--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/EchoesOfTimeEpic/KingZalaktheAncient.lua Script Purpose : King Zalak the Ancient in Echoes of Time: Epic Script Author : alfa24t Script Date : 03/09/2022 Boss Mechanics : Boss periodically call Royal Patriarch that can spawn in 3 different spot. If Royal P come near Zalak it cast AOE on raid and heal Zalak Buff UnholyBlessing -- 90195 InnoruuksCaress -- 90130 Spell Grave Sacrament III -- 90105 SiphonStrength -- 90174 --]] buffs = {90195, 90130} spells = {90105,90174} groupspawn = {365523, 365519, 365524, 365521, 365522} --need to remove 365520 from zone spwns adds = {365525, 365526, 133772501, 133772502, 133772503, 133772504, 133772505, 133772506, 133772507} function spawn(NPC) AddTimer(NPC, 1500, "spellbuffloop") end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) end function hailed_busy(NPC, Spawn) end function casted_on(NPC, Spawn, Message) end function targeted(NPC, Spawn) end function attacked(NPC, Spawn) end function aggro(NPC, Spawn) AddTimer(NPC, math.random(15000, 25000), "spellattackloop") AddTimer(NPC, 30000, "addsloop") end function spellbuffloop(NPC, Spawn) -- Loopback function for spellcasts. if IsAlive(NPC) then CastSpell(NPC, buffs[math.random(#buffs)], 3, NPC) AddTimer(NPC, math.random(15000, 25000), "spellbuffloop") end end function spellattackloop(NPC, Spawn) -- Loopback function for spellcasts. if IsAlive(NPC) then if IsInCombat(NPC) then local hated = GetMostHated(NPC) if hated ~= nil then FaceTarget(NPC, hated) CastSpell(hated, spells[math.random(#spells)], 3, NPC) end AddTimer(NPC, math.random(15000, 25000), "spellattackloop") end end end function addsloop(NPC, Spawn) zone = GetZone(NPC) if IsAlive(NPC) then if IsInCombat(NPC) then Shout(NPC, "Royal Patriarchs come aid your king!") SpawnByLocationID(zone, adds[math.random(#adds)]) SpawnByLocationID(zone, adds[math.random(#adds)]) SpawnByLocationID(zone, adds[math.random(#adds)]) AddTimer(NPC, 30000, "addsloop") end end end function healthchanged(NPC, Spawn) end function auto_attack_tick(NPC, Spawn) end function death(NPC, Spawn) --StopTimer(NPC, "spellbuffloop") --StopTimer(NPC, "spellattackloop") --StopTimer(NPC, "addsloop") for k,v in ipairs(adds) do if IsAlive(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v)) then Despawn(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v), 1) end end end function killed(NPC, Spawn) --StopTimer(NPC, "spellbuffloop") --StopTimer(NPC, "spellattackloop") --StopTimer(NPC, "addsloop") for k,v in ipairs(adds) do if IsAlive(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v)) then Despawn(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v), 1) end end end function CombatReset(NPC) --StopTimer(NPC, "spellbuffloop") --StopTimer(NPC, "spellattackloop") --StopTimer(NPC, "addsloop") local zone = GetZone(NPC) for k,v in ipairs(adds) do if IsAlive(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v)) then Despawn(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v), 1) end end for k,v in ipairs(groupspawn) do if IsAlive(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v)) then Despawn(GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, v), 1) end end SpawnGroupByID(zone, 9116) Despawn(NPC) end function randomchat(NPC, Message) end