/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. */ #include "../common/debug.h" #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/unix.h" #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 extern int errno; #endif #include "../common/servertalk.h" #include "LWorld.h" #include "net.h" #include "client.h" #include "../common/packet_dump.h" #include "login_opcodes.h" #include "login_structs.h" #include "LoginDatabase.h" #include "PacketHeaders.h" #include "../common/ConfigReader.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define snprintf _snprintf #define vsnprintf _vsnprintf #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #define strcasecmp _stricmp #endif extern ClientList client_list; extern NetConnection net; extern LWorldList world_list; extern LoginDatabase database; extern ConfigReader configReader; extern volatile bool RunLoops; #include "../common/Log.h" using namespace std; LWorld::LWorld(TCPConnection* in_con, bool in_OutgoingLoginUplink, int32 iIP, int16 iPort, bool iNeverKick) { Link = in_con; RemoteID = 0; LinkWorldID = 0; if (iIP) ip = iIP; else ip = in_con->GetrIP(); if (iPort) port = iPort; else port = in_con->GetrPort(); ID = 0; pClientPort = 0; memset(account, 0, sizeof(account)); memset(address, 0, sizeof(address)); memset(worldname, 0, sizeof(worldname)); status = 0; accountid = 0; admin_id = 0; IsInit = false; kicked = false; pNeverKick = iNeverKick; pPlaceholder = false; pshowdown = false; pConnected = in_con->Connected(); pReconnectTimer = 0; pStatsTimer = NULL; isAuthenticated = false; if (in_OutgoingLoginUplink) { pClientPort = port; ptype = Login; OutgoingUplink = true; if (net.GetLoginMode() == Mesh) { pReconnectTimer = new Timer(INTERSERVER_TIMER); pReconnectTimer->Trigger(); } } else { ptype = UnknownW; OutgoingUplink = false; } struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); strcpy(address, inet_ntoa(in)); isaddressip = true; num_players = 0; num_zones = 0; } LWorld::LWorld(int32 in_accountid, char* in_accountname, char* in_worldname, int32 in_admin_id) { pPlaceholder = true; Link = 0; ip = 0; port = 0; ID = 0; pClientPort = 0; memset(account, 0, sizeof(account)); memset(address, 0, sizeof(address)); memset(worldname, 0, sizeof(worldname)); status = 0; accountid = in_accountid; admin_id = in_admin_id; IsInit = false; kicked = false; pNeverKick = false; pshowdown = true; RemoteID = 0; LinkWorldID = 0; OutgoingUplink = false; pReconnectTimer = 0; pConnected = false; pStatsTimer = NULL; ptype = World; strcpy(account, in_accountname); strcpy(worldname, in_worldname); strcpy(address, "none"); isaddressip = true; num_players = 0; num_zones = 0; } LWorld::LWorld(TCPConnection* in_RemoteLink, int32 in_ip, int32 in_RemoteID, int32 in_accountid, char* in_accountname, char* in_worldname, char* in_address, sint32 in_status, int32 in_adminid, bool in_showdown, int8 in_authlevel, bool in_placeholder, int32 iLinkWorldID) { Link = in_RemoteLink; RemoteID = in_RemoteID; LinkWorldID = iLinkWorldID; ip = in_ip; port = 0; ID = 0; pClientPort = 0; memset(account, 0, sizeof(account)); memset(address, 0, sizeof(address)); memset(worldname, 0, sizeof(worldname)); status = in_status; accountid = in_accountid; admin_id = in_adminid; IsInit = true; kicked = false; pNeverKick = false; pPlaceholder = in_placeholder; pshowdown = in_showdown; OutgoingUplink = false; pReconnectTimer = 0; pConnected = true; pStatsTimer = NULL; ptype = World; strcpy(account, in_accountname); strcpy(worldname, in_worldname); strcpy(address, in_address); isaddressip = false; num_players = 0; num_zones = 0; } LWorld::~LWorld() { safe_delete ( pStatsTimer ); num_zones = 0; num_players = 0; database.UpdateWorldServerStats(this, -4); if (ptype == World && RemoteID == 0) { if (net.GetLoginMode() != Mesh || (!pPlaceholder && IsInit)) { ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_WorldListRemove, sizeof(int32)); *((int32*) pack->pBuffer) = GetID(); world_list.SendPacketLogin(pack); delete pack; } } if (Link != 0 && RemoteID == 0) { world_list.RemoveByLink(Link, 0, this); if (OutgoingUplink) delete Link; else Link->Free(); } Link = 0; safe_delete(pReconnectTimer); world_list.RemoveByID ( this->GetID ( ) ); } bool LWorld::Process() { bool ret = true; if (Link == 0) return true; if (Link->Connected()) { if (!pConnected) { pConnected = true; } } else { pConnected = false; if (pReconnectTimer) { if (pReconnectTimer->Check() && Link->ConnectReady()) { pReconnectTimer->Start(pReconnectTimer->GetTimerTime() + (rand()%15000), false); } return true; } return false; } if (RemoteID != 0) return true; if(pStatsTimer && pStatsTimer->Check()) database.UpdateWorldServerStats(this, GetStatus()); ServerPacket* pack = 0; while (ret && (pack = Link->PopPacket())) { // this