// // Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/beast // #ifndef BOOST_BEAST_IMPL_FLAT_BUFFER_HPP #define BOOST_BEAST_IMPL_FLAT_BUFFER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace beast { /* Layout: begin_ in_ out_ last_ end_ |<------->|<---------->|<---------->|<------->| | readable | writable | */ template basic_flat_buffer:: ~basic_flat_buffer() { if(! begin_) return; alloc_traits::deallocate( this->get(), begin_, capacity()); } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer() noexcept(default_nothrow) : begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(alloc_traits::max_size( this->get())) { } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer( std::size_t limit) noexcept(default_nothrow) : begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(limit) { } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer(Allocator const& alloc) noexcept : boost::empty_value( boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc) , begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(alloc_traits::max_size( this->get())) { } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer( std::size_t limit, Allocator const& alloc) noexcept : boost::empty_value( boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc) , begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(limit) { } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer(basic_flat_buffer&& other) noexcept : boost::empty_value( boost::empty_init_t{}, std::move(other.get())) , begin_(boost::exchange(other.begin_, nullptr)) , in_(boost::exchange(other.in_, nullptr)) , out_(boost::exchange(other.out_, nullptr)) , last_(boost::exchange(other.last_, nullptr)) , end_(boost::exchange(other.end_, nullptr)) , max_(other.max_) { } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer( basic_flat_buffer&& other, Allocator const& alloc) : boost::empty_value( boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc) { if(this->get() != other.get()) { begin_ = nullptr; in_ = nullptr; out_ = nullptr; last_ = nullptr; end_ = nullptr; max_ = other.max_; copy_from(other); other.clear(); other.shrink_to_fit(); return; } begin_ = other.begin_; in_ = other.in_; out_ = other.out_; last_ = other.out_; // invalidate end_ = other.end_; max_ = other.max_; BOOST_ASSERT( alloc_traits::max_size(this->get()) == alloc_traits::max_size(other.get())); other.begin_ = nullptr; other.in_ = nullptr; other.out_ = nullptr; other.last_ = nullptr; other.end_ = nullptr; } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer(basic_flat_buffer const& other) : boost::empty_value(boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc_traits::select_on_container_copy_construction( other.get())) , begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(other.max_) { copy_from(other); } template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer( basic_flat_buffer const& other, Allocator const& alloc) : boost::empty_value( boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc) , begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(other.max_) { copy_from(other); } template template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer( basic_flat_buffer const& other) noexcept(default_nothrow) : begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(other.max_) { copy_from(other); } template template basic_flat_buffer:: basic_flat_buffer( basic_flat_buffer const& other, Allocator const& alloc) : boost::empty_value( boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc) , begin_(nullptr) , in_(nullptr) , out_(nullptr) , last_(nullptr) , end_(nullptr) , max_(other.max_) { copy_from(other); } template auto basic_flat_buffer:: operator=(basic_flat_buffer&& other) noexcept -> basic_flat_buffer& { if(this == &other) return *this; move_assign(other, pocma{}); return *this; } template auto basic_flat_buffer:: operator=(basic_flat_buffer const& other) -> basic_flat_buffer& { if(this == &other) return *this; copy_assign(other, pocca{}); return *this; } template template auto basic_flat_buffer:: operator=( basic_flat_buffer const& other) -> basic_flat_buffer& { copy_from(other); return *this; } template void basic_flat_buffer:: reserve(std::size_t n) { if(max_ < n) max_ = n; if(n > capacity()) prepare(n - size()); } template void basic_flat_buffer:: shrink_to_fit() { auto