_type_id_test', 'bases', 'pointee', 'if_else', 'pointee', 'result', 'upcast', 'select_from_python_test']: tests.append(test(t, binary(t, [t + '.cpp', src.bpl], features=features), features=features, run=True)) for t in ['indirect_traits_test', 'string_literal', 'borrowed', 'object_manager', 'copy_ctor_mutates_rhs', 'select_holder', 'select_arg_to_python_test']: tests.append(test(t, object(t, [t + '.cpp'], features=features))) for t in ['raw_pyobject_fail1', 'raw_pyobject_fail2', 'as_to_python_function', 'object_fail1']: tests.append(test(t, object(t, [t + '.cpp'], features=features), expected=fail)) for t in ['numpy/dtype', 'numpy/ufunc', 'numpy/templates', 'numpy/ndarray', 'numpy/indexing', 'numpy/shapes']: tests.append(extension_test(t, np=True, condition=set.define.contains('HAS_NUMPY'))) default = report('report', tests, fail_on_failures=True)