stops connections from sending invalid packets without first authenticating // with the login server to show it is a legit server if(!isAuthenticated && pack->opcode != ServerOP_LSInfo) { Kick("This connection has not authenticated."); break; } switch(pack->opcode) { case 0: break; case ServerOP_KeepAlive: { // ignore this break; } case ServerOP_LSFatalError: { net.Uplink_WrongVersion = true; ret = false; kicked = true; break; } case ServerOP_CharacterCreate: { WorldCharNameFilterResponse_Struct* wcnfr = (WorldCharNameFilterResponse_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; Client* client = client_list.FindByLSID(wcnfr->account_id); if(!client){ if(wcnfr->account_id == 0){ client_list.FindByCreateRequest(); } break; } if(wcnfr->response == 1) { client->CharacterApproved(GetID(),wcnfr->char_id); } else { client->CharacterRejected(wcnfr->response); } break; } case ServerOP_UsertoWorldReq: { UsertoWorldRequest_Struct* ustwr = (UsertoWorldRequest_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (ustwr->ToID) { LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(ustwr->ToID); if (!world) { break; } if (this->GetType() != Login) { break; } ustwr->FromID = this->GetID(); world->SendPacket(pack); } break; } case ServerOP_UsertoWorldResp: { if (pack->size != sizeof(UsertoWorldResponse_Struct)) break; UsertoWorldResponse_Struct* seps = (UsertoWorldResponse_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (seps->ToID) { LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(seps->ToID); if (world) { seps->ToID = world->GetRemoteID(); world->SendPacket(pack); } } else { Client* client = 0; client = client_list.FindByLSID(seps->lsaccountid); if(client == 0) break; if(this->GetID() != seps->worldid && this->GetType() != Login) break; client->WorldResponse(GetID(),seps->response, seps->ip_address, seps->port, seps->access_key); } break; } case ServerOP_CharTimeStamp: { // This is being sent to synch a new timestamp on the login server if(pack->size != sizeof(CharacterTimeStamp_Struct)) break; CharacterTimeStamp_Struct* cts = (CharacterTimeStamp_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if(!database.UpdateCharacterTimeStamp(cts->account_id,cts->char_id,cts->unix_timestamp,GetAccountID())) printf("TimeStamp update error with character id %i of account id %i on server %i\n",cts->char_id,cts->account_id,GetAccountID()); //Todo: Synch with the other login servers break; } case ServerOP_GetTableData:{ Kick("This is not an update server, update your LoginServer.ini file."); break; } case ServerOP_GetTableQuery:{ Kick("This is not an update server, update your LoginServer.ini file."); break; } case ServerOP_GetLatestTables:{ Kick("This is not an update server, update your LoginServer.ini file."); break; } case ServerOP_ZoneUpdate:{ if(pack->size > CHARZONESTRUCT_MAXSIZE) break; CharZoneUpdate_Struct* czu = (CharZoneUpdate_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; database.UpdateCharacterZone(czu->account_id, czu->char_id, czu->zone_id, GetAccountID()); break; } case ServerOP_RaceUpdate: { if(pack->size != sizeof(RaceUpdate_Struct)) break; RaceUpdate_Struct* ru = (RaceUpdate_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; database.UpdateCharacterRace(ru->account_id , ru->char_id , ru->model_type , ru->race , this->GetAccountID ( )); break; } case ServerOP_BasicCharUpdate: { if(pack->size != sizeof(CharDataUpdate_Struct)) break; CharDataUpdate_Struct* cdu = (CharDataUpdate_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; switch(cdu->update_field) { case LEVEL_UPDATE_FLAG: { database.UpdateCharacterLevel(cdu->account_id,cdu->char_id,cdu->update_data,this->GetAccountID()); break; } case CLASS_UPDATE_FLAG: { database.UpdateCharacterClass(cdu->account_id,cdu->char_id,cdu->update_data,this->GetAccountID()); break; } case GENDER_UPDATE_FLAG: { database.UpdateCharacterGender(cdu->account_id,cdu->char_id,cdu->update_data,this->GetAccountID()); break; } case DELETE_UPDATE_FLAG: { if(cdu->update_field == 1) database.DeleteCharacter(cdu->account_id,cdu->char_id,this->GetAccountID()); break; } } break; } case ServerOP_LSInfo: { if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerLSInfo_Struct)) { this->Kick(ERROR_BADVERSION); ret = false; struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); } else { ServerLSInfo_Struct* lsi = (ServerLSInfo_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (strcmp(lsi->protocolversion, EQEMU_PROTOCOL_VERSION) != 0 || !database.CheckVersion(lsi->serverversion)) { this->Kick(ERROR_BADVERSION); ret = false; struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); } else if (!SetupWorld(lsi->name, lsi->address, lsi->account, lsi->password, lsi->serverversion)) { this->Kick(ERROR_BADPASSWORD); ret = false; struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); } else{ isAuthenticated = true; devel_server = (lsi->servertype == 4); } } break; } case ServerOP_LSStatus: { ServerLSStatus_Struct* lss = (ServerLSStatus_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if(lss->num_players > 5000 || lss->num_zones > 500) { this->Kick("Your server has exceeded a number of players and/or zone limit."); ret = false; break; } UpdateStatus(lss->status, lss->num_players, lss->num_zones); break; } case ServerOP_SystemwideMessage: { if (this->GetType() == Login) { // no looping plz =p //world_list.SendPacket(pack, this); } else if (this->GetType() == Chat) { world_list.SendPacket(pack); } else { } break; } case ServerOP_ListWorlds: { if (pack->size <= 1 || pack->pBuffer[pack->size - 1] != 0) { break; } world_list.SendWorldStatus(this, (char*) pack->pBuffer); break; } case ServerOP_WorldListUpdate: { if (this->GetType() != Login) { break; } if (pack->size != sizeof(ServerSyncWorldList_Struct)) { break; } ServerSyncWorldList_Struct* sswls = (ServerSyncWorldList_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (!CheckServerName(sswls->name)) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = sswls->ip; break; // Someone needs to tell the other login server to update it's exe! } LWorld* world = world_list.FindByLink(this->Link, sswls->RemoteID); if (world) { world->SetRemoteInfo(sswls->ip, sswls->accountid, sswls->account, sswls->name, sswls->address, sswls->status, sswls->adminid, sswls->num_players, sswls->num_zones); } else { world = world_list.FindByAccount(sswls->accountid, World); if (world == 0 || sswls->placeholder == false) { if (world) { #ifdef _DEBUG cout << "Kick(" << world->GetID() << ") in ServerOP_WorldListUpdate" << endl; #endif world->Kick(); } world = new LWorld(this->Link, sswls->ip, sswls->RemoteID, sswls->accountid, sswls->account, sswls->name, sswls->address, sswls->status, sswls->adminid, sswls->showdown, sswls->authlevel, sswls->placeholder, this->GetID()); LWorld* world2=world_list.FindByID(sswls->RemoteID); if(!world2) world_list.Add(world); } } sswls->RemoteID = world->GetID(); if (net.GetLoginMode() != Mesh) world_list.SendPacketLogin(pack, this); cout << "Got world update for '" << sswls->name << "', #" << world->GetID() << endl; break; } case ServerOP_WorldListRemove: { if (this->GetType() != Login) { // cout << "Error: ServerOP_WorldListRemove from a non-login connection? WTF!" << endl; break; } if (pack->size != sizeof(int32)) { // cout << "Wrong size on ServerOP_WorldListRemove. Got: " << pack->size << ", Expected: " << sizeof(int32) << endl; break; } cout << "Got world remove for remote #" << *((int32*) pack->pBuffer) << endl; if ((*((int32*) pack->pBuffer)) > 0) { LWorld* world = world_list.FindByLink(this->GetLink(), *((int32*) pack->pBuffer)); if (world && world->GetRemoteID() != 0) { *((int32*) pack->pBuffer) = world->GetID(); if (net.GetLoginMode() != Mesh) world_list.SendPacketLogin(pack, this); world_list.RemoveByID(*((int32*) pack->pBuffer)); } } else { // cout << "Error: ServerOP_WorldListRemove: ID = 0? ops!" << endl; } break; } case ServerOP_TriggerWorldListRefresh: { world_list.UpdateWorldList(); if (net.GetLoginMode() != Mesh) world_list.SendPacketLogin(pack, this); break; } case ServerOP_ZoneUpdates:{ pack->Inflate(); ZoneUpdateList_Struct* updates = 0; if(pack->size >= sizeof(ZoneUpdateList_Struct) && ((ZoneUpdateList_Struct*)pack->pBuffer)->total_updates <= MAX_UPDATE_COUNT){ updates = (ZoneUpdateList_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; ZoneUpdate_Struct* zone = 0; int32 pos = sizeof(ZoneUpdateList_Struct); sint16 num_updates = 0; map zone_updates; LoginZoneUpdate update; while(pos < pack->size && num_updates < updates->total_updates){ zone = (ZoneUpdate_Struct*)(pack->pBuffer+pos); if((pos + zone->zone_name_length + zone->zone_desc_length + sizeof(ZoneUpdate_Struct)) <= pack->size){ update.name = string(zone->data, zone->zone_name_length); update.description = string(zone->data + zone->zone_name_length, zone->zone_desc_length); pos += sizeof(ZoneUpdate_Struct) + zone->zone_name_length + zone->zone_desc_length; num_updates++; zone_updates[zone->zone_id] = update; } else break; } if(zone_updates.size() == updates->total_updates) world_list.AddServerZoneUpdates(this, zone_updates); else cout << "Error processing zone updates for server: " << GetAccount() << endl; } else Kick("Possible Hacking Attempt"); break; } case ServerOP_BugReport:{ if(pack->size == sizeof(BugReport)){ BugReport* report = (BugReport*)pack->pBuffer; database.SaveBugReport(GetAccountID(), report->category, report->subcategory, report->causes_crash, report->reproducible, report->summary, report->description, report->version, report->player, report->account_id, report->spawn_name, report->spawn_id, report->zone_id); } break; } case