--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/OutpostOverlord/evilgoblintent1.lua Script Author : Vo1d Script Date : 2019.10.23 05:10:42 Modified Date : 20.05.2020 Modified by : premierio015 Modified Notes : Now burn all the tunarians around the tent. TODO: Chat shows messages "evil_goblin_tent has killed , should be removed somehow. Tent should have huge fire visual state, according to packet data effect should be applied on "dpo_invisible_cube" object and not on tent widget. --]] local TheFinalAssault = 367 local EvilGoblinTent1 = 2780125 local EvilGoblinTent2 = 2780124 local EvilGoblinTent3 = 2780123 function spawn(NPC) SetRequiredQuest(NPC, TheFinalAssault, 2) SpawnSet(NPC, "show_command_icon", 1) SpawnSet(NPC, "display_hand_icon", 1) end function respawn(NPC) Spawn(NPC) end function casted_on(NPC, Spawn, SpellName) if SpellName == "burn tent" then if CheckTent(Spawn, NPC) == true then if GetQuestStep(Spawn, TheFinalAssault) == 2 then SpawnSetByDistance(NPC, 15, "visual_state", 491) KillSpawnByDistance(NPC, 15, 0, 1) AddStepProgress(Spawn, TheFinalAssault, 2, 1) BurnTent(Spawn, NPC) elseif GetQuestStep(Spawn, TheFinalAssault) == 3 then SetStepComlete(Spawn, TheFinalAssault, 2) else end end end end function BurnTent(Caster, Target) SpawnSet(Target, "show_command_icon", 0) AddTimer(Target, 60000, "enable_command_icon_tent") end function enable_command_icon_tent(NPC, Player) SpawnSet(NPC, "show_command_icon", 1) end function CheckTent(Caster, Target) if GetSpawnID(Target) == EvilGoblinTent1 or GetSpawnID(Target) == EvilGoblinTent2 or GetSpawnID(Target) == EvilGoblinTent3 then return true else return false end end