// // Copyright 2013 Juan V. Puertos G-Cluster, Christian Henning // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // #ifndef BOOST_GIL_EXTENSION_TOOLBOX_COLOR_SPACES_YCBCR_HPP #define BOOST_GIL_EXTENSION_TOOLBOX_COLOR_SPACES_YCBCR_HPP #include #include #include // FIXME: Include what you use! #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace gil { /// \addtogroup ColorNameModel /// \{ namespace ycbcr_601_color_space { /// \brief Luminance struct y_t {}; /// \brief Blue chrominance component struct cb_t {}; /// \brief Red chrominance component struct cr_t {}; } namespace ycbcr_709_color_space { /// \brief Luminance struct y_t {}; /// \brief Blue chrominance component struct cb_t {}; /// \brief Red chrominance component struct cr_t {}; } /// \} /// \ingroup ColorSpaceModel using ycbcr_601__t = mp11::mp_list < ycbcr_601_color_space::y_t, ycbcr_601_color_space::cb_t, ycbcr_601_color_space::cr_t >; /// \ingroup ColorSpaceModel using ycbcr_709__t = mp11::mp_list < ycbcr_709_color_space::y_t, ycbcr_709_color_space::cb_t, ycbcr_709_color_space::cr_t >; /// \ingroup LayoutModel using ycbcr_601__layout_t = boost::gil::layout; using ycbcr_709__layout_t = boost::gil::layout; //The channel depth is ALWAYS 8bits ofr YCbCr! GIL_DEFINE_ALL_TYPEDEFS(8, uint8_t, ycbcr_601_) GIL_DEFINE_ALL_TYPEDEFS(8, uint8_t, ycbcr_709_) namespace detail { // Source:boost/algorithm/clamp.hpp template BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR T const& clamp( T const& val, typename boost::mp11::mp_identity::type const & lo, typename boost::mp11::mp_identity::type const & hi) { // assert ( !p ( hi, lo )); // Can't assert p ( lo, hi ) b/c they might be equal auto const p = std::less(); return p(val, lo) ? lo : p(hi, val) ? hi : val; } } // namespace detail /* * 601 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion * 709 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.709_conversion * (using values coming directly from ITU-R BT.601 recommendation) * (using values coming directly from ITU-R BT.709 recommendation) */ /** * @brief Convert YCbCr ITU.BT-601 to RGB. */ template<> struct default_color_converter_impl { // Note: the RGB_t channels range can be set later on by the users. We dont want to cast to uint8_t or anything here. template < typename SRCP, typename DSTP > void operator()( const SRCP& src, DSTP& dst ) const { using dst_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; convert(src, dst, typename std::is_same < std::integral_constant, std::integral_constant >::type()); } private: // optimization for bit8 channels template< typename Src_Pixel , typename Dst_Pixel > void convert( const Src_Pixel& src , Dst_Pixel& dst , std::true_type // is 8 bit channel ) const { using namespace ycbcr_601_color_space; using src_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; using dst_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; src_channel_t y = channel_convert( get_color(src, y_t())); src_channel_t cb = channel_convert( get_color(src, cb_t())); src_channel_t cr = channel_convert( get_color(src, cr_t())); // The intermediate results of the formulas require at least 16bits of precission. std::int_fast16_t c = y - 16; std::int_fast16_t d = cb - 128; std::int_fast16_t e = cr - 128; std::int_fast16_t red = detail::clamp((( 298 * c + 409 * e + 128) >> 8), 0, 255); std::int_fast16_t green = detail::clamp((( 298 * c - 100 * d - 208 * e + 128) >> 8), 0, 255); std::int_fast16_t blue = detail::clamp((( 298 * c + 516 * d + 128) >> 8), 0, 255); get_color( dst, red_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) red; get_color( dst, green_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) green; get_color( dst, blue_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) blue; } template< typename Src_Pixel , typename Dst_Pixel > void convert( const Src_Pixel& src , Dst_Pixel& dst , std::false_type // is 8 bit channel ) const { using namespace ycbcr_601_color_space; using dst_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; double y = get_color( src, y_t() ); double cb = get_color( src, cb_t() ); double cr = get_color( src, cr_t() ); get_color(dst, red_t()) = static_cast( detail::clamp(1.6438 * (y - 16.0) + 1.5960 * (cr -128.0), 0.0, 255.0)); get_color(dst, green_t()) = static_cast( detail::clamp(1.6438 * (y - 16.0) - 0.3917 * (cb - 128.0) + 0.8129 * (cr -128.0), 0.0, 255.0)); get_color(dst, blue_t()) = static_cast( detail::clamp(1.6438 * ( y - 16.0 ) - 2.0172 * ( cb -128.0 ), 0.0, 255.0)); } }; /* * Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr#ITU-R_BT.601_conversion * digital Y'CbCr derived from digital R'dG'dB'd 8 bits per sample, each using the full range. * with NO footroom wither headroom. */ /** * @brief Convert RGB to YCbCr ITU.BT-601. */ template<> struct default_color_converter_impl { template < typename SRCP, typename DSTP > void operator()( const SRCP& src, DSTP& dst ) const { using namespace ycbcr_601_color_space; using src_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; using dst_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; src_channel_t red = channel_convert( get_color(src, red_t())); src_channel_t green = channel_convert( get_color(src, green_t())); src_channel_t blue = channel_convert( get_color(src, blue_t())); double y = 16.0 + 0.2567 * red + 0.5041 * green + 0.0979 * blue; double cb = 128.0 - 0.1482 * red - 0.2909 * green + 0.4392 * blue; double cr = 128.0 + 0.4392 * red - 0.3677 * green - 0.0714 * blue; get_color( dst, y_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) y; get_color( dst, cb_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) cb; get_color( dst, cr_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) cr; } }; /** * @brief Convert RGB to YCbCr ITU.BT-709. */ template<> struct default_color_converter_impl { template < typename SRCP, typename DSTP > void operator()( const SRCP& src, DSTP& dst ) const { using namespace ycbcr_709_color_space; using src_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; using dst_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; src_channel_t red = channel_convert( get_color(src, red_t())); src_channel_t green = channel_convert( get_color(src, green_t())); src_channel_t blue = channel_convert( get_color(src, blue_t())); double y = 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue; double cb = 128.0 - 0.168736 * red - 0.331264 * green + 0.5 * blue; double cr = 128.0 + 0.5 * red - 0.418688 * green - 0.081312 * blue; get_color( dst, y_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) y; get_color( dst, cb_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) cb; get_color( dst, cr_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) cr; } }; /** * @brief Convert RGB to YCbCr ITU.BT-709. */ template<> struct default_color_converter_impl { template < typename SRCP, typename DSTP > void operator()( const SRCP& src, DSTP& dst ) const { using namespace ycbcr_709_color_space; using src_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; using dst_channel_t = typename channel_type::type; src_channel_t y = channel_convert( get_color(src, y_t()) ); src_channel_t cb_clipped = channel_convert( get_color(src, cb_t()) - 128 ); src_channel_t cr_clipped = channel_convert( get_color(src, cr_t()) - 128 ); double red = y + 1.042 * cr_clipped; double green = y - 0.34414 * cb_clipped - 0.71414 * cr_clipped; double blue = y + 1.772 * cb_clipped; get_color( dst, red_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) red; get_color( dst, green_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) green; get_color( dst, blue_t() ) = (dst_channel_t) blue; } }; } // namespace gil } // namespace boost #endif