ServerOP_EncapPacket: { if (this->GetType() != Login) { // cout << "Error: ServerOP_EncapPacket from a non-login connection? WTF!" << endl; break; } ServerEncapPacket_Struct* seps = (ServerEncapPacket_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; if (seps->ToID == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // Broadcast ServerPacket* inpack = new ServerPacket(seps->opcode); inpack->size = seps->size; // Little trick here to save a memcpy, be careful if you change this any inpack->pBuffer = seps->data; world_list.SendPacketLocal(inpack, this); inpack->pBuffer = 0; delete inpack; } else { LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(seps->ToID); if (world) { ServerPacket* inpack = new ServerPacket(seps->opcode); inpack->size = seps->size; // Little trick here to save a memcpy, be careful if you change this any inpack->pBuffer = seps->data; world->SendPacket(inpack); inpack->pBuffer = 0; delete inpack; } } if (net.GetLoginMode() != Mesh) world_list.SendPacketLogin(pack, this); break; } default: { cout << "Unknown LoginSOPcode: 0x" << hex << (int)pack->opcode << dec; cout << " size:" << pack->size << " from " << GetAccount() << endl; DumpPacket(pack->pBuffer, pack->size); //Kick("Possible Hacking Attempt"); break; } } delete pack; } return ret; } void LWorld::SendPacket(ServerPacket* pack) { if (Link == 0) return; if (RemoteID) { ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_EncapPacket, sizeof(ServerEncapPacket_Struct) + pack->size); ServerEncapPacket_Struct* seps = (ServerEncapPacket_Struct*) outpack->pBuffer; seps->ToID = RemoteID; seps->opcode = pack->opcode; seps->size = pack->size; memcpy(seps->data, pack->pBuffer, pack->size); Link->SendPacket(outpack); delete outpack; } else { Link->SendPacket(pack); } } void LWorld::Message(char* to, char* message, ...) { va_list argptr; char buffer[256]; va_start(argptr, message); vsnprintf(buffer, 256, message, argptr); va_end(argptr); ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_EmoteMessage, sizeof(ServerEmoteMessage_Struct) + strlen(buffer) + 1); ServerEmoteMessage_Struct* sem = (ServerEmoteMessage_Struct*) pack->pBuffer; strcpy(sem->to, to); strcpy(sem->message, buffer); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; } void LWorld::Kick(char* message, bool iSetKickedFlag) { if (iSetKickedFlag) kicked = true; if (message) { ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_LSFatalError, strlen(message) + 1); strcpy((char*) pack->pBuffer, message); SendPacket(pack); delete pack; } if (Link && GetRemoteID() == 0) Link->Disconnect(); } bool LWorld::CheckServerName(char* name) { if (strlen(name) < 10) return false; for (int i=0; i= 'a' && name[i] <= 'z') || (name[i] >= 'A' && name[i] <= 'Z') || (name[i] >= '0' && name[i] <= '9') || name[i] == ' ' || name[i] == '\'' || name[i] == '-' || name[i] == '(' || name[i] == ')' || name[i] == '[' || name[i] == ']' || name[i] == '/' || name[i] == '.' || name[i] == ',' || name[i] == '_' || name[i] == '+' || name[i] == '=' || name[i] == ':' || name[i] == '~')) return false; } return true; } bool LWorld::SetupWorld(char* in_worldname, char* in_worldaddress, char* in_account, char* in_password, char* in_version) { if (strlen(in_worldaddress) > 3) { isaddressip = false; strcpy(address, in_worldaddress); } if (strlen(in_worldname) > 3) { int32 id = database.CheckServerAccount(in_account, in_password); if(id == 0) return false; LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(id); if(world) world->Kick("Ghost Kick!"); ID = id; accountid = id; char* name = database.GetServerAccountName(id); if(name) snprintf(worldname, (sizeof(worldname)) - 1, "%s", name); else{ //failed to get account account[0] = 0; IsInit = false; this->Kick ( "Could not load server information." ); return false; } //world_list.KickGhostIP(GetIP(), this); account[0] = 0; IsInit = true; ptype = World; world_list.SendWorldChanged(id, true); } else { // name too short account[0] = 0; IsInit = false; return false; } pStatsTimer = new Timer ( 60000 ); pStatsTimer->Start ( 60000 ); return true; } void LWorldList::SendWorldChanged(int32 server_id, bool sendtoallclients, Client* sendto){ EQ2Packet* outapp = new EQ2Packet(OP_WorldStatusChangeMsg, 0, sizeof(LS_WorldStatusChanged)); LS_WorldStatusChanged* world_changed = (LS_WorldStatusChanged*)outapp->pBuffer; world_changed->server_id = server_id; LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(server_id); if(!world || world->ShowDown()) world_changed->up = 0; else world_changed->up = 1; if(sendtoallclients || sendto == 0) client_list.SendPacketToAllClients(outapp); else