/* * * Copyright (c) 2004 * John Maddock * * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * */ #include "test.hpp" #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(disable:4127) #endif void test_options3(); void test_independent_subs() { using namespace boost::regex_constants; TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>^abc)", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>^abc)", perl, "def\nabc", match_default, make_array(4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>^abc)", perl, "defabc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>.*/)foo", perl, "/this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/it/you/see/", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>.*/)foo", perl, "/this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/and/foo", match_default, make_array(0, 67, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>(\\.\\d\\d[1-9]?))\\d+", perl, "1.230003938", match_default, make_array(1, 11, 1, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>(\\.\\d\\d[1-9]?))\\d+", perl, "1.875000282", match_default, make_array(1, 11, 1, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>(\\.\\d\\d[1-9]?))\\d+", perl, "1.235", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^((?>\\w+)|(?>\\s+))*$", perl, "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party", match_default, make_array(0, 64, 59, 64, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^((?>\\w+)|(?>\\s+))*$", perl, "this is not a line with only words and spaces!", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>\\d+))(\\w)", perl, "12345a", match_default, make_array(0, 6, 0, 5, 5, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>\\d+))(\\w)", perl, "12345+", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>\\d+))(\\d)", perl, "12345", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a+)b", perl, "aaab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>a+)b)", perl, "aaab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>(a+))b", perl, "aaab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>b)+", perl, "aaabbbccc", match_default, make_array(3, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a+|b+|c+)*c", perl, "aaabbbbccccd", match_default, make_array(0, 8, -2, 8, 9, -2, 9, 10, -2, 10, 11, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>[^()]+)|\\([^()]*\\))+", perl, "((abc(ade)ufh()()x", match_default, make_array(2, 18, 17, 18, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\(((?>[^()]+)|\\([^()]+\\))+\\)", perl, "(abc)", match_default, make_array(0, 5, 1, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\(((?>[^()]+)|\\([^()]+\\))+\\)", perl, "(abc(def)xyz)", match_default, make_array(0, 13, 9, 12, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\(((?>[^()]+)|\\([^()]+\\))+\\)", perl, "((()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a*)*", perl, "a", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, 1, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a*)*", perl, "aa", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, 2, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a*)*", perl, "aaaa", match_default, make_array(0, 4, -2, 4, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a*)*", perl, "a", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, 1, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a*)*", perl, "aaabcde", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, 3, 3, -2, 4, 4, -2, 5, 5, -2, 6, 6, -2, 7, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>a*))*", perl, "aaaaa", match_default, make_array(0, 5, 5, 5, -2, 5, 5, 5, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>a*))*", perl, "aabbaa", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 2, 2, -2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, 3, 3, 3, 3, -2, 4, 6, 6, 6, -2, 6, 6, 6, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>a*?))*", perl, "aaaaa", match_default, make_array(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 1, 1, 1, -2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, 3, 3, 3, 3, -2, 4, 4, 4, 4, -2, 5, 5, 5, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>a*?))*", perl, "aabbaa", match_default, make_array(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 1, 1, 1, -2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, 3, 3, 3, 3, -2, 4, 4, 4, 4, -2, 5, 5, 5, 5, -2, 6, 6, 6, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("word (?>(?:(?!otherword)[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30})otherword", perl, "word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword", match_default, make_array(0, 74, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("word (?>(?:(?!otherword)[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30})otherword", perl, "word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("word (?>[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30}otherword", perl, "word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I hope", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("word (?>[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30}otherword", perl, "word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I really really hope otherword", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?>Z)+|A)+", perl, "ZABCDEFG", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("((?>)+|A)+", perl); } void test_conditionals() { using namespace boost::regex_constants; TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(a)|b)(?(1)A|B)", perl, "aA", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(a)|b)(?(1)A|B)", perl, "bB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(a)|b)(?(1)A|B)", perl, "aB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(a)|b)(?(1)A|B)", perl, "bA", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(a)?(?(1)A)B", perl, "aAB", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(a)?