#include "../Commands/Commands.h" #include "../WorldDatabase.h" #include "../classes.h" #include "../races.h" #include "../Bots/Bot.h" #include "../../common/Log.h" #include "../Trade.h" #include "../PlayerGroups.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../../common/GlobalHeaders.h" extern WorldDatabase database; extern ConfigReader configReader; extern World world; extern MasterSpellList master_spell_list; void Commands::Command_Bot(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { if (sep && sep->IsSet(0)) { if (strncasecmp("camp", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { if (!client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() || !client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must target a bot"); return; } Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (bot->GetOwner() != client->GetPlayer()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can only camp your own bots."); return; } bot->Camp(); return; } else if (strncasecmp("attack", sep->arg[0], 6) == 0) { if (client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsEntity() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->Alive()) { Entity* target = (Entity*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (client->GetPlayer()->GetDistance(target) <= 50) { if (client->GetPlayer()->AttackAllowed(target)) { GroupMemberInfo* gmi = client->GetPlayer()->GetGroupMemberInfo(); if (gmi) { PlayerGroup* group = world.GetGroupManager()->GetGroup(gmi->group_id); if (group) { group->MGroupMembers.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); deque* members = group->GetMembers(); deque::iterator itr; for (itr = members->begin(); itr != members->end(); itr++) { //devn00b compile says this is no good, commenting out for now. //if(!member) // continue; if ((*itr)->member && (*itr)->member->IsBot() && ((Bot*)(*itr)->member)->GetOwner() == client->GetPlayer()) { ((Bot*)(*itr)->member)->SetCombatTarget(target->GetID()); } } group->MGroupMembers.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can not attack that target."); } else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Target is to far away."); } else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Not a valid target."); return; } else if (strncasecmp("spells", sep->arg[0], 6) == 0) { if (client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); map* spells = bot->GetBotSpells(); map::iterator itr; string output; for (itr = spells->begin(); itr != spells->end(); itr++) { Spell* spell = master_spell_list.GetSpell(itr->first, itr->second); if (spell) { output += spell->GetName(); output += "\n"; } } client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, output.c_str()); return; } } else if (strncasecmp("maintank", sep->arg[0], 8) == 0) { if (!client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() || !client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsEntity()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMAND_TEXT, "Not a valid target."); return; } GroupMemberInfo* gmi = client->GetPlayer()->GetGroupMemberInfo(); if (!gmi) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMAND_TEXT, "You are not in a group."); return; } Entity* target = (Entity*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (!world.GetGroupManager()->IsInGroup(gmi->group_id, target)) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMAND_TEXT, "Target is not in your group."); return; } PlayerGroup* group = world.GetGroupManager()->GetGroup(gmi->group_id); if (group) { group->MGroupMembers.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); deque* members = group->GetMembers(); for (int8 i = 0; i < members->size(); i++) { GroupMemberInfo* gmi2 = members->at(i); if(!gmi2 || !gmi2->member) continue; if (gmi2->member->IsBot() && ((Bot*)gmi2->member)->GetOwner() == client->GetPlayer()) { ((Bot*)gmi2->member)->SetMainTank(target); client->Message(CHANNEL_COMMAND_TEXT, "Setting main tank for %s to %s", gmi2->member->GetName(), target->GetName()); } } group->MGroupMembers.