Contains definition of proto::default_generator, proto::generator<>, proto::pod_generator<> and other utilities that users can use to post-process new expression objects that Proto creates. A simple generator that passes an expression through unchanged. Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter to the proto::domain<> class template and control if and how expressions within that domain are to be customized. The proto::default_generator makes no modifications to the expressions passed to it. proto::callable This(Expr) Expr Expr Expr const & A Proto expression expr A simple generator that passes an expression through unchanged while stating a preference for proto::basic_expr<> over proto::expr<>. proto::use_basic_expr< proto::default_generator > A generator that wraps expressions passed to it in the specified extension wrapper. Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter to the proto::domain<> class template and control if and how expressions within that domain are to be customized. proto::generator<> wraps each expression passed to it in the Extends<> wrapper. This(Expr) Extends< Expr > Extends< Expr > Expr const & A Proto expression Extends<Expr>(expr) A generator that wraps expressions passed to it in the specified extension wrapper and uses aggregate initialization for the wrapper. Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter to the proto::domain<> class template and control if and how expressions within that domain are to be customized. proto::pod_generator<> wraps each expression passed to it in the Extends<> wrapper, and uses aggregate initialzation for the wrapped object. proto::callable This(Expr) Extends< Expr > Extends< Expr > Expr const & A Proto expression Extends<Expr> that = {expr}; return that; A generator that replaces child nodes held by reference with ones held by value. Use with proto::compose_generators<> to forward that result to another generator. Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter to the proto::domain<> class template and control if and how expressions within that domain are to be customized. proto::by_value_generator ensures all child nodes are held by value. This generator is typically composed with a second generator for further processing, as proto::compose_generators<proto::by_value_generator, MyGenerator>. proto::callable This(Expr) unspecified unspecified Expr const & A Proto expression. Equivalent to proto::deep_copy(expr) A composite generator that first applies one transform to an expression and then forwards the result on to another generator for further transformation. Generators are intended for use as the first template parameter to the proto::domain<> class template and control if and how expressions within that domain are to be customized. proto::compose_generators<> is a composite generator that first applies one transform to an expression and then forwards the result on to another generator for further transformation. proto::callable This(Expr) boost::result_of< Second(typename boost::result_of<First(Expr)>::type) > typename boost::result_of< Second(typename boost::result_of<First(Expr)>::type) >::type Expr const & A Proto expression. Second()(First()(expr)) Generator Annotate a generator to indicate that it would prefer to be passed instances of proto::basic_expr<> rather than proto::expr<>. use_basic_expr< Generator > is itself a generator. mpl::bool_< true-or-false > A Boolean metafunction that tests a generator to see whether it would prefer to be passed instances of proto::basic_expr<> rather than proto::expr<>.