(?(1)A)B", perl, "B", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(a)?(?(1)|A)B", perl, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(a)?(?(1)|A)B", perl, "AB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(a)?(?(1)a|b)+$", perl, "aa", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(a)?(?(1)a|b)+$", perl, "b", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(a)?(?(1)a|b)+$", perl, "bb", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(a)?(?(1)a|b)+$", perl, "ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?=abc)\\w{3}:|\\d\\d)$", perl, "abc:", match_default, make_array(0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?=abc)\\w{3}:|\\d\\d)$", perl, "12", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?=abc)\\w{3}:|\\d\\d)$", perl, "123", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?=abc)\\w{3}:|\\d\\d)$", perl, "xyz", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?!abc)\\d\\d|\\w{3}:)$", perl, "abc:", match_default, make_array(0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?!abc)\\d\\d|\\w{3}:)$", perl, "12", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?!abc)\\d\\d|\\w{3}:)$", perl, "123", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(?!abc)\\d\\d|\\w{3}:)$", perl, "xyz", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)", perl, "foobar", match_default, make_array(3, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)", perl, "cat", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)", perl, "fcat", match_default, make_array(1, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)", perl, "focat", match_default, make_array(2, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)", perl, "foocat", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?a(?i)b+)+c", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a(?i)b+)+c", perl, "aBbc", match_default, make_array(0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a(?i)b+)+c", perl, "aBBc", match_default, make_array(0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a(?i)b+)+c", perl, "Abc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a(?i)b+)+c", perl, "abAb", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>a(?i)b+)+c", perl, "abbC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?=a(?i)b)\\w\\wc", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?=a(?i)b)\\w\\wc", perl, "aBc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?=a(?i)b)\\w\\wc", perl, "Ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?=a(?i)b)\\w\\wc", perl, "abC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?=a(?i)b)\\w\\wc", perl, "aBC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=a(?i)b)(\\w\\w)c", perl, "abxxc", match_default, make_array(2, 5, 2, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=a(?i)b)(\\w\\w)c", perl, "aBxxc", match_default, make_array(2, 5, 2, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=a(?i)b)(\\w\\w)c", perl, "Abxxc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=a(?i)b)(\\w\\w)c", perl, "ABxxc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=a(?i)b)(\\w\\w)c", perl, "abxxC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=^.{4})(?:bar|cat)", perl, "fooocat", match_default, make_array(4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=^.{4})(?:bar|cat)", perl, "foocat", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=^a{4})(?:bar|cat)", perl, "aaaacat", match_default, make_array(4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=^a{4})(?:bar|cat)", perl, "aaacat", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=^[[:alpha:]]{4})(?:bar|cat)", perl, "aaaacat", match_default, make_array(4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=^[[:alpha:]]{4})(?:bar|cat)", perl, "aaacat", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); //TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "abxyZZ", match_default, make_array(4, 6, -2, -2)); //TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<=ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "abXyZZ", match_default, make_array(4, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "ZZZ", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "zZZ", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "bZZ", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "BZZ", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "ZZ", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "abXYZZ", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "zzz", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:ab(?i)x(?-i)y|(?i)z|b)ZZ", perl, "bzz", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)[[:lower:]])[[:lower:]]", perl|icase, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)[[:lower:]])[[:lower:]]", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)[[:lower:]])[[:lower:]]", perl|icase, "Ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)[[:lower:]])[[:lower:]]", perl|icase, "AB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a(?-i)b", perl|icase, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a(?-i)b", perl|icase, "Ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a(?-i)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a(?-i)b", perl|icase, "AB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "Ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "Ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?-i)a)b", perl|icase, "AB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i:a))b", perl|icase, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i:a))b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "AB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "Ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i:a))b", perl|icase, "aB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "Ab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-i:a)b", perl|icase, "AB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i:a.))b", perl|icase, "AB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?