/* * * Copyright (c) 2004 * John Maddock * * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * */ /* * LOCATION: see http://www.boost.org for most recent version. * FILE test_deprecated.cpp * VERSION see * DESCRIPTION: Tests for deprecated interfaces. */ #include "test.hpp" #include #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(disable:4267) #endif #ifdef BOOST_NO_STDC_NAMESPACE namespace std{ using ::atoi; using ::wcstol; } #endif int get_posix_compile_options(boost::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opts) { using namespace boost; int result = 0; switch(opts & regbase::main_option_type) { case regbase::perl: result = (opts & regbase::no_perl_ex) ? REG_EXTENDED : REG_PERL; if(opts & (regbase::no_bk_refs|regbase::no_mod_m|regbase::mod_x|regbase::mod_s|regbase::no_mod_s|regbase::no_escape_in_lists|regbase::no_empty_expressions)) return -1; break; case regbase::basic: result = REG_BASIC; if(opts & (regbase::no_char_classes|regbase::no_intervals|regbase::bk_plus_qm|regbase::bk_vbar)) return -1; if((opts & regbase::no_escape_in_lists) == 0) return -1; break; default: return -1; } if(opts & regbase::icase) result |= REG_ICASE; if(opts & regbase::nosubs) result |= REG_NOSUB; if(opts & regbase::newline_alt) result |= REG_NEWLINE; if((opts & regbase::collate) == 0) result |= REG_NOCOLLATE; return result; } int get_posix_match_flags(boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f) { int result = 0; if(f & boost::regex_constants::match_not_bol) result |= boost::REG_NOTBOL; if(f & boost::regex_constants::match_not_eol) result |= boost::REG_NOTEOL; if(f & ~(boost::regex_constants::match_not_bol|boost::regex_constants::match_not_eol)) return -1; return result; } void test_deprecated(const char&, const test_regex_search_tag&) { const std::string& expression = test_info::expression(); if(expression.find('\0') != std::string::npos) return; const std::string& search_text = test_info::search_text(); if(search_text.find('\0') != std::string::npos) return; int posix_options = get_posix_compile_options(test_info::syntax_options()); if(posix_options < 0) return; int posix_match_options = get_posix_match_flags(test_info::match_options()); if(posix_match_options < 0) return; const int* results = test_info::answer_table(); // OK try and compile the expression: boost::regex_tA re; if(boost::regcompA(&re, expression.c_str(), posix_options) != 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" did not compile with the POSIX C API.", char); return; } // try and find the first occurance: static const unsigned max_subs = 100; boost::regmatch_t matches[max_subs]; if(boost::regexecA(&re, search_text.c_str(), max_subs, matches, posix_match_options) == 0) { int i = 0; while(results[2*i] != -2) { if((int)max_subs > i) { if(results[2*i] != matches[i].rm_so) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in start of subexpression " << i << " found with the POSIX C API.", char); } if(results[2*i+1] != matches[i].rm_eo) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in end of subexpression " << i << " found with the POSIX C API.", char); } } ++i; } } else { if(results[0] >= 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" was not found with the POSIX C API.", char); } } // clean up whatever: boost::regfreeA(&re); // // now try the RegEx class: // if(test_info::syntax_options() & ~boost::regex::icase) return; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try #endif { boost::RegEx e(expression, (test_info::syntax_options() & boost::regex::icase) != 0); if(e.error_code()) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression did not compile when it should have done, error code = " << e.error_code(), char); } if(e.Search(search_text, test_info::match_options())) { int i = 0; while(results[i*2] != -2) { if(e.Matched(i)) { if(results[2*i] != static_cast(e.Position(i))) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in start of subexpression " << i << " found with the RegEx class (found " << e.Position(i) << " expected " << results[2*i] << ").", char); } if(results[2*i+1] != static_cast(e.Position(i) + e.Length(i))) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in end of subexpression " << i << " found with the RegEx class (found " << e.Position(i) + e.Length(i) << " expected " << results[2*i+1] << ").", char); } } else { if(results[2*i] >= 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in start of subexpression " << i << " found with the RegEx class (found " << e.Position(i) << " expected " << results[2*i] << ").", char); } if(results[2*i+1] >= 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in end of subexpression " << i << " found with the RegEx class (found " << e.Position(i) + e.Length(i) << " expected " << results[2*i+1] << ").", char); } } ++i; } } else { if(results[0] >= 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" was not found with class RegEx.", char); } } } #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS catch(const boost::bad_expression& r) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression did not compile with RegEx class: " << r.what(), char); } catch(const std::runtime_error& r) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Unexpected std::runtime_error : " << r.what(), char); } catch(const std::exception& r) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Unexpected std::exception: " << r.what(), char); } catch(...) