--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Bard/Troubador/DaelisDanceofBlades.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2020.09.02 12:09:37 Script Purpose : : --]] -- Increases AGI of caster by 47.0 -- Increases Fervor of caster by 2.0 -- Adds 14.0% to base avoidance. -- Increases Mitigation of caster vs physical damage by 292 -- Increases Mitigation of caster vs elemental, noxious and arcane damage by 379 -- When damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 20% chance to cast Song Barrier on target's attacker. -- Inflicts 39 - 65 mental damage on target -- When damaged with a spell this spell has a 20% chance to cast Song Barrier on target's attacker. -- Inflicts 39 - 65 mental damage on target function cast(Caster, Target, Agi, Avoid, Phys, EleMit, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) Say(Caster, "Fervor not Implemented") AddSpellBonus(Caster, 2, Agi) AddSpellBonus(Caster, 696, Avoid) AddSpellBonus(Caster, 200, Phys) AddSpellBonus(Caster, 201, EleMit) AddSpellBonus(Caster, 202, EleMit) AddSpellBonus(Caster, 203, EleMit) AddProc(Target, 16, 20) AddProc(Target, 17, 20) end function proc(Caster, Target, Agi, Avoid, Phys, EleMit, DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) if Type == 1 then ProcDamage(Caster, Target, "Song Barrier", DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) end if Type == 7 then ProcDamage(Caster, Target, "Song Barrier", DmgType, MinVal, MaxVal) end end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveSpellBonus(Target) RemoveProc(Target) end