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } return; } else if (strncasecmp("delete", sep->arg[0], 6) == 0) { if (sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1)) { int32 index = atoi(sep->arg[1]); // Check if bot is currently spawned and if so camp it out if (client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots.count(index) > 0) { Spawn* bot = client->GetCurrentZone()->GetSpawnByID(client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots[index]); if (bot && bot->IsBot()) ((Bot*)bot)->Camp(); } database.DeleteBot(client->GetCharacterID(), index); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Bot has been deleted."); return; } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must give the id (from /bot list) to delete a bot"); return; } } else if (strncasecmp("follow", sep->arg[0], 6) == 0) { if (sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1)) { int32 index = atoi(sep->arg[1]); // Check if bot is currently spawned and if so camp it out if (client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots.count(index) > 0) { Spawn* bot = client->GetCurrentZone()->GetSpawnByID(client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots[index]); if (bot && bot->IsBot()) ((Bot*)bot)->SetFollowTarget(client->GetPlayer(), 5); } return; } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must give the id (from /bot list) to have a bot follow you"); return; } } else if (strncasecmp("stopfollow", sep->arg[0], 10) == 0) { if (sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1)) { int32 index = atoi(sep->arg[1]); // Check if bot is currently spawned and if so camp it out if (client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots.count(index) > 0) { Spawn* bot = client->GetCurrentZone()->GetSpawnByID(client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots[index]); if (bot && bot->IsBot()) ((Bot*)bot)->SetFollowTarget(nullptr); } return; } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must give the id (from /bot list) to stop a following bot"); return; } } else if (strncasecmp("summon", sep->arg[0], 6) == 0) { if (sep->IsSet(1) && strncasecmp("group", sep->arg[1], 5) == 0) { GroupMemberInfo* gmi = client->GetPlayer()->GetGroupMemberInfo(); if (gmi) { Player* player = client->GetPlayer(); PlayerGroup* group = world.GetGroupManager()->GetGroup(gmi->group_id); if (group) { group->MGroupMembers.readlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); deque* members = group->GetMembers(); for (int8 i = 0; i < members->size(); i++) { Entity* member = members->at(i)->member; if(!member) continue; if (member->IsBot() && ((Bot*)member)->GetOwner() == player) { if(member->GetZone() && member->GetLocation() != player->GetLocation()) { member->SetLocation(player->GetLocation()); } member->SetX(player->GetX()); member->SetY(player->GetY()); member->SetZ(player->GetZ()); client->Message(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Summoning %s.", member->GetName()); } } group->MGroupMembers.releasereadlock(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } return; } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You are not in a group."); return; } } else { if (client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); Player* player = client->GetPlayer(); if (bot && bot->GetOwner() == player) { bot->SetLocation(player->GetLocation()); bot->SetX(player->GetX()); bot->SetY(player->GetY()); bot->SetZ(player->GetZ()); client->Message(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Summoning %s.", bot->GetName()); return; } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can only summon your own bots."); return; } } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must target a bot."); return; } } } else if (strncasecmp("test", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { if (client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { ((Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget())->MessageGroup("Test message"); return; } } } client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "BotCommands:"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot create [race] [gender] [class] [name]"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot customize - customize the appearance of the bot"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot list - list all the bots you have created with this character"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot spawn [id] - spawns a bot into the world, id obtained from /bot list"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot inv [give/list/remove] - manage bot equipment, for remove a slot must be provided"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot settings [helm/hood/cloak/taunt] [0/1] - Turn setting on (1) or off(0)"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot camp - removes the bot from your group and despawns them"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot attack - commands your bots to attack your target"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot spells - lists bot spells, not fully implemented yet"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot maintank - sets targeted group member as the main tank for your bots"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot delete [id] - deletes the bot with the given id (obtained from /bot list)"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot help"); } void Commands::Command_Bot_Create(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { int8 race = BARBARIAN; int8 gender = 0; int8 advClass = GUARDIAN; string name; if (sep) { if (sep->IsSet(0) && sep->IsNumber(0)) race = atoi(sep->arg[0]); else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "First param of \"/bot create\" needs to be a number"); return; } if (sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1)) gender = atoi(sep->arg[1]); else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Second param of \"/bot create\" needs to be a number"); return; } if (sep->IsSet(2) && sep->IsNumber(2)) advClass = atoi(sep->arg[2]); else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Third param of \"/bot create\" needs to be a number"); return; } if (sep->IsSet(3)) { name = string(sep->arg[3]); transform(name.begin(), name.begin() + 1, name.begin(), ::toupper); transform(name.begin() + 1, name.end(), name.begin() + 1, ::tolower); } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Fourth param (name) of \"/bot create\" is required"); return; } } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Syntax: /bot create [race ID] [Gender ID] [class ID] [name]"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "All parameters are required. /bot help race or /bot help class for ID's."); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Gender ID's: 0 = Female, 1 = Male"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Ex: /bot create 0 0 3 Botty"); return; } int8 result = database.CheckNameFilter(name.c_str()); if (result == BADNAMELENGTH_REPLY) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Name length is invalid, must be greater then 3 characters and less then 16."); return; } else if (result == NAMEINVALID_REPLY) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Name is invalid, can only contain letters."); return; } else if (result == NAMETAKEN_REPLY) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Name is already taken, please choose another."); return; } else if (result == NAMEFILTER_REPLY) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Name failed the filter check."); return; } else if (result == UNKNOWNERROR_REPLY) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Unknown error while checking the name."); return; } string race_string; switch (race) { case BARBARIAN: race_string = "/barbarian/barbarian"; break; case DARK_ELF: race_string = "/darkelf/darkelf"; break; case DWARF: race_string = "/dwarf/dwarf"; break; case ERUDITE: race_string = "/erudite/erudite"; break; case FROGLOK: race_string = "/froglok/froglok"; break; case GNOME: race_string = "/gnome/gnome"; break; case HALF_ELF: race_string = "/halfelf/halfelf"; break; case HALFLING: race_string = "/halfling/halfling"; break; case HIGH_ELF: race_string = "/highelf/highelf"; break; case HUMAN: race_string = "/human/human"; break; case IKSAR: race_string = "/iksar/iksar"; break; case KERRA: race_string = "/kerra/kerra"; break; case OGRE: race_string = "/ogre/ogre"; break; case RATONGA: race_string = "/ratonga/ratonga"; break; case TROLL: race_string = "/troll/troll"; break; case WOOD_ELF: race_string = "/woodelf/woodelf"; break; case FAE: race_string = "/fae/fae_light"; break; case ARASAI: race_string = "/fae/fae_dark"; break; case SARNAK: gender == 1 ? race_string = "01/sarnak_male/sarnak" : race_string = "01/sarnak_female/sarnak"; break; case VAMPIRE: race_string = "/vampire/vampire"; break; case AERAKYN: race_string = "/aerakyn/aerakyn"; break; } if (race_string.length() > 0) { string gender_string; Bot* bot = 0; gender == 1 ? gender_string = "male" : gender_string = "female"; vector* id_list = database.GetAppearanceIDsLikeName("ec/pc" + race_string + "_" + gender_string); if (id_list) { bot = new Bot(); memset(&bot->appearance, 0, sizeof(bot->appearance)); bot->appearance.pos.collision_radius = 32; bot->secondary_command_list_id = 0; bot->primary_command_list_id = 0; bot->appearance.display_name = 1; bot->appearance.show_level = 1; bot->appearance.attackable = 1; bot->appearance.show_command_icon = 1; bot->appearance.targetable = 1; bot->appearance.race = race; bot->appearance.gender = gender; bot->SetID(Spawn::NextID()); bot->SetX(client->GetPlayer()->GetX()); bot->SetY(client->GetPlayer()->GetY()); bot->SetZ(client->GetPlayer()->GetZ()); bot->SetHeading(client->GetPlayer()->GetHeading()); bot->SetSpawnOrigX(bot->GetX()); bot->SetSpawnOrigY(bot->GetY()); bot->SetSpawnOrigZ(bot->GetZ()); bot->SetSpawnOrigHeading(bot->GetHeading()); bot->SetLocation(client->GetPlayer()->GetLocation()); bot->SetInitialState(16512); bot->SetModelType(id_list->at(0)); bot->SetAdventureClass(advClass); bot->SetLevel(client->GetPlayer()->GetLevel()); bot->SetName(name.c_str()); bot->SetEncounterLevel(6); bot->size = 32; if (bot->GetTotalHP() == 0) { bot->SetTotalHP(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); bot->SetHP(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); } if (bot->GetTotalPower() == 0) { bot->SetTotalPower(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); bot->SetPower(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); } bot->SetOwner(client->GetPlayer()); bot->GetNewSpells(); client->GetCurrentZone()->AddSpawn(bot); int32 index; int32 bot_id = database.CreateNewBot(client->GetCharacterID(), name, race, advClass, gender, id_list->at(0), index); if (bot_id == 0) { LogWrite(PLAYER__ERROR, 0, "Player", "Error saving bot to DB. Bot was not saved!"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_ERROR, "Error saving bot to DB. Bot was not saved!"); } else { bot->BotID = bot_id; bot->BotIndex = index; client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots[bot->BotIndex] = bot->GetID(); // Add Items database.SetBotStartingItems(bot, advClass, race); } } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_RED, "Error finding the id list for your race, please verify the race id."); } safe_delete(id_list); } else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_RED, "Error finding the race string, please verify the race id."); } void Commands::Command_Bot_Customize(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { Bot* bot = 0; if (client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (bot && bot->GetOwner() == client->GetPlayer()) { PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("WS_OpenCharCust", client->GetVersion()); if (packet) { AppearanceData* botApp = &bot->appearance; CharFeatures* botFeatures = &bot->features; AppearanceData* playerApp = &client->GetPlayer()->appearance; CharFeatures* playerFeatures = &client->GetPlayer()->features; memcpy(&client->GetPlayer()->SavedApp, playerApp, sizeof(AppearanceData)); memcpy(&client->GetPlayer()->SavedFeatures, playerFeatures, sizeof(CharFeatures)); client->GetPlayer()->custNPC = true; client->GetPlayer()->custNPCTarget = bot; memcpy(playerApp, botApp, sizeof(AppearanceData)); memcpy(playerFeatures, botFeatures, sizeof(CharFeatures)); client->GetPlayer()->changed = true; client->GetPlayer()->info_changed = true; client->GetCurrentZone()->SendSpawnChanges(client->GetPlayer(), client); packet->setDataByName("race_id", 255); client->QueuePacket(packet->serialize()); } } } void Commands::Command_Bot_Spawn(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { if (sep && sep->IsSet(0) && sep->IsNumber(0)) { int32 bot_id = atoi(sep->arg[0]); if (client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots.count(bot_id) > 0) { client->Message(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "The bot with id %u is already spawned.", bot_id); return; } Bot* bot = new Bot(); memset(&bot->appearance, 0, sizeof(bot->appearance)); if (database.LoadBot(client->GetCharacterID(), bot_id, bot)) { bot->SetFollowTarget(client->GetPlayer(), 5); bot->appearance.pos.collision_radius = 32; bot->secondary_command_list_id = 0; bot->primary_command_list_id = 0; bot->appearance.display_name = 1; bot->appearance.show_level = 1; bot->appearance.attackable = 1; bot->appearance.show_command_icon = 1; bot->appearance.targetable = 1; bot->SetID(Spawn::NextID()); bot->SetX(client->GetPlayer()->GetX()); bot->SetY(client->GetPlayer()->GetY()); bot->SetZ(client->GetPlayer()->GetZ()); bot->SetHeading(client->GetPlayer()->GetHeading()); bot->SetSpawnOrigX(bot->GetX()); bot->SetSpawnOrigY(bot->GetY()); bot->SetSpawnOrigZ(bot->GetZ()); bot->SetSpawnOrigHeading(bot->GetHeading()); bot->SetLocation(client->GetPlayer()->GetLocation()); bot->SetInitialState(16512); bot->SetLevel(client->GetPlayer()->GetLevel()); bot->SetEncounterLevel(6); bot->size = 32; if (bot->GetTotalHP() == 0) { bot->SetTotalHP(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); bot->SetHP(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); } if (bot->GetTotalPower() == 0) { bot->SetTotalPower(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); bot->SetPower(25 * bot->GetLevel() + 1); } bot->SetOwner(client->GetPlayer()); bot->ChangePrimaryWeapon(); bot->CalculateBonuses(); bot->GetNewSpells(); client->GetCurrentZone()->AddSpawn(bot); if (sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1) && atoi(sep->arg[1]) == 1) { client->GetCurrentZone()->SendSpawn(bot, client); int8 result = world.GetGroupManager()->Invite(client->GetPlayer(), bot); if (result == 0) client->Message(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "You invite %s to group with you.", bot->GetName()); else if (result == 1) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "That player is already in a group."); else if (result == 2) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "That player has been invited to another group."); else if (result == 3) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "Your group is already full."); else if (result == 4) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "You have a pending invitation, cancel it first."); else if (result == 5) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "You cannot invite yourself!"); else if (result == 6) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "Could not locate the player."); else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COMMANDS, "Group invite failed, unknown error!"); } client->GetPlayer()->SpawnedBots[bot_id] = bot->GetID(); } else { client->Message(CHANNEL_ERROR, "Error spawning bot (%u)", bot_id); } } else { Command_Bot(client, sep); } } void Commands::Command_Bot_List(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { string bot_list; bot_list = database.GetBotList(client->GetCharacterID()); if (!bot_list.empty()) client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, bot_list.c_str()); } void Commands::Command_Bot_Inv(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { if (sep && sep->IsSet(0)) { if (strncasecmp("give", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { if (client->GetPlayer()->trade) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You are already trading."); return; } if (!client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() || !client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must target a bot"); return; } Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (bot->trade) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Bot is already in a trade..."); return; } if (bot->GetOwner() != client->GetPlayer()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can only trade with your own bot."); return; } Trade* trade = new Trade(client->GetPlayer(), bot); client->GetPlayer()->trade = trade; bot->trade = trade; } else if (strncasecmp("list", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { if (!client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() || !client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must target a bot"); return; } Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (bot->GetOwner() != client->GetPlayer()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can only see the inventory of your own bot."); return; } string item_list = "Bot Items:\nSlot\tName\n"; for (int8 i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++) { Item* item = bot->GetEquipmentList()->GetItem(i); if (item) { //\\aITEM %u %u:%s\\/a item_list += to_string(i) + ":\t" + item->CreateItemLink(client->GetVersion(), true) + "\n"; } } client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, item_list.c_str()); } else if (strncasecmp("remove", sep->arg[0], 6) == 0) { if (sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1)) { int8 slot = atoi(sep->arg[1]); if (slot >= NUM_SLOTS) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Invalid slot"); return; } if (!client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() || !client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must target a bot."); return; } Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (bot->GetOwner() != client->GetPlayer()) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can only remove items from your own bot."); return; } if (client->GetPlayer()->trade) { Trade* trade = client->GetPlayer()->trade; if (trade->GetTradee(client->GetPlayer()) != bot) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You are already in a trade."); return; } bot->AddItemToTrade(slot); } else { if (bot->trade) { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Your bot is already trading..."); return; } Trade* trade = new Trade(client->GetPlayer(), bot); client->GetPlayer()->trade = trade; bot->trade = trade; bot->AddItemToTrade(slot); } } } else Command_Bot(client, sep); } else Command_Bot(client, sep); } void Commands::Command_Bot_Settings(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { if (sep && sep->IsSet(0) && sep->IsSet(1) && sep->IsNumber(1)) { if (client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget() && client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget()->IsBot()) { Bot* bot = (Bot*)client->GetPlayer()->GetTarget(); if (bot->GetOwner() == client->GetPlayer()) { if (strncasecmp("helm", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { bot->ShowHelm = (atoi(sep->arg[1]) == 1) ? true : false; bot->info_changed = true; bot->changed = true; bot->GetZone()->SendSpawnChanges(bot); } else if (strncasecmp("cloak", sep->arg[0], 5) == 0) { bot->ShowCloak = (atoi(sep->arg[1]) == 1) ? true : false; bot->info_changed = true; bot->changed = true; bot->GetZone()->SendSpawnChanges(bot); } else if (strncasecmp("taunt", sep->arg[0], 5) == 0) { bot->CanTaunt = (atoi(sep->arg[1]) == 1) ? true : false; } else if (strncasecmp("hood", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { bot->SetHideHood((atoi(sep->arg[0]) == 1) ? 0 : 1); } else Command_Bot(client, sep); } else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You can only change settings on your own bot."); } else client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "You must target a bot."); } else Command_Bot(client, sep); } void Commands::Command_Bot_Help(Client* client, Seperator* sep) { if (sep && sep->IsSet(0)) { if (strncasecmp("race", sep->arg[0], 4) == 0) { string title = "Race ID's"; string details; details += "0\tBarbarian\n"; details += "1\tDark Elf\n"; details += "2\tDwarf\n"; details += "3\tErudite\n"; details += "4\tFroglok\n"; details += "5\tGnome\n"; details += "6\tHalf Elf\n"; details += "7\tHalfling\n"; details += "8\tHigh Elf\n"; details += "9\tHuman\n"; details += "10\tIksar\n"; details += "11\tKerra\n"; details += "12\tOgre\n"; details += "13\tRatonga\n"; details += "14\tTroll\n"; details += "15\tWood Elf\n"; details += "16\tFae\n"; details += "17\tArasai\n"; details += "18\tSarnak\n"; details += "19\tVampire\n"; details += "20\tAerakyn\n"; client->SendShowBook(client->GetPlayer(), title, 0, 1, details); return; } else if (strncasecmp("class", sep->arg[0], 5) == 0) { string title = "Class ID's"; string details; details += "0\tCOMMONER\n"; details += "1\tFIGHTER\n"; details += "2\tWARRIOR\n"; details += "3\tGUARDIAN\n"; details += "4\tBERSERKER\n"; details += "5\tBRAWLER\n"; details += "6\tMONK\n"; details += "7\tBRUISER\n"; details += "8\tCRUSADER\n"; details += "9\tSHADOWKNIGHT\n"; details += "10\tPALADIN\n"; details += "11\tPRIEST\n"; details += "12\tCLERIC\n"; details += "13\tTEMPLAR\n"; details += "14\tINQUISITOR\n"; details += "15\tDRUID\n"; details += "16\tWARDEN\n"; details += "17\tFURY\n"; details += "18\tSHAMAN\n"; details += "19\tMYSTIC\n"; details += "20\tDEFILER\n"; string details2 = "21\tMAGE\n"; details2 += "22\tSORCERER\n"; details2 += "23\tWIZARD\n"; details2 += "24\tWARLOCK\n"; details2 += "25\tENCHANTER\n"; details2 += "26\tILLUSIONIST\n"; details2 += "27\tCOERCER\n"; details2 += "28\tSUMMONER\n"; details2 += "29\tCONJUROR\n"; details2 += "30\tNECROMANCER\n"; details2 += "31\tSCOUT\n"; details2 += "32\tROGUE\n"; details2 += "33\tSWASHBUCKLER\n"; details2 += "34\tBRIGAND\n"; details2 += "35\tBARD\n"; details2 += "36\tTROUBADOR\n"; details2 += "37\tDIRGE\n"; details2 += "38\tPREDATOR\n"; details2 += "39\tRANGER\n"; details2 += "40\tASSASSIN\n"; string details3 = "\\#FF0000Following aren't implemented yet.\\#000000\n"; details3 += "41\tANIMALIST\n"; details3 += "42\tBEASTLORD\n"; details3 += "43\tSHAPER\n"; details3 += "44\tCHANNELER\n"; client->SendShowBook(client->GetPlayer(), title, 0, 3, details, details2, details3); return; } } else { client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "Bot help is WIP."); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot help race - race id list"); client->SimpleMessage(CHANNEL_COLOR_YELLOW, "/bot help class - class id list"); } }