[section boost/python/str.hpp] [section Introduction] Exposes a [link concepts.objectwrapper.typewrapper_concept_requirements TypeWrapper] for the Python [@http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/lib/string-methods.html `str`] type. [endsect] [section Class `str`] Exposes the [@http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/lib/string-methods.html string methods] of Python's built-in `str` type. The semantics of the constructors and member functions defined below, except for the two-argument constructors which construct str objects from a range of characters, can be fully understood by reading the [link concepts.objectwrapper.typewrapper_concept_requirements TypeWrapper] concept definition. Since str is publicly derived from [link object_wrappers.boost_python_object_hpp.class_object `object`], the public `object` interface applies to `str` instances as well. `` namespace boost { namespace python { class str : public object { public: str(); // new str str(char const* s); // new str str(char const* start, char const* finish); // new str str(char const* start, std::size_t length); // new str template explicit str(T const& other); str capitalize() const; template str center(T const& width) const; template long count(T const& sub) const; template long count(T1 const& sub,T2 const& start) const; template long count(T1 const& sub,T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; object decode() const; template object decode(T const& encoding) const; template object decode(T1 const& encoding, T2 const& errors) const; object encode() const; template object encode(T const& encoding) const; template object encode(T1 const& encoding, T2 const& errors) const; template bool endswith(T const& suffix) const; template bool endswith(T1 const& suffix, T2 const& start) const; template bool endswith(T1 const& suffix, T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; str expandtabs() const; template str expandtabs(T const& tabsize) const; template long find(T const& sub) const; template long find(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start) const; template long find(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; template long index(T const& sub) const; template long index(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start) const; template long index(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; bool isalnum() const; bool isalpha() const; bool isdigit() const; bool islower() const; bool isspace() const; bool istitle() const; bool isupper() const; template str join(T const& sequence) const; template str ljust(T const& width) const; str lower() const; str lstrip() const; template str replace(T1 const& old, T2 const& new_) const; template str replace(T1 const& old, T2 const& new_, T3 const& maxsplit) const; template long rfind(T const& sub) const; template long rfind(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start) const; template long rfind(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; template long rindex(T const& sub) const; template long rindex(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start) const; template long rindex(T1 const& sub, T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; template str rjust(T const& width) const; str rstrip() const; list split() const; template list split(T const& sep) const; template list split(T1 const& sep, T2 const& maxsplit) const; list splitlines() const; template list splitlines(T const& keepends) const; template bool startswith(T const& prefix) const; template bool startswidth(T1 const& prefix, T2 const& start) const; template bool startswidth(T1 const& prefix, T2 const& start, T3 const& end) const; str strip() const; str swapcase() const; str title() const; template str translate(T const& table) const; template str translate(T1 const& table, T2 const& deletechars) const; str upper() const; }; }} `` [endsect] [section Example] `` using namespace boost::python; str remove_angle_brackets(str x) { return x.strip('<').strip('>'); } `` [endsect] [endsect]