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Unexpected exception of unknown type", char); } #endif } void test_deprecated(const wchar_t&, const test_regex_search_tag&) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_WREGEX const std::wstring& expression = test_info::expression(); if(expression.find(L'\0') != std::wstring::npos) return; const std::wstring& search_text = test_info::search_text(); if(search_text.find(L'\0') != std::wstring::npos) return; int posix_options = get_posix_compile_options(test_info::syntax_options()); if(posix_options < 0) return; int posix_match_options = get_posix_match_flags(test_info::match_options()); if(posix_match_options < 0) return; const int* results = test_info::answer_table(); // OK try and compile the expression: boost::regex_tW re; if(boost::regcompW(&re, expression.c_str(), posix_options) != 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" did not compile with the POSIX C API.", wchar_t); return; } // try and find the first occurance: static const unsigned max_subs = 100; boost::regmatch_t matches[max_subs]; if(boost::regexecW(&re, search_text.c_str(), max_subs, matches, posix_match_options) == 0) { int i = 0; while(results[2*i] != -2) { if((int)max_subs > i) { if(results[2*i] != matches[i].rm_so) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in start of subexpression " << i << " found with the POSIX C API.", wchar_t); } if(results[2*i+1] != matches[i].rm_eo) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Mismatch in end of subexpression " << i << " found with the POSIX C API.", wchar_t); } } ++i; } } else { if(results[0] >= 0) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" was not found with the POSIX C API.", wchar_t); } } // clean up whatever: boost::regfreeW(&re); #endif } void test_deprecated(const char&, const test_invalid_regex_tag&) { const std::string& expression = test_info::expression(); if(expression.find('\0') != std::string::npos) return; int posix_options = get_posix_compile_options(test_info::syntax_options()); if(posix_options < 0) return; // OK try and compile the expression: boost::regex_tA re; int code = boost::regcompA(&re, expression.c_str(), posix_options); if(code == 0) { boost::regfreeA(&re); BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" unexpectedly compiled with the POSIX C API.", char); } else { char buf[100]; int s = boost::regerrorA(code, &re, 0, 0); if(s < 100) s = boost::regerrorA(code, &re, buf, 100); s = boost::regerrorA(code | boost::REG_ITOA, &re, 0, 0); if(s < 100) { s = boost::regerrorA(code | boost::REG_ITOA, &re, buf, 100); re.re_endp = buf; s = boost::regerrorA(code | boost::REG_ATOI, &re, buf, 100); if(s) { int code2 = std::atoi(buf); if(code2 != code) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Got a bad error code from regerrA with REG_ATOI set: ", char); } } } } // // now try the RegEx class: // if(test_info::syntax_options() & ~boost::regex::icase) return; bool have_catch = false; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try #endif { boost::RegEx e(expression, (test_info::syntax_options() & boost::regex::icase) != 0); if(e.error_code()) have_catch = true; } #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS catch(const boost::bad_expression&) { have_catch = true; } catch(const std::runtime_error& r) { have_catch = true; BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expected a bad_expression exception, but a std::runtime_error instead: " << r.what(), char); } catch(const std::exception& r) { have_catch = true; BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expected a bad_expression exception, but a std::exception instead: " << r.what(), char); } catch(...) { have_catch = true; BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expected a bad_expression exception, but got an exception of unknown type instead", char); } #endif if(!have_catch) { // oops expected exception was not thrown: BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expected an exception, but didn't find one.", char); } } void test_deprecated(const wchar_t&, const test_invalid_regex_tag&) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_WREGEX const std::wstring& expression = test_info::expression(); if(expression.find(L'\0') != std::string::npos) return; int posix_options = get_posix_compile_options(test_info::syntax_options()); if(posix_options < 0) return; // OK try and compile the expression: boost::regex_tW re; int code = boost::regcompW(&re, expression.c_str(), posix_options); if(code == 0) { boost::regfreeW(&re); BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Expression : \"" << expression.c_str() << "\" unexpectedly compiled with the POSIX C API.", wchar_t); } else { wchar_t buf[100]; int s = boost::regerrorW(code, &re, 0, 0); if(s < 100) s = boost::regerrorW(code, &re, buf, 100); s = boost::regerrorW(code | boost::REG_ITOA, &re, 0, 0); if(s < 100) { s = boost::regerrorW(code | boost::REG_ITOA, &re, buf, 100); re.re_endp = buf; s = boost::regerrorW(code | boost::REG_ATOI, &re, buf, 100); if(s) { long code2 = std::wcstol(buf, 0, 10); if(code2 != code) { BOOST_REGEX_TEST_ERROR("Got a bad error code from regerrW with REG_ATOI set: ", char); } } } } #endif }