sendto->QueuePacket(outapp); world_list.SetUpdateServerList(true); } void LWorld::UpdateWorldList(LWorld* to) { world_list.SetUpdateServerList( true ); } void LWorld::ChangeToPlaceholder() { ip = 0; status = -1; pPlaceholder = true; if (Link != 0 && RemoteID == 0) { Link->Disconnect(); } UpdateWorldList(); } void LWorld::SetRemoteInfo(int32 in_ip, int32 in_accountid, char* in_account, char* in_name, char* in_address, int32 in_status, int32 in_adminid, sint32 in_players, sint32 in_zones) { ip = in_ip; accountid = in_accountid; strcpy(account, in_account); strcpy(worldname, in_name); strcpy(address, in_address); status = in_status; admin_id = in_adminid; num_players = in_players; num_zones = in_zones; } LWorldList::LWorldList() { server_update_thread = true; NextID = 1; tcplistener = new TCPServer(net.GetPort(), true); if (net.GetLoginMode() == Slave) OutLink = new TCPConnection(true); else OutLink = 0; ServerListData = NULL; UpdateServerList = true; #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(ServerUpdateLoop, 0, this); #else pthread_t thread; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &ServerUpdateLoop, this); #endif } LWorldList::~LWorldList() { server_update_thread = false; while(!server_update_thread){ Sleep(100); } safe_delete(tcplistener); safe_delete(OutLink); } void LWorldList::Shutdown() { LinkedListIterator iterator(list); iterator.Reset(); while(iterator.MoreElements()) { iterator.RemoveCurrent ( ); } safe_delete(tcplistener); } void LWorldList::Add(LWorld* worldserver) { LWorld* worldExist = FindByID(worldserver->GetID ( ) ); if( worldExist ) { worldExist->Kick(); MWorldMap.writelock(); worldmap.erase(worldExist->GetID()); MWorldMap.releasewritelock(); safe_delete(worldExist); } MWorldMap.writelock(); worldmap[worldserver->GetID()] = worldserver; MWorldMap.releasewritelock(); database.ResetWorldServerStatsConnectedTime(worldserver); database.UpdateWorldIPAddress(worldserver->GetID(), worldserver->GetIP()); } void LWorldList::AddInitiateWorld ( LWorld* world ) { list.Insert ( world ); } void LWorldList::KickGhostIP(int32 ip, LWorld* NotMe, int16 iClientPort) { if (ip == 0) return; map::iterator map_list; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++ ) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (!world->IsKicked() && world->GetIP() == ip && world != NotMe) { if ((iClientPort == 0 && world->GetType() == World) || (iClientPort != 0 && world->GetClientPort() == iClientPort)) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = world->GetIP(); // cout << "Removing GhostIP LWorld(" << world->GetID() << ") from ip: " << inet_ntoa(in) << " port: " << (int16)(world->GetPort()); if (!world->Connected()) // cout << " (it wasnt connected)"; // cout << endl; if (NotMe) { in.s_addr = NotMe->GetIP(); cout << "NotMe(" << NotMe->GetID() << ") = " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << NotMe->GetPort() << " (" << NotMe->GetClientPort() << ")" << endl; } world->Kick("Ghost IP kick"); } } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); } void LWorldList::KickGhost(ConType in_type, int32 in_accountid, LWorld* ButNotMe) { map::iterator map_list; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++ ) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (!world->IsKicked() && world->GetType() == in_type && world != ButNotMe && (in_accountid == 0 || world->GetAccountID() == in_accountid)) { if (world->GetIP() != 0) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = world->GetIP(); // cout << "Removing GhostAcc LWorld(" << world->GetID() << ") from ip: " << inet_ntoa(in) << " port: " << (int16)(world->GetPort()) << endl; } if (world->GetType() == Login && world->IsOutgoingUplink()) { world->Kick("Ghost Acc Kick", false); // cout << "softkick" << endl; } else world->Kick("Ghost Acc Kick"); } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); } void LWorldList::UpdateWorldStats(){ map::iterator map_list; MWorldMap.readlock(); for(map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if(world && world->GetAccountID() > 0) database.UpdateWorldServerStats(world, world->GetStatus()); } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); } void LWorldList::Process() { TCPConnection* newtcp = 0; LWorld* newworld = 0; LinkedListIterator iterator(list); iterator.Reset(); while(iterator.MoreElements()) { if(iterator.GetData( )->GetID ( ) > 0 ) { LWorld* world = iterator.GetData ( ); iterator.RemoveCurrent ( false ); Add( world ); } else { if(! iterator.GetData ( )->Process ( ) ) iterator.RemoveCurrent ( ); else iterator.Advance(); } } while ((newtcp = tcplistener->NewQueuePop())) { newworld = new LWorld(newtcp); newworld->SetID(0); AddInitiateWorld(newworld); struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = newtcp->GetrIP(); LogWrite(LOGIN__INFO, 0, "Login", "New Server connection: %s port %i", inet_ntoa(in), ntohs(newtcp->GetrPort())); net.numservers++; net.UpdateWindowTitle(); } map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); ) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; int32 account_id = world->GetAccountID(); if (world->IsKicked() && !world->IsNeverKick()) { map_list++; worldmap.erase ( account_id ); net.numservers--; net.UpdateWindowTitle(); safe_delete ( world ); continue; } else if (!world->Process()) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = world->GetIP(); if (world->GetAccountID() == 0 || !