-i:a.))b", perl|icase, "A\nB", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("((?s-i:a.))b", perl|icase, "a\nB", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".", perl, "\n", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".", perl, "\n", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".", perl|mod_s, "\n", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".", perl|mod_s, "\n", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".", perl|no_mod_s, "\n", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".", perl|no_mod_s, "\n", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?s).", perl, "\n", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?s).", perl, "\n", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-s).", perl, "\n", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-s).", perl, "\n", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-xism)d", perl, "d", match_default, make_array(0, 1, -2, -2)); test_options3(); } void test_options3() { using namespace boost::regex_constants; TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".+", perl, " \n ", match_default, make_array(0, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".+", perl, " \n ", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 2, -2, 3, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".+", perl|mod_s, " \n ", match_default, make_array(0, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".+", perl|mod_s, " \n ", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".+", perl|no_mod_s, " \n ", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, 3, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH(".+", perl|no_mod_s, " \n ", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 2, -2, 3, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?s).+", perl, " \n ", match_default, make_array(0, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?s).+", perl, " \n ", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-s).+", perl, " \n ", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, 3, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?-s).+", perl, " \n ", match_default|match_not_dot_newline, make_array(0, 2, -2, 3, 5, -2, -2)); const char* big_expression = " (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* # optional leading comment\n" "(?: (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "|\n" "\" (?: # opening quote...\n" "[^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\"] # Anything except backslash and quote\n" "| # or\n" "\\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR)\n" ")* \" # closing quote\n" ") # initial word\n" "(?: (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* \\. (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "|\n" "\" (?: # opening quote...\n" "[^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\"] # Anything except backslash and quote\n" "| # or\n" "\\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR)\n" ")* \" # closing quote\n" ") )* # further okay, if led by a period\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* @ (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # initial subdomain\n" "(?: #\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* \\. # if led by a period...\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # ...further okay\n" ")*\n" "# address\n" "| # or\n" "(?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "|\n" "\" (?: # opening quote...\n" "[^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\"] # Anything except backslash and quote\n" "| # or\n" "\\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR)\n" ")* \" # closing quote\n" ") # one word, optionally followed by....\n" "(?:\n" "[^()<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\x80-\\xff\\000-\\010\\012-\\037] | # atom and space parts, or...\n" "\\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) | # comments, or...\n" "\" (?: # opening quote...\n" "[^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\"] # Anything except backslash and quote\n" "| # or\n" "\\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR)\n" ")* \" # closing quote\n" "# quoted strings\n" ")*\n" "< (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* # leading <\n" "(?: @ (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # initial subdomain\n" "(?: #\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* \\. # if led by a period...\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # ...further okay\n" ")*\n" "(?: (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* , (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* @ (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # initial subdomain\n" "(?: #\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* \\. # if led by a period...\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # ...further okay\n" ")*\n" ")* # further okay, if led by comma\n" ": # closing colon\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* )? # optional route\n" "(?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "|\n" "\" (?: # opening quote...\n" "[^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\"] # Anything except backslash and quote\n" "| # or\n" "\\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR)\n" ")* \" # closing quote\n" ") # initial word\n" "(?: (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* \\. (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "|\n" "\" (?: # opening quote...\n" "[^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\"] # Anything except backslash and quote\n" "| # or\n" "\\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR)\n" ")* \" # closing quote\n" ") )* # further okay, if led by a period\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* @ (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # initial subdomain\n" "(?: #\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* \\. # if led by a period...