--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/Starcrest/HobertDawsim.lua Script Author : Dorbin Script Date : 2022.06.29 11:06:57 Script Purpose : : --]] dofile("SpawnScripts/Generic/GenericEcologyVoiceOvers.lua") function spawn(NPC) waypoints(NPC) SetPlayerProximityFunction(NPC, 6, "InRange", "LeaveRange") end function InRange(NPC, Spawn) if GetFactionAmount(Spawn,11)<0 then FactionCheckingCallout(NPC, Spawn, faction) else GenericDrunkCallout(NPC, Spawn, faction) end end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) if GetFactionAmount(Spawn,11)<0 then FactionChecking(NPC, Spawn, faction) else GenericDrunkHail(NPC, Spawn, faction) end end function waypoints(NPC) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.88, -19.96, 281.28, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.88, -19.96, 281.28, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.88, -19.96, 281.28, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 711.13, -19.97, 281.67, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 711.82, -19.94, 280.92, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 707.26, -19.99, 277.68, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 707.26, -19.99, 277.68, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 707.84, -20.01, 276.83, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 718.21, -20.35, 264.27, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 718.21, -20.35, 264.27, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 718.21, -20.35, 264.27, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 716.15, -20.26, 268.5, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 706.29, -20.06, 276.1, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 706.29, -20.06, 276.1, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 706.29, -20.06, 276.1, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 708.17, -20, 276.71, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.82, -19.97, 281.51, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.82, -19.97, 281.51, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.82, -19.97, 281.51, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 711.21, -19.98, 282.07, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.54, -19.93, 278.29, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 718.62, -20.31, 267.87, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 718.62, -20.31, 267.87, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 718.62, -20.31, 267.87, 2, 35,"Drink") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 717.12, -20.27, 268.8, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.21, -20.25, 268.68, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 709.16, -20.24, 269.13, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 709.16, -20.24, 269.13, 2, 12,"GuardCallout") MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 709.16, -20.24, 269.13, 2, 1) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 707.97, -20, 276.83, 2, 0) MovementLoopAddLocation(NPC, 710.03, -19.92, 279.83, 2, 0) end function Drink(NPC) PlayAnimation(NPC,11422) AddTimer(NPC,8000, "Drink2") end function Drink2(NPC) choice = math.random(1,4) if choice == 1 then PlayAnimation(NPC,891) elseif choice == 2 then PlayAnimation(NPC,11422) elseif choice == 3 then PlayFlavor(NPC,"","","hungry",0,0) else PlayAnimation(NPC,11668) end AddTimer(NPC,6000, "Drink3") end function Drink3(NPC) PlayAnimation(NPC,11422) end function GuardCallout(NPC,Spawn) local Trino = GetSpawn(NPC, 2340015) if not HasCompletedQuest(Spawn,246) then if Trino ~= nil then choice = math.random(1,3) if choice == 1 then PlayFlavor(NPC,"voiceover/english/human_eco_evil_drunk/ft/eco/evil/human_eco_evil_drunk_guard_gm_c874c635.mp3","I know..I shoul'n drink... Forgive me sir!","gut",1370911065,1198399974,Spawn) PlayFlavor(Trino,"","","shame",0,0) elseif choice == 2 then PlayFlavor(NPC,"voiceover/english/human_eco_evil_drunk/ft/eco/evil/human_eco_evil_drunk_guard_gm_b5bfa487.mp3","Look sir. I just had'one ale n' hour ago withh dinner.","no",1705294225,1483651602,Spawn) PlayFlavor(Trino) elseif choice == 3 then PlayFlavor(NPC,"voiceover/english/human_eco_evil_drunk/ft/eco/evil/human_eco_evil_drunk_guard_gm_153d5a3.mp3","Let's have a drink and forget we ever met!","agree",2964980286,4014491635,Spawn) PlayFlavor(Trino,"","","sniff",0,0) end end end end