const len = size(); if(len == capacity()) return; char* p; if(len > 0) { BOOST_ASSERT(begin_); BOOST_ASSERT(in_); p = alloc(len); std::memcpy(p, in_, len); } else { p = nullptr; } alloc_traits::deallocate( this->get(), begin_, this->capacity()); begin_ = p; in_ = begin_; out_ = begin_ + len; last_ = out_; end_ = out_; } template void basic_flat_buffer:: clear() noexcept { in_ = begin_; out_ = begin_; last_ = begin_; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template auto basic_flat_buffer:: prepare(std::size_t n) -> mutable_buffers_type { auto const len = size(); if(len > max_ || n > (max_ - len)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::length_error{ "basic_flat_buffer too long"}); if(n <= dist(out_, end_)) { // existing capacity is sufficient last_ = out_ + n; return{out_, n}; } if(n <= capacity() - len) { // after a memmove, // existing capacity is sufficient if(len > 0) { BOOST_ASSERT(begin_); BOOST_ASSERT(in_); std::memmove(begin_, in_, len); } in_ = begin_; out_ = in_ + len; last_ = out_ + n; return {out_, n}; } // allocate a new buffer auto const new_size = (std::min)( max_, (std::max)(2 * len, len + n)); auto const p = alloc(new_size); if(begin_) { BOOST_ASSERT(p); BOOST_ASSERT(in_); std::memcpy(p, in_, len); alloc_traits::deallocate( this->get(), begin_, capacity()); } begin_ = p; in_ = begin_; out_ = in_ + len; last_ = out_ + n; end_ = begin_ + new_size; return {out_, n}; } template void basic_flat_buffer:: consume(std::size_t n) noexcept { if(n >= dist(in_, out_)) { in_ = begin_; out_ = begin_; return; } in_ += n; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template template void basic_flat_buffer:: copy_from( basic_flat_buffer const& other) { std::size_t const n = other.size(); if(n == 0 || n > capacity()) { if(begin_ != nullptr) { alloc_traits::deallocate( this->get(), begin_, this->capacity()); begin_ = nullptr; in_ = nullptr; out_ = nullptr; last_ = nullptr; end_ = nullptr; } if(n == 0) return; begin_ = alloc(n); in_ = begin_; out_ = begin_ + n; last_ = begin_ + n; end_ = begin_ + n; } in_ = begin_; out_ = begin_ + n; last_ = begin_ + n; if(begin_) { BOOST_ASSERT(other.begin_); std::memcpy(begin_, other.in_, n); } } template void basic_flat_buffer:: move_assign(basic_flat_buffer& other, std::true_type) { clear(); shrink_to_fit(); this->get() = std::move(other.get()); begin_ = other.begin_; in_ = other.in_; out_ = other.out_; last_ = out_; end_ = other.end_; max_ = other.max_; other.begin_ = nullptr; other.in_ = nullptr; other.out_ = nullptr; other.last_ = nullptr; other.end_ = nullptr; } template void basic_flat_buffer:: move_assign(basic_flat_buffer& other, std::false_type) { if(this->get() != other.get()) { copy_from(other); other.clear(); other.shrink_to_fit(); } else { move_assign(other, std::true_type{}); } } template void basic_flat_buffer:: copy_assign(basic_flat_buffer const& other, std::true_type) { max_ = other.max_; this->get() = other.get(); copy_from(other); } template void basic_flat_buffer:: copy_assign(basic_flat_buffer const& other, std::false_type) { clear(); shrink_to_fit(); max_ = other.max_; copy_from(other); } template void basic_flat_buffer:: swap(basic_flat_buffer& other) { swap(other, typename alloc_traits::propagate_on_container_swap{}); } template void basic_flat_buffer:: swap(basic_flat_buffer& other, std::true_type) { using std::swap; swap(this->get(), other.get()); swap(max_, other.max_); swap(begin_, other.begin_); swap(in_, other.in_); swap(out_, other.out_); last_ = this->out_; other.last_ = other.out_; swap(end_, other.end_); } template void basic_flat_buffer:: swap(basic_flat_buffer& other, std::false_type) { BOOST_ASSERT(this->get() == other.get()); using std::swap; swap(max_, other.max_); swap(begin_, other.begin_); swap(in_, other.in_); swap(out_, other.out_); last_ = this->out_; other.last_ = other.out_; swap(end_, other.end_); } template void swap( basic_flat_buffer& lhs, basic_flat_buffer& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); } template char* basic_flat_buffer:: alloc(std::size_t n) { if(n > alloc_traits::max_size(this->get())) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::length_error( "A basic_flat_buffer exceeded the allocator's maximum size")); return alloc_traits::allocate(this->get(), n); } } // beast } // boost #endif