//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Lutz // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // // See http://boostorg.github.com/compute for more information. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_TEST_CHECK_MACROS_HPP #define BOOST_COMPUTE_TEST_CHECK_MACROS_HPP #define LIST_ARRAY_VALUES(z, n, data) \ BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) BOOST_PP_ARRAY_ELEM(n, data) // checks 'size' values of 'type' in the device range 'actual` // against the values given in the array 'expected' #define CHECK_RANGE_EQUAL(type, size, actual, expected) \ { \ type _actual[size]; \ boost::compute::copy( \ actual.begin(), actual.begin()+size, _actual, queue \ ); \ const type _expected[size] = { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(size, LIST_ARRAY_VALUES, (size, expected)) \ }; \ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( \ _actual, _actual + size, _expected, _expected + size \ ); \ } template inline void equal_close_impl(Left left_begin, Left left_end, Right right_begin, Right right_end, ToleranceBaseType tolerance) { for(; left_begin != (left_end); ++left_begin, ++right_begin) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(*left_begin, *right_begin, tolerance); \ } } #define BOOST_COMPUTE_TEST_CHECK_CLOSE_COLLECTIONS(L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end, tolerance) \ { \ equal_close_impl(L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end, tolerance); \ } #define CHECK_RANGE_CLOSE(type, size, actual, expected, tolerance) \ { \ type _actual[size]; \ boost::compute::copy( \ actual.begin(), actual.begin()+size, _actual, queue \ ); \ const type _expected[size] = { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(size, LIST_ARRAY_VALUES, (size, expected)) \ }; \ BOOST_COMPUTE_TEST_CHECK_CLOSE_COLLECTIONS( \ _actual, _actual + size, _expected, _expected + size, tolerance \ ); \ } #define CHECK_HOST_RANGE_EQUAL(type, size, actual, expected) \ { \ const type _expected[size] = { \ BOOST_PP_REPEAT(size, LIST_ARRAY_VALUES, (size, expected)) \ }; \ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( \ actual, actual + size, _expected, _expected + size \ ); \ } #define CHECK_STRING_EQUAL(actual, expected) \ { \ std::string _actual(actual.size(), '\0'); \ boost::compute::copy( \ actual.begin(), actual.end(), _actual.begin(), queue \ ); \ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(_actual, expected); \ } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_TEST_CHECK_MACROS_HPP