\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* (?:\n" "[^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]+ # some number of atom characters...\n" "(?![^(\\040)<>@,;:\".\\\\\\[\\]\\000-\\037\\x80-\\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom\n" "| \\[ # [\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015\\[\\]] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* # stuff\n" "\\] # ]\n" ") # ...further okay\n" ")*\n" "# address spec\n" "(?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* > # trailing >\n" "# name and address\n" ") (?: [\\040\\t] | \\(\n" "(?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] | \\( (?: [^\\\\\\x80-\\xff\\n\\015()] | \\\\ [^\\x80-\\xff] )* \\) )*\n" "\\) )* # optional trailing comment\n" "\n"; do{ test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, big_expression, perl|mod_x, "Alan Other ", match_default, make_array(0, 25, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #if !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) && !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) do{ std::string st(big_expression); test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::wstring(st.begin(), st.end()), perl|mod_x, L"Alan Other ", match_default, make_array(0, 25, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #endif do{ test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, big_expression, perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(1, 13, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #if !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) && !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) do{ std::string st(big_expression); test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::wstring(st.begin(), st.end()), perl|mod_x, L"", match_default, make_array(1, 13, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #endif do{ test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, big_expression, perl|mod_x, "\"A. Other\" (a comment)", match_default, make_array(0, 42, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #if !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) && !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) do{ std::string st(big_expression); test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::wstring(st.begin(), st.end()), perl|mod_x, L"\"A. Other\" (a comment)", match_default, make_array(0, 42, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #endif do{ test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, big_expression, perl|mod_x, "A. Other (a comment)", match_default, make_array(2, 40, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #if !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) && !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) do{ std::string st(big_expression); test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::wstring(st.begin(), st.end()), perl|mod_x, L"A. Other (a comment)", match_default, make_array(2, 40, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #endif do{ test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, big_expression, perl|mod_x, "\"/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/\"@x400-re.lay", match_default, make_array(0, 61, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #if !defined(BOOST_NO_WREGEX) && !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) do{ std::string st(big_expression); test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::wstring(st.begin(), st.end()), perl|mod_x, L"\"/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/\"@x400-re.lay", match_default, make_array(0, 61, -2, -2)); test(char(0), test_regex_search_tag()); }while(0); #endif do{ test_info::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, big_expression, perl|mod_x, "A missing angle ::set_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::wstring(st.begin(), st.end()), perl|mod_x, L"A missing angle Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?7)(a)(?|(b)|(q)(r)(s))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?7)(a)(?|(b|(r)(s))|(q))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?7)(a)(?|(b|(?|(r)|(t))(s))|(q))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|(?:((?:xyz)))|(123))", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|(?:)((?:)xyz)|(123))", perl, "xyz", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((?:(x)|(y)|(z)))|(123))", perl, "y", match_default, make_array(0, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((?|(x)|(y)|(z)))|(123))", perl, "y", match_default, make_array(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((?|(x)|(y)|(z)))|(123))", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((?|(x)|(y)|(z)))|(123))", perl, "123", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((x)|(y)|(z))|(123))", perl, "z", match_default, make_array(0, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((x)|(y)|(z))|(123))", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|((x)|(y)|(z))|(123))", perl, "123", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); } void test_recursion() { using namespace boost::regex_constants; TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(a(?2)b)", perl); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(a(?1b))", perl); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(a(?1)b)", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(a(?1)+b)", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*$", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 2, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*$", perl, "a(b)c", match_default, make_array(0, 5, 4, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*$", perl, "a(b(c))d", match_default, make_array(0, 8, 7, 8, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*$", perl, "a(b(c)d", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^>abc>([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*abc>123abc>([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*abc>1(2)3abc>([^()]|\\((?1)*\\))*abc>(1(2)3)P)", perl|icase, "abcPXP123", match_default, make_array(3, 6, 5, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(abc)(?i:(?1))", perl|icase, "defabcabcxyz", match_default, make_array(3, 9, 3, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(abc)(?i:(?1))", perl, "DEFabcABCXYZ", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(abc)(?i:(?1)abc)", perl, "DEFabcABCABCXYZ", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(abc)(?:(?i)(?1))", perl, "defabcabcxyz", match_default, make_array(3, 9, 3, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(abc)(?:(?i)(?1))", perl, "DEFabcABCXYZ", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|(xyz))(?1)", perl, "abcabc", match_default, make_array(0, 6, 0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|(xyz))(?1)", perl, "xyzabc", match_default, make_array(0, 6, 0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?|(abc)|(xyz))(?1)", perl, "xyzxyz", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?1)[]a()b](abc)", perl, "abcbabc", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?1)[]a()b](abc)", perl, "abcXabc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?1)[^]a()b](abc)", perl, "abcXabc", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?1)[^]a()b](abc)", perl, "abcbabc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?2)[]a()b](abc)(xyz)", perl, "xyzbabcxyz", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 4, 7, 7, 10, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?5)(a)(?|(b)|(q))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("^X(?5)(a)(?|(b)|(q))(c)(d)Y", perl); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?7)(a)(?|(b)|(q)(r)(s))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?7)(a)(?|(b|(r)(s))|(q))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?7)(a)(?|(b|(?|(r)|(t))(s))|(q))(c)(d)(Y)", perl, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"1234", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"\"1234\"", match_default, make_array(0, 6, 0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"\x100" L"1234", match_default, make_array(0, 5, 1, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"\"\x100" L"1234\"", match_default, make_array(1, 6, 2, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"\x100\x100" L"12ab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 2, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"\x100\x100" L"\"12\"", match_default, make_array(0, 6, 2, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH_W(L"\\x{100}*(\\d+|\"(?1)\")", perl, L"\x100\x100" L"abcd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(ab|c)(?-1)", perl, "abc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("xy(?+1)(abc)", perl, "xyabcabc", match_default, make_array(0, 8, 5, 8, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("xy(?+1)(abc)", perl, "xyabc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("x(?-0)y", perl); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("x(?-1)y", perl); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("x(?+0)y", perl); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("x(?+1)y", perl); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?+1)(?x|y){0}z", perl, "xzxx", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?+1)(?x|y){0}z", perl, "yzyy", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?+1)(?x|y){0}z", perl, "xxz", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); // Now recurse to sub-expression zero: TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "(abcd)", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "(abcd)xyz", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "xyz(abcd)", match_default, make_array(3, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "(ab(xy)cd)pqr", match_default, make_array(0, 10, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "(ab(xycd)pqr", match_default, make_array(3, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "() abc ()", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "12(abcde(fsh)xyz(foo(bar))lmno)89", match_default, make_array(2, 31, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "abcd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "abcd)", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?0))*\\)", perl, "(abcd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)pqr", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* \\) ", perl|mod_x, "1(abcd)(x(y)z)pqr", match_default, make_array(1, 7, 2, 6, -2, 7, 14, 12, 13, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(abcd)", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(3, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(a(b(c)d)e)", match_default, make_array(4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "((ab))", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "()", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )? \\) ", perl|mod_x, "()", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )? \\) ", perl|mod_x, "12(abcde(fsh)xyz(foo(bar))lmno)89", match_default, make_array(8, 13, -2, 20, 25, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (123)? ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 9, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (123)? ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(123ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 13, 1, 4, 4, 12, 10, 12, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (123)? ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, -1, -1, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (123)? ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(123ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 13, 1, 12, 1, 4, 10, 12, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (((((((((( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?0) )* )))))))))) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()<>]+) | ((?>[^()]+)) | (?0) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(abcd(xyz

