Contains macros to ease the generation of repetitious code constructs. Repeatedly invoke the specified macro. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() is used to generate the kind of repetitive code that is typical of EDSLs built with Proto. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT(MACRO) is equivalent to: MACRO(1, BOOST_PROTO_typename_A, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a, BOOST_PROTO_ref_a) MACRO(2, BOOST_PROTO_typename_A, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a, BOOST_PROTO_ref_a) ... MACRO(BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, BOOST_PROTO_typename_A, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a, BOOST_PROTO_ref_a) Example: See BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO(). Repeatedly invoke the specified macro. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO() is used to generate the kind of repetitive code that is typical of EDSLs built with Proto. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO(FROM, TO, MACRO) is equivalent to: MACRO(FROM, BOOST_PROTO_typename_A, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a, BOOST_PROTO_ref_a) MACRO(FROM+1, BOOST_PROTO_typename_A, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a, BOOST_PROTO_ref_a) ... MACRO(TO-1, BOOST_PROTO_typename_A, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref, BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a, BOOST_PROTO_ref_a) Example: // Generate BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY-1 overloads of the // following construct() function template. #define M0(N, typename_A, A_const_ref, A_const_ref_a, ref_a) \ template<typename T, typename_A(N)> \ typename proto::result_of::make_expr< \ proto::tag::function \ , construct_helper<T> \ , A_const_ref(N) \ >::type const \ construct(A_const_ref_a(N)) \ { \ return proto::make_expr< \ proto::tag::function \ >( \ construct_helper<T>() \ , ref_a(N) \ ); \ } BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO(1, BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, M0) #undef M0 The above invocation of BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO() will generate the following code: template<typename T, typename A0> typename proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function , construct_helper<T> , A0 const & >::type const construct(A0 const & a0) { return proto::make_expr< proto::tag::function >( construct_helper<T>() , boost::ref(a0) ); } template<typename T, typename A0, typename A1> typename proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function , construct_helper<T> , A0 const & , A1 const & >::type const construct(A0 const & a0, A1 const & a1) { return proto::make_expr< proto::tag::function >( construct_helper<T>() , boost::ref(a0) , boost::ref(a1) ); } // ... and so on, up to BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY-1 arguments ... Repeatedly invoke the specified macro. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_EX() is used to generate the kind of repetitive code that is typical of EDSLs built with Proto. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_EX(MACRO, typename_A, A, A_a, a) is equivalent to: MACRO(1, typename_A, A, A_a, a) MACRO(2, typename_A, A, A_a, a) ... MACRO(BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, typename_A, A, A_a, a) Example: See BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO(). Repeatedly invoke the specified macro. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO_EX() is used to generate the kind of repetitive code that is typical of EDSLs built with Proto. BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO_EX(FROM, TO, MACRO, typename_A, A, A_a, a) is equivalent to: MACRO(FROM, typename_A, A, A_a, a) MACRO(FROM+1, typename_A, A, A_a, a) ... MACRO(TO-1, typename_A, A, A_a, a) Example: See BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT_FROM_TO(). Vertical repetition of a user-supplied macro. BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() is used generate the kind of repetitive code that is typical of EDSLs built with Proto. This macro causes the user-defined macro BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_MACRO() to be expanded with values in the range specified by BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_LIMITS. Usage: #include BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() Example: // Generate BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY-1 overloads of the // following construct() function template. #define BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_MACRO(N, typename_A, A_const_ref, A_const_ref_a, ref_a)\ template<typename T, typename_A(N)> \ typename proto::result_of::make_expr< \ proto::tag::function \ , construct_helper<T> \ , A_const_ref(N) \ >::type const \ construct(A_const_ref_a(N)) \ { \ return proto::make_expr< \ proto::tag::function \ >( \ construct_helper<T>() \ , ref_a(N) \ ); \ } #define BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_LIMITS (1, BOOST_PP_DEC(BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY)) #include BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() The above inclusion of BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() will generate the following code: template<typename T, typename A0> typename proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function , construct_helper<T> , A0 const & >::type const construct(A0 const & a0) { return proto::make_expr< proto::tag::function >( construct_helper<T>() , boost::ref(a0) ); } template<typename T, typename A0, typename A1> typename proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function , construct_helper<T> , A0 const & , A1 const & >::type const construct(A0 const & a0, A1 const & a1) { return proto::make_expr< proto::tag::function >( construct_helper<T>() , boost::ref(a0) , boost::ref(a1) ); } // ... and so on, up to BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY-1 arguments ... If BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_LIMITS is not defined by the user, it defaults to (1, BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY). At each iteration, BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_MACRO() is invoked with the current iteration number and the following 4 macro parameters: BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_typename_A BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_A BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_A_a BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_a If these macros are not defined by the user, they default respectively to: BOOST_PROTO_typename_A BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a BOOST_PROTO_ref_a After including BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE(), the following macros are automatically undefined: BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_MACRO BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_LIMITS BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_typename_A BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_A BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_A_a BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_a Generates sequences like typename A0, typename A1, … typename AN-1 . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_typename_A(N) generates sequences like: typename A0, typename A1, … typename AN-1 Generates sequences like A0 const &, A1 const &, … AN-1 const & . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref(N) generates sequences like: A0 const &, A1 const &, … AN-1 const & Generates sequences like A0 &, A1 &, … AN-1 & . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_A_ref(N) generates sequences like: A0 &, A1 &, … AN-1 & Generates sequences like A0, A1, … AN-1 . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_A(N) generates sequences like: A0, A1, … AN-1 Generates sequences like A0 const, A1 const, … AN-1 const . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_A_const(N) generates sequences like: A0 const, A1 const, … AN-1 const Generates sequences like A0 const & a0, A1 const & a1, … AN-1 const & aN-1 . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_A_const_ref_a(N) generates sequences like: A0 const & a0, A1 const & a1, … AN-1 const & aN-1 Generates sequences like A0 & a0, A1 & a1, … AN-1 & aN-1 . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_A_ref_a(N) generates sequences like: A0 & a0, A1 & a1, … AN-1 & aN-1 Generates sequences like boost::ref(a0), boost::ref(a1), … boost::ref(aN-1) . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_ref_a(N) generates sequences like: boost::ref(a0), boost::ref(a1), … boost::ref(aN-1) Generates sequences like a0, a1, … aN-1 . Intended for use with the BOOST_PROTO_REPEAT() and BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_ITERATE() macros. BOOST_PROTO_a(N) generates sequences like: a0, a1, … aN-1