(world->ShowDown()) || world->GetType() == Chat) { map_list++; worldmap.erase ( account_id ); net.numservers--; net.UpdateWindowTitle(); if(account_id > 0){ LWorld* world2 = FindByID(account_id); if(world2) world2->ShowDownActive(true); } SendWorldChanged(account_id, true); safe_delete ( world ); continue; } else { world->ChangeToPlaceholder(); } } map_list++; } } // Sends packet to all World and Chat servers, local and remote (but not to remote login server's ::Process()) void LWorldList::SendPacket(ServerPacket* pack, LWorld* butnotme) { map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (world != butnotme) { if (world->GetType() == Login) { ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_EncapPacket, sizeof(ServerEncapPacket_Struct) + pack->size); ServerEncapPacket_Struct* seps = (ServerEncapPacket_Struct*) outpack->pBuffer; seps->ToID = 0xFFFFFFFF; seps->opcode = pack->opcode; seps->size = pack->size; memcpy(seps->data, pack->pBuffer, pack->size); world->SendPacket(outpack); delete outpack; } else if (world->GetRemoteID() == 0) { world->SendPacket(pack); } } } } // Sends a packet to every local TCP Connection, all types void LWorldList::SendPacketLocal(ServerPacket* pack, LWorld* butnotme) { map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (world != butnotme && world->GetRemoteID() == 0) { world->SendPacket(pack); } } } // Sends the packet to all login servers void LWorldList::SendPacketLogin(ServerPacket* pack, LWorld* butnotme) { map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++ ) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (world != butnotme && world->GetType() == Login) { world->SendPacket(pack); } } } void LWorldList::UpdateWorldList(LWorld* to) { map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (net.GetLoginMode() != Mesh || world->GetRemoteID() == 0) world->UpdateWorldList(to); } } LWorld* LWorldList::FindByID(int32 LWorldID) { if(worldmap.count(LWorldID) > 0) return worldmap[LWorldID]; return 0; } LWorld* LWorldList::FindByIP(int32 ip) { map::iterator map_list; LWorld* world = 0; LWorld* ret = 0; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { world = map_list->second; if (world->GetIP() == ip){ ret = world; break; } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); return ret; } LWorld* LWorldList::FindByAddress(char* address) { map::iterator map_list; LWorld* world = 0; LWorld* ret = 0; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { world = map_list->second; if (strcasecmp(world->GetAddress(), address) == 0){ ret = world; break; } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); return ret; } LWorld* LWorldList::FindByLink(TCPConnection* in_link, int32 in_id) { if (in_link == 0) return 0; LWorld* world = 0; LWorld* ret = 0; map::iterator map_list; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { world = map_list->second; if (world->GetLink() == in_link && world->GetRemoteID() == in_id){ ret = world; break; } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); return ret; } LWorld* LWorldList::FindByAccount(int32 in_accountid, ConType in_type) { if (in_accountid == 0) return 0; LWorld* world = 0; LWorld* ret = 0; map::iterator map_list; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { world = map_list->second; if (world->GetAccountID() == in_accountid && world->GetType() == in_type){ ret = world; break; } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); return ret; } int8 LWorld::GetWorldStatus(){ if(IsDevelServer() && IsLocked() == false) return 1; else if(IsInit && IsLocked() == false) return 0; else return 2; } void LWorld::SendDeleteCharacter ( int32 char_id , int32 account_id ) { ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_BasicCharUpdate, sizeof(CharDataUpdate_Struct)); CharDataUpdate_Struct* cdu = (CharDataUpdate_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; cdu->account_id = account_id; cdu->char_id = char_id; cdu->update_field = DELETE_UPDATE_FLAG; cdu->update_data = 1; SendPacket(outpack); } vector* LWorldList::GetServerListUpdate(int16 version){ vector* ret = new vector; map::iterator map_list; PacketStruct* packet = 