qrs)123)", match_default, make_array(0, 20, 1, 19, 16, 19, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | ((?0)) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(cd)ef)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, 7, 9, 3, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | ((?0)) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(cd(ef)gh)ij)", match_default, make_array(0, 16, 1, 15, 13, 15, 3, 13, -2, -2)); // Again with (?R): TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "(abcd)", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "(abcd)xyz", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "xyz(abcd)", match_default, make_array(3, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "(ab(xy)cd)pqr", match_default, make_array(0, 10, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "(ab(xycd)pqr", match_default, make_array(3, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "() abc ()", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "12(abcde(fsh)xyz(foo(bar))lmno)89", match_default, make_array(2, 31, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "abcd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "abcd)", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\\)", perl, "(abcd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)pqr", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* \\) ", perl|mod_x, "1(abcd)(x(y)z)pqr", match_default, make_array(1, 7, 2, 6, -2, 7, 14, 12, 13, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(abcd)", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(3, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(a(b(c)d)e)", match_default, make_array(4, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "((ab))", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "()", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )? \\) ", perl|mod_x, "()", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )? \\) ", perl|mod_x, "12(abcde(fsh)xyz(foo(bar))lmno)89", match_default, make_array(8, 13, -2, 20, 25, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (123)? ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, -1, -1, 1, 9, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (123)? ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(123ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 13, 1, 4, 4, 12, 10, 12, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (123)? ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, -1, -1, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( (123)? ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(123ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 13, 1, 12, 1, 4, 10, 12, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( (((((((((( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* )))))))))) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(xy)cd)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 7, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()<>]+) | ((?>[^()]+)) | (?R) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(abcd(xyz

qrs)123)", match_default, make_array(0, 20, 1, 19, 16, 19, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | ((?R)) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(cd)ef)", match_default, make_array(0, 10, 1, 9, 7, 9, 3, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | ((?R)) )* ) \\) ", perl|mod_x, "(ab(cd(ef)gh)ij)", match_default, make_array(0, 16, 1, 15, 13, 15, 3, 13, -2, -2)); // And some extra cases: TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("x(ab|(bc|(de|(?R))))", perl|mod_x, "xab", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 1, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("x(ab|(bc|(de|(?R))))", perl|mod_x, "xbc", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("x(ab|(bc|(de|(?R))))", perl|mod_x, "xde", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("x(ab|(bc|(de|(?R))))", perl|mod_x, "xxab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("x(ab|(bc|(de|(?R))))", perl|mod_x, "xxxab", match_default, make_array(0, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("x(ab|(bc|(de|(?R))))", perl|mod_x, "xyab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("[^()]*(?:\\((?R)\\)[^()]*)*", perl|mod_x, "(this(and)that)", match_default, make_array(0, 15, -2, 15, 15, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("[^()]*(?:\\((?R)\\)[^()]*)*", perl|mod_x, "(this(and)that)stuff", match_default, make_array(0, 20, -2, 20, 20, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("[^()]*(?:\\((?>(?R))\\)[^()]*)*", perl|mod_x, "(this(and)that)", match_default, make_array(0, 15, -2, 15, 15, -2, -2)); // More complex cases involving (?(R): TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, "<>", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, " hij>", match_default, make_array(0, 15, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, " hij>", match_default, make_array(5, 10, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, "def>", match_default, make_array(0, 10, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(4, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("< (?: (?(R) \\d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >", perl|mod_x, "(?.)\\W*(?&one)\\W*\\k|)|(?(?.)\\W*(?&three)\\W*\\k'four'|\\W*.\\W*))\\W*$", perl|mod_x|icase, "Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!", match_default, make_array(0, 37, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 36, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?'abc'a|b)(?d|e)(?&abc){2}", perl|mod_x, "bdaa", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 1, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?'abc'a|b)(?d|e)(?