--[[ Script Name : ZoneScripts/QueensColony.lua Script Purpose : Location Pop-ups Script Author : John Adams Script Date : 2009.05.07 Script Notes : --]] local WelcomeToNorrath = 133 local TheArtOfCombat = 132 local TheSourceOfEvil = 164 function init_zone_script(Zone) SetLocationProximityFunction(Zone, -13.41, -4.94, 220.74, 20, "OfferQuestLocation", "LeaveLocation") SetLocationProximityFunction(Zone, 152.24, 3.69, -173.34, 15, "BladeMasterLocation", "LeaveLocation") end function OfferQuestLocation (Zone, Player) if not HasQuest(Player, WelcomeToNorrath) and not HasCompletedQuest(Player, WelcomeToNorrath) and not HasQuest(Player, TheArtOfCombat) and not HasCompletedQuest(Player, TheArtOfCombat) then OfferQuest(nil, Player, WelcomeToNorrath) end end function BladeMasterLocation(Zone, Player) if HasQuest(Player, TheSourceOfEvil) and GetQuestStep(Player, TheSourceOfEvil) == 4 then local blade = SpawnMob(Zone, 2530032, false, 154.12, 1.87, -175.74, 349.984) if blade ~= nil then Attack(blade, Player) end end end function LeaveLocation(Zone, Player) end function enter_location(Zone, Player, GridID) if GridID == 771354606 then SendPopUpMessage(Player, "Sunset Meadow", 255, 255, 0) end end function player_entry(Zone, Spawn) AddPlayerMail(Spawn, "EQ2EmulatorDevTeam", "Welcome", "Welcome to EQ2Emulator, this project is currently in Pre-Alpha. We appreciate feedback and bug reports for existing content, and are always looking for additional talent! Thank you for testing and enjoy your stay! -The EQ2EMU Team", 2) SendPopUpMessage(Spawn, "The Queen's Colony", 230, 230, 230) end