--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/MeetingOfTheMinds/OverlordOxulius.lua Script Author : Neveruary Script Date : 2021.10.05 11:10:42 Script Purpose : Governs behavior of Overlord Oxulius in A Meeting of the Minds. Script Notes : Spell functions de-activated. All spells need implementation. Boss Mechanics : Boss periodically uses custom spells to attack main threat target. If Pkzwk is killed before Oxulius, then adds will spawn and attack the main threat target. --]] -- spells = {Glare of Eradication, Gaze of Writhing Agony, Gaze of Oxulius, Gaze of Destruction} function spawn(NPC) SetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn", "nil") end function aggro(NPC, Spawn) AddTimer(NPC, 1000, "spellLoop") AddTimer(NPC, 1000, "tzkrLoop") end function spellLoop(NPC, Spawn) -- Loopback function for spellcasts. AddTimer(NPC, math.random(1500,2500), "spellChoice") end function spellChoice(NPC, Spawn) -- select a spell from table. local hated = GetMostHated(NPC) if hated ~= nil then FaceTarget(NPC, hated) -- CastSpell(hated, spells[math.random(#spells)], 3, NPC) end AddTimer(NPC, math.random(1500, 2500), "spellLoop") end function tzkrLoop(NPC, Spawn) if GetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn") == "nil" then AddTimer(NPC, 3000, "tzkrCheck") elseif GetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn") == "0" then end end function tzkrCheck(NPC, Spawn) tkzr = GetSpawn(NPC, 5560002) AddTimer(NPC, 1500, "tzkrLoop") if GetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn") == "nil" then if not IsAlive(tkzr) then SetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn", "1") AddTimer(NPC, 1000, "summonAdds") end end end function summonAdds(NPC, Spawn) local zone = GetZone(NPC) -- grab zone if GetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn") == "1" then local borxxSpawn = SpawnByLocationID(zone, 133772846) local braxxSpawn = SpawnByLocationID(zone, 302036) local brixxSpawn = SpawnByLocationID(zone, 302037) end SetTempVariable(NPC, "addSpawn", "0") AddTimer(NPC, 4000, "overlordConvo1") end function overlordConvo1(NPC, Spawn) local zone = GetZone(NPC) local borxx = GetSpawn(NPC, 5560006) if borxx ~= nil then Say(NPC, "Borxx, you must aid me now. Interlopers have threatened my plans, you owe me!") AddTimer(borxx, 3000, "borxxConvo1") end end function overlordConvo2(NPC, Spawn) local borxx = GetSpawn(NPC, 5560006) AddTimer(borxx, 3000, "borxxConvo2") Say(NPC, "I am not to be taken lightly. You don't understand! The plan benefits us all. You must aid me NOW!") end function overlordConvo3(NPC, Spawn) local borxx = GetSpawn(NPC, 5560006) AddTimer(borxx, 3000, "borxxConvo3") Say(NPC, "If they are audacious enough to attack me, then what is to prevent them from treating you the same way?! You must aid me NOW!") end function overlordConvo4(NPC, Spawn) local borxx = GetSpawn(NPC, 5560006) AddTimer(borxx, 3000, "borxxConvo4") Say(NPC, "You know full well I cannot agree to that! Be reasonable, I can make it worth your while! I must have aid NOW!") end function overlordConvo5(NPC, Spawn) local borxx = GetSpawn(NPC, 5560006) AddTimer(borxx, 3000, "borxxConvo5") Say(NPC, "Okay! I will meet your demands. Time grows short; I need you now!") end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end