//[example_output >example --report_level=detailed Running 3 test cases... test.cpp(8): error in "test_case1": some error 1 test.cpp(23): error in "test_case2": some error 2 Test suite "example" failed with: 1 assertion out of 3 passed 2 assertions out of 3 failed 1 test case out of 3 passed 2 test cases out of 3 failed Test suite "test_suite" failed with: 2 assertions out of 2 failed 2 test cases out of 2 failed Test case "test_case1" failed with: 1 assertion out of 1 failed Test case "test_case2" failed with: 1 assertion out of 1 failed Test case "test_case_on_file_scope" passed with: 1 assertion out of 1 passed //]