&abc){2}", perl|mod_x, "bdab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 1, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?'abc'a|b)(?d|e)(?&abc){2}", perl|mod_x, "bddd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?&abc)X(?P)", perl|mod_x, "abcPXP123", match_default, make_array(3, 6, 5, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?&abc)b)*(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?&abc)b){1,5}(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?&abc)b){2,5}(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?&abc)b){2,}(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?)(?&)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?)(?&a)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?)(?&aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?&N)[]a(?)](?abc)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?&N)[]a(?)](abc)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?&N)[]a(?)](abc)", perl|mod_x); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?&N)(a)(?|(b)|(q))(c)(d)(?Y)", perl|mod_x, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); // And again with (?P> : //TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^\\W*(?:(?(?.)\\W*(?&one)\\W*\\k|)|(?(?.)\\W*(?&three)\\W*\\k'four'|\\W*.\\W*))\\W*$", perl|mod_x|icase, "Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!", match_default, make_array(0, 37, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 36, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?'abc'a|b)(?d|e)(?P>abc){2}", perl|mod_x, "bdaa", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 1, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?'abc'a|b)(?d|e)(?P>abc){2}", perl|mod_x, "bdab", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 1, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?'abc'a|b)(?d|e)(?P>abc){2}", perl|mod_x, "bddd", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?P>abc)X(?P)", perl|mod_x, "abcPXP123", match_default, make_array(3, 6, 5, 6, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?P>abc)b)*(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?P>abc)b){1,5}(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?P>abc)b){2,5}(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a(?P>abc)b){2,}(?x)", perl|mod_x, "123axbaxbaxbx456", match_default, make_array(3, 13, 12, 13 , -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?)(?P>)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?)(?P>a)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?)(?P>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?P>N)[]a(?)](?abc)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?P>N)[]a(?)](abc)", perl|mod_x); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?P>N)[]a(?)](abc)", perl|mod_x); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^X(?P>N)(a)(?|(b)|(q))(c)(d)(?Y)", perl|mod_x, "XYabcdY", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, -2, -2)); // Now check (?(R&NAME) : TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(? (?'B' abc (?(R) (?(R&A)1) (?(R&B)2) X | (?1) (?2) (?R) ))) ", perl|mod_x, "abcabc1Xabc2XabcXabcabc", match_default, make_array(0, 17, 0, 17, 0, 17, -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(? (?'B' abc (?(R) (?(R&1)1) (?(R&B)2) X | (?1) (?2) (?R) ))) ", perl|mod_x); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?<1> (?'B' abc (?(R) (?(R&1)1) (?(R&B)2) X | (?1) (?2) (?R) ))) ", perl|mod_x, "abcabc1Xabc2XabcXabcabc", match_default, make_array(0, 17, 0, 17, 0, 17, -2, -2)); // Now check for named conditionals: TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?a)? (?()b|c) (?('ab')d|e)", perl|mod_x, "abd", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?a)? (?()b|c) (?('ab')d|e)", perl|mod_x, "ce", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); // Recursions in combination with (DEFINE): TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?(DEFINE) (? a) (? b) ) (?&A) (?&B) ", perl|mod_x, "abcd", match_default, make_array(0, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(?&NAME_PAT))\\s+(?(?&ADDRESS_PAT)) (?(DEFINE) (?[a-z]+) (?\\d+))", perl|mod_x, "metcalfe 33", match_default, make_array(0, 11, 0, 8, 9, 11, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("^(?(DEFINE) abc | xyz ) ", perl|mod_x); //TEST_INVALID_REGEX("(?(DEFINE) abc){3} xyz", perl|mod_x); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 7, -1, -1, 5, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 14, -1, -1, 10, 14, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 8, -1, -1, 6, 8, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}", perl|mod_x, "10.6", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}", perl|mod_x, "455.3.4.5", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 5, 7, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 14, 10, 14, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))", perl|mod_x, "", match_default, make_array(0, 8, 6, 8, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))", perl|mod_x, "10.6", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("\\b(?&byte)(\\.(?&byte)){3}(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d))", perl|mod_x, "455.3.4.5", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); // Bugs: TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("namespace\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\{(?:[^{}]*(?:(?2)[^{}]*)*)?\\})", perl, "namespace one { namespace two { int foo(); } }", match_default, make_array(0, 46, 10, 13, 14, 46, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("namespace\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\{(?:[^{}]*(?:(?2)[^{}]*)*)?\\})", perl, "namespace one { namespace two { int foo(){} } { {{{ } } } } {}}", match_default, make_array(0, 64, 10, 13, 14, 64, -2, -2)); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("((?1)|a)", perl); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a(?0)?", perl, "aaaaa", match_default, make_array(0, 5, -2, -2)); // Recursion to a named sub with a name that is used multiple times: TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.