//[example_output # content of the file > more test_file.txt 10.2 30.4 10.3 30.2 15.987984 15.9992 15.997984 15.9962 # Example run 1 > runtime_configuration4 --log_level=all -- --test-file test_file.txt Running 2 test cases... Entering test module "runtime_configuration4" test.cpp:107: Entering test suite "command_line_test_file" test.cpp:107: Entering test case "_0" test.cpp:108: info: check input <= expected has passed Assertion occurred in a following context: input = 15.9879837; expected = 15.9991999; test.cpp:107: Leaving test case "_0"; testing time: 433us test.cpp:107: Entering test case "_1" test.cpp:108: error: in "command_line_test_file/_1": check input <= expected has failed [15.9979839 > 15.9961996] Failure occurred in a following context: input = 15.9979839; expected = 15.9961996; test.cpp:107: Leaving test case "_1"; testing time: 114us test.cpp:107: Leaving test suite "command_line_test_file"; testing time: 616us Leaving test module "runtime_configuration4"; testing time: 881us *** 1 failure is detected in the test module "runtime_configuration4" # Example run 2 > runtime_configuration4 --log_level=all -- --test-file non-existant.txt Test setup error: Cannot open the file 'non-existant.txt' # Example run 3 > runtime_configuration4 --log_level=all Test setup error: Incorrect number of arguments //]