--[[ Script Name : Spells/Mage/Summoner/Conjuror/Stoneskin.lua Script Author : John Adams Script Date : 2013.08.11 08:08:54 Script Purpose : : --]] function cast(Caster, Target) -- code to cast the spell AddWard(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3) -- Info from spell_display_effects (remove from script when done) -- Will absorb all damage. This spell will absorb a total of 3 attacks. -- Applies Settle. -- Decreases Threat to targets in Area of Effect by 694 -- Must be engaged in combat end function tick(Caster, Target) -- code to process each call_frequency (tick) set in spell_tiers end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveWard() -- code to remove the spell end