0; MWorldMap.readlock(); for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if ((world->IsInit || (world->ShowDown() && world->ShowDownActive())) && world->GetType() == World) { packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_WorldUpdate", version); if(packet){ packet->setDataByName("server_id", world->GetID()); packet->setDataByName("up", 1); if(world->IsLocked()) packet->setDataByName("locked", 1); ret->push_back(packet); } } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); return ret; } EQ2Packet* LWorldList::MakeServerListPacket(int8 lsadmin, int16 version) { // if the latest world list has already been loaded, just return the string if(!UpdateServerList && ServerListData) return ServerListData; MWorldMap.readlock(); LWorld* world = 0; uchar num_servers[2]; int32 ServerNum = 0; /* while(iterator.MoreElements()){ world = iterator.GetData(); if ((world->IsInit || (world->ShowDown() && world->ShowDownActive())) && world->GetType() == World) ServerNum++; iterator.Advance(); } ServerNum+=3; */ uint32 tmpCount = 0; map::iterator map_list; for (map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if ((world->IsInit || (world->ShowDown() && world->ShowDownActive())) && world->GetType() == World) { tmpCount++; } } PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_WorldList", version); packet->setArrayLengthByName("num_worlds", tmpCount); string world_data; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if ((world->IsInit || (world->ShowDown() && world->ShowDownActive())) && world->GetType() == World) { ServerNum++; packet->setArrayDataByName("id", world->GetID(), ServerNum-1); if (version < 1096) packet->setDataByName("allowed_races", 0x0007FFFF, ServerNum - 1); // no Freeblood and Aerakyn race else if (version < 60006) packet->setArrayDataByName("allowed_races", 0x000FFFFF, ServerNum - 1); // + Freeblood else packet->setArrayDataByName("allowed_races", 0x001FFFFF, ServerNum - 1); // + Aerakyn packet->setArrayDataByName("number_online_flag", 1, ServerNum-1); packet->setArrayDataByName("num_players", world->GetPlayerNum(), ServerNum-1); packet->setArrayDataByName("name", world->GetName(), ServerNum-1); packet->setArrayDataByName("name2", world->GetName(), ServerNum-1); packet->setArrayDataByName("feature_set",0, ServerNum-1); packet->setArrayDataByName("load", world->GetWorldStatus(), ServerNum-1); if(world->IsLocked()) packet->setArrayDataByName("locked", 1, ServerNum - 1); if(world->ShowDown()) packet->setArrayDataByName("tag", 0, ServerNum - 1); else packet->setArrayDataByName("tag", 1, ServerNum - 1); } } EQ2Packet* pack = packet->serialize(); safe_delete(ServerListData); ServerListData = pack; MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); SetUpdateServerList( false ); return ServerListData; } void LWorldList::SendWorldStatus(LWorld* chat, char* adminname) { struct in_addr in; int32 count = 0; map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (world->GetIP() != 0 && world->GetType() == World) { chat->Message(adminname, "Name: %s", world->GetName()); in.s_addr = world->GetIP(); if (world->GetAccountID() != 0) { chat->Message(adminname, " Account: %s", world->GetAccount()); } chat->Message(adminname, " Number of Zones: %i", world->GetZoneNum()); chat->Message(adminname, " Number of Players: %i", world->GetPlayerNum()); chat->Message(adminname, " IP: %s", inet_ntoa(in)); if (!world->IsAddressIP()) { chat->Message(adminname, " Address: %s", world->GetAddress()); } count++; } } chat->Message(adminname, "%i worlds listed.", count); } void LWorldList::RemoveByLink(TCPConnection* in_link, int32 in_id, LWorld* ButNotMe) { if (in_link == 0) return; map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; if (world != ButNotMe && world->GetLink() == in_link && (in_id == 0 || world->GetRemoteID() == in_id)) { // world->Link = 0; map_list++; worldmap.erase ( world->GetID ( ) ); safe_delete ( world ); continue; } } } void LWorldList::RemoveByID(int32 in_id) { if (in_id == 0) return; LWorld* existWorld = FindByID(in_id); if ( existWorld != NULL ) { MWorldMap.writelock(); worldmap.erase ( in_id ); MWorldMap.releasewritelock(); safe_delete ( existWorld ); } } bool LWorldList::Init() { database.ResetWorldStats ( ); if (!tcplistener->IsOpen()) { return tcplistener->Open(net.GetPort()); } return false; } void LWorldList::InitWorlds(){ vector server_list; database.GetServerAccounts(&server_list); vector::iterator iter; int i = 0; for(iter = server_list.begin(); iter != server_list.end(); iter++, i++){ LWorld* world = FindByID(server_list[i]->GetAccountID()); if(!world){ server_list[i]->ShowDown(true); server_list[i]->ShowDownActive(true); server_list[i]->SetID ( server_list[i]->GetAccountID ( ) ); Add ( server_list[i] ); } } } void LWorldList::ListWorldsToConsole() { struct