--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/NorthFreeport/ElmaLowe.lua Script Author : Dorbin Script Date : 2022.06.19 04:06:22 Script Purpose : : --]] require "SpawnScripts/Generic/DialogModule" function spawn(NPC) end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) Dialog1(NPC, Spawn) end function Dialog1(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn) Dialog.AddDialog("Come in. Come in. Welcome to the Jade Tiger's Den, the finest tavern in all of Freeport. Feel free to browse our menu. I personally guarantee that we serve only the highest-quality food and brews. ") Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/elma_lowe/fprt_north/elmalowe000.mp3", 3610495310, 1230069492) Dialog.AddOption("I'll take a look around. ") Dialog.Start() end