--[[ Script Name : Spells/Fighter/Warrior/Berserker/AggressiveDefense.lua Script Author : neatz09 Script Date : 2019.10.17 12:10:52 Script Purpose : : --]] -- Info from spell_display_effects (remove from script when done) -- Increases Mitigation of caster vs elemental, noxious and arcane damage by 879 -- When damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 20% chance to cast Provoking Counterattack on target's attacker. -- Increases Threat to target by 472 -- Inflicts 71 - 118 slashing damage on target -- On a block this spell will cast Provoking Counterattack on target's victim. -- Increases Threat to target by 472 -- Increases Mitigation of caster vs elemental and noxious damage by 879