(?&A)", perl, "aaaa.aa", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 0, 4, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.(?&A)", perl, "bbbb.aa", match_default, make_array(0, 7, -1, -1, 0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.(?&A)", perl, "bbbb.bb", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); // Back reference to a named sub with a name that is used multiple times: TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.\\k", perl, "aaaa.aaaa", match_default, make_array(0, 9, 0, 4, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.\\k", perl, "bbbb.aaaa", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.\\k", perl, "aaaa.bbbb", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+))\\.\\k", perl, "bbbb.bbbb", match_default, make_array(0, 9, -1, -1, 0, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?a+)|(?b+)|c+)\\.\\k", perl, "cccc.cccc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); } void test_verbs() { using namespace boost::regex_constants; TEST_INVALID_REGEX("a+(*", perl); TEST_INVALID_REGEX("a+(*FX)", perl); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a+(*FAIL)b", perl, "aaaab", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "AB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "ACDE", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^a+(*FAIL)", perl, "aaaaaa", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a+b?c+(*FAIL)", perl, "aaabccc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a+b?(*COMMIT)c+(*FAIL)", perl, "aaabccc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "AB", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "ABX", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "AADE", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "ACDE", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(A(A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)(E)", perl, "AD", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "AAD", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "ACD", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "BAD", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "BCD", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "BAX", match_default, make_array(0, 2, 1, 2, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "ACX", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D", perl, "ABC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?=a(*ACCEPT)b)", perl, "ac", match_default, make_array(0, 0, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("A(*COMMIT)(B|D)", perl, "ACABX", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(*COMMIT)(A|P)(B|P)(C|P)", perl, "ABCDEFG", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(*COMMIT)(A|P)(B|P)(C|P)", perl, "DEFGABC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(\\w+)(?>b(*COMMIT))\\w{2}", perl, "abbb", match_default, make_array(0, 4, 0, 1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(\\w+)b(*COMMIT)\\w{2}", perl, "abbb", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a+b?(*PRUNE)c+(*FAIL)", perl, "aaabccc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("a+b?(*SKIP)c+(*FAIL)", perl, "aaabcccaaabccc", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); // TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?=a(*SKIP)b|ac)", perl, "ac", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?=a(*PRUNE)b)", perl, "ab", match_default, make_array(0, 0, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?=a(*PRUNE)b)", perl, "ac", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("AA+(*PRUNE)(B|Z)|AC", perl, "AAAC", match_default, make_array(2, 4, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("AA+(*SKIP)(B|Z)|AC", perl, "AAAC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("AA+(*SKIP)(B|Z)|C", perl, "AAAC", match_default, make_array(3, 4, -1, -1, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("AA+(*SKIP)(B|Z)|AC", perl, "AAAC", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("AA+(*SKIP)B|C", perl, "AAAC", match_default, make_array(3, 4, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "aaaxxxxxx", match_default, make_array(0, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "aaa++++++", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "bbbxxxxx", match_default, make_array(0, 8, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "bbb+++++", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "cccxxxx", match_default, make_array(0, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "ccc++++", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(?:aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "dddddddd", match_default, make_array(0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "aaaxxxxxx", match_default, make_array(0, 9, 0, 9, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "aaa++++++", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "bbbxxxxx", match_default, make_array(0, 8, 0, 8, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "bbb+++++", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "cccxxxx", match_default, make_array(0, 7, 0, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "ccc++++", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("^(aaa(*THEN)\\w{6}|bbb(*THEN)\\w{5}|ccc(*THEN)\\w{4}|\\w{3})", perl, "dddddddd", match_default, make_array(0, 3, 0, 3, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?:a+(*THEN)\\w{6}|x\\w{3})", perl, "aaaxxxxx", match_default, make_array(3, 7, -2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>(*COMMIT)(?>yes|no)(*THEN)(*F))?", perl, "yes", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); TEST_REGEX_SEARCH("(?>(*COMMIT)(yes|no)(*THEN)(*F))?", perl, "yes", match_default, make_array(-2, -2)); }