// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 // William E. Kempf // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #define BOOST_THREAD_VERSION 2 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE Boost.Threads: mutex test suite #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE Boost.Threads: mutex test suite #include #define DEFAULT_EXECUTION_MONITOR_TYPE execution_monitor::use_sleep_only #include "./util.inl" template struct test_lock { typedef M mutex_type; typedef typename M::scoped_lock lock_type; void operator()() { mutex_type mutex; boost::condition condition; // Test the lock's constructors. { lock_type lock(mutex, boost::defer_lock); BOOST_CHECK(!lock); } lock_type lock(mutex); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); // Construct and initialize an xtime for a fast time out. boost::xtime xt = delay(0, 100); // Test the lock and the mutex with condition variables. // No one is going to notify this condition variable. We expect to // time out. BOOST_CHECK(!condition.timed_wait(lock, xt)); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); // Test the lock and unlock methods. lock.unlock(); BOOST_CHECK(!lock); lock.lock(); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); } }; template struct test_trylock { typedef M mutex_type; typedef typename M::scoped_try_lock try_lock_type; void operator()() { mutex_type mutex; boost::condition condition; // Test the lock's constructors. { try_lock_type lock(mutex); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); } { try_lock_type lock(mutex, boost::defer_lock); BOOST_CHECK(!lock); } try_lock_type lock(mutex); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); // Construct and initialize an xtime for a fast time out. boost::xtime xt = delay(0, 100); // Test the lock and the mutex with condition variables. // No one is going to notify this condition variable. We expect to // time out. BOOST_CHECK(!condition.timed_wait(lock, xt)); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); // Test the lock, unlock and trylock methods. lock.unlock(); BOOST_CHECK(!lock); lock.lock(); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); lock.unlock(); BOOST_CHECK(!lock); BOOST_CHECK(lock.try_lock()); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); } }; template struct test_lock_times_out_if_other_thread_has_lock { typedef boost::unique_lock Lock; Mutex m; boost::mutex done_mutex; bool done; bool locked; boost::condition_variable done_cond; test_lock_times_out_if_other_thread_has_lock(): done(false),locked(false) {} void locking_thread() { Lock lock(m,boost::defer_lock); lock.timed_lock(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); boost::lock_guard lk(done_mutex); locked=lock.owns_lock(); done=true; done_cond.notify_one(); } void locking_thread_through_constructor() { Lock lock(m,boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); boost::lock_guard lk(done_mutex); locked=lock.owns_lock(); done=true; done_cond.notify_one(); } bool is_done() const { return done; } typedef test_lock_times_out_if_other_thread_has_lock this_type; void do_test(void (this_type::*test_func)()) { Lock lock(m); locked=false; done=false; boost::thread t(test_func,this); try { { boost::unique_lock lk(done_mutex); BOOST_CHECK(done_cond.timed_wait(lk,boost::posix_time::seconds(2), boost::bind(&this_type::is_done,this))); BOOST_CHECK(!locked); } lock.unlock(); t.join(); } catch(...) { lock.unlock(); t.join(); throw; } } void operator()() { do_test(&this_type::locking_thread); do_test(&this_type::locking_thread_through_constructor); } }; template struct test_timedlock { typedef M mutex_type; typedef typename M::scoped_timed_lock timed_lock_type; static bool fake_predicate() { return false; } void operator()() { test_lock_times_out_if_other_thread_has_lock()(); mutex_type mutex; boost::condition condition; // Test the lock's constructors. { // Construct and initialize an xtime for a fast time out. boost::system_time xt = boost::get_system_time()+boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100); timed_lock_type lock(mutex, xt); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); } { timed_lock_type lock(mutex, boost::defer_lock); BOOST_CHECK(!lock); } timed_lock_type lock(mutex); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); // Construct and initialize an xtime for a fast time out. boost::system_time timeout = boost::get_system_time()+boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100); // Test the lock and the mutex with condition variables. // No one is going to notify this condition variable. We expect to // time out. BOOST_CHECK(!condition.timed_wait(lock, timeout, fake_predicate)); BOOST_CHECK(lock ? true : false); boost::system_time now=boost::get_system_time(); boost::posix_time::milliseconds const timeout_resolution(20); BOOST_CHECK((timeout-timeout_resolution) struct test_recursive_lock { typedef M mutex_type; typedef typename M::scoped_lock lock_type; void operator()() { mutex_type mx; lock_type lock1(mx); lock_type lock2(mx); } }; void do_test_mutex() { test_lock()(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_mutex) { timed_test(&do_test_mutex, 3); } void do_test_try_mutex() { test_lock()(); test_trylock()(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_try_mutex) { timed_test(&do_test_try_mutex, 3); } void do_test_timed_mutex() { test_lock()(); test_trylock()(); test_timedlock()(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_timed_mutex) { timed_test(&do_test_timed_mutex, 3); } void do_test_recursive_mutex() { test_lock()(); test_recursive_lock()(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_recursive_mutex) { timed_test(&do_test_recursive_mutex, 3); } void do_test_recursive_try_mutex() { test_lock()(); test_trylock()(); test_recursive_lock()(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_recursive_try_mutex) { timed_test(&do_test_recursive_try_mutex, 3); } void do_test_recursive_timed_mutex() { test_lock()(); test_trylock()(); test_timedlock()(); test_recursive_lock()(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_recursive_timed_mutex) { timed_test(&do_test_recursive_timed_mutex, 3); }