in_addr in; cout << "World List:" << endl; cout << "============================" << endl; map::iterator map_list; for( map_list = worldmap.begin(); map_list != worldmap.end(); map_list++) { LWorld* world = map_list->second; in.s_addr = world->GetIP(); if (world->GetType() == World) { if (world->GetRemoteID() == 0) cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Name: " << world->GetName() << ", Local, IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << ", Status: " << world->GetStatus() << ", AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; else cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Name: " << world->GetName() << ", RemoteID: " << world->GetRemoteID() << ", LinkWorldID: " << world->GetLinkWorldID() << ", IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << ", Status: " << world->GetStatus() << ", AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; } else if (world->GetType() == Chat) { cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Chat Server, IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << ", AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; } else if (world->GetType() == Login) { if (world->IsOutgoingUplink()) { if (world->Connected()) cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Login Server (out), IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << ", AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; else cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Login Server (nc), IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << ", AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; } else cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Login Server (in), IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << " (" << world->GetClientPort() << "), AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; } else { cout << "ID: " << world->GetID() << ", Unknown Type, Name: " << world->GetName() << ", IP: " << inet_ntoa(in) << ":" << world->GetPort() << ", AccID: " << world->GetAccountID() << endl; } } cout << "============================" << endl; } void LWorldList::AddServerZoneUpdates(LWorld* world, map updates){ int32 server_id = world->GetID(); map::iterator itr; for(itr = updates.begin(); itr != updates.end(); itr++){ if(zone_updates_already_used.size() >= 1500 || zone_updates_already_used[server_id].count(itr->first) > 0){ world->Kick("Hacking attempt."); return; } zone_updates_already_used[server_id][itr->first] = true; } server_zone_updates.Put(server_id, updates); } void LWorldList::RequestServerUpdates(LWorld* world){ if(world){ ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_ZoneUpdates, sizeof(ZoneUpdateRequest_Struct)); ZoneUpdateRequest_Struct* request = (ZoneUpdateRequest_Struct*)pack->pBuffer; request->max_per_batch = MAX_UPDATE_COUNT; world->SendPacket(pack); delete pack; zone_update_timeouts.Put(world->GetID(), Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + 30000); } } void LWorldList::ProcessServerUpdates(){ MutexMap >::iterator itr = server_zone_updates.begin(); while(itr.Next()){ if(itr->second.size() > 0){ database.SetServerZoneDescriptions(itr->first, itr->second); if(itr->second.size() == MAX_UPDATE_COUNT) awaiting_zone_update.Put(itr->first, Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + 10000); //only process 20 updates in a 10 second period to avoid network problems server_zone_updates.erase(itr->first); } if(zone_update_timeouts.count(itr->first) == 0 || zone_update_timeouts.Get(itr->first) <= Timer::GetCurrentTime2()){ zone_update_timeouts.erase(itr->first); server_zone_updates.erase(itr->first); } } LWorld* world = 0; MWorldMap.readlock(); map::iterator map_itr; for(map_itr = worldmap.begin(); map_itr != worldmap.end(); map_itr++){ world = map_itr->second; if(world && world->GetID()){ if(last_updated.count(world) == 0 || last_updated.Get(world) <= Timer::GetCurrentTime2()){ zone_updates_already_used[world->GetID()].clear(); RequestServerUpdates(world); last_updated.Put(world, Timer::GetCurrentTime2() + 21600000); } if(awaiting_zone_update.count(world->GetID()) > 0 && awaiting_zone_update.Get(world->GetID()) <= Timer::GetCurrentTime2()){ awaiting_zone_update.erase(world->GetID()); RequestServerUpdates(world); } } } MWorldMap.releasereadlock(); } ThreadReturnType ServerUpdateLoop(void* tmp) { #ifdef WIN32 SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); #endif if (tmp == 0) { ThrowError("ServerUpdateLoop(): tmp = 0!"); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } LWorldList* worldList = (LWorldList*) tmp; while (worldList->ContinueServerUpdates()) { Sleep(1000); worldList->ProcessServerUpdates(); } worldList->ResetServerUpdates(); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); }