--[[ Script Name : Spells/Mage/Summoner/Necromancer/Lich.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2020.09.26 05:09:34 Script Purpose : : --]] -- Shapechanges caster into a lich -- Increases power of caster by 3.6% instantly and every 6 seconds -- This effect cannot be critically applied. -- On a hostile spell cast this spell will cast Lich's Siphoning on target of spell. -- Inflicts 72 disease damage on target -- Heals caster for 48 function cast(Caster, Target, Pwr, DmgType, Dmg, HealAmt, Illu) SetIllusion(Target, Illu) AddProc(Target, 5, 100) SpellHeal("Power", Pwr) Say(Caster, "Need % of power and no crits for the spellheal") end function tick(Caster, Target, Pwr, DmgType, Dmg, HealAmt, Illu) SpellHeal("Power", Pwr) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, Pwr, DmgType, Dmg, HealAmt, Illu) Spell = GetSpell(5442, GetSpellTier()) if Type == 5 then SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 0, DmgType) SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 1, Dmg) SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 2, HealAmt) CastCustomSpell(Spell, Target, Target) end end function remove(Caster, Target) ResetIllusion(Target) RemoveProc(Target) end