// // Copyright 2007-2012 Christian Henning, Andreas Pokorny, Lubomir Bourdev // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // #ifndef BOOST_GIL_IO_READ_VIEW_HPP #define BOOST_GIL_IO_READ_VIEW_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace gil { /// \ingroup IO /// \brief Reads an image view without conversion. No memory is allocated. /// \param reader An image reader. /// \param view The image view in which the data is read into. /// \param settings Specifies read settings depending on the image format. /// \throw std::ios_base::failure template inline void read_view(Reader reader, View const& view, typename std::enable_if < mp11::mp_and < detail::is_reader, typename is_format_tag::type, typename is_read_supported < typename get_pixel_type::type, typename Reader::format_tag_t >::type >::value >::type* /*dummy*/ = nullptr) { reader.check_image_size(view.dimensions()); reader.init_view(view, reader._settings); reader.apply(view); } /// \brief Reads an image view without conversion. No memory is allocated. /// \param file It's a device. Must satisfy is_input_device metafunction. /// \param view The image view in which the data is read into. /// \param settings Specifies read settings depending on the image format. /// \throw std::ios_base::failure template inline void read_view( Device& file, View const& view, image_read_settings const& settings, typename std::enable_if < mp11::mp_and < detail::is_read_device, typename is_format_tag::type, typename is_read_supported < typename get_pixel_type::type, FormatTag >::type >::value >::type* /*dummy*/ = nullptr) { using reader_t = typename get_reader::type; reader_t reader = make_reader(file, settings, detail::read_and_no_convert()); read_view(reader, view); } /// \brief Reads an image view without conversion. No memory is allocated. /// \param file It's a device. Must satisfy is_input_device metafunction or is_adaptable_input_device. /// \param view The image view in which the data is read into. /// \param tag Defines the image format. Must satisfy is_format_tag metafunction. /// \throw std::ios_base::failure template inline void read_view(Device& file, View const& view, FormatTag const& tag, typename std::enable_if < mp11::mp_and < typename is_format_tag::type, detail::is_read_device, typename is_read_supported < typename get_pixel_type::type, FormatTag >::type >::value>::type* /*dummy*/ = nullptr) { using reader_t = typename get_reader::type; reader_t reader = make_reader(file, tag, detail::read_and_no_convert()); read_view(reader, view); } /// \brief Reads an image view without conversion. No memory is allocated. /// \param file_name File name. Must satisfy is_supported_path_spec metafunction. /// \param view The image view in which the data is read into. /// \param settings Specifies read settings depending on the image format. /// \throw std::ios_base::failure template inline void read_view( String const& file_name, View const& view, image_read_settings const& settings, typename std::enable_if < mp11::mp_and < typename detail::is_supported_path_spec::type, typename is_format_tag::type, typename is_read_supported < typename get_pixel_type::type, FormatTag >::type >::value >::type* /*dummy*/ = nullptr) { using reader_t = typename get_reader::type; reader_t reader = make_reader(file_name, settings, detail::read_and_no_convert()); read_view(reader, view); } /// \brief Reads an image view without conversion. No memory is allocated. /// \param file_name File name. Must satisfy is_supported_path_spec metafunction. /// \param view The image view in which the data is read into. /// \param tag Defines the image format. Must satisfy is_format_tag metafunction. /// \throw std::ios_base::failure template inline void read_view(String const& file_name, View const& view, FormatTag const& tag, typename std::enable_if < mp11::mp_and < typename detail::is_supported_path_spec::type, typename is_format_tag::type, typename is_read_supported < typename get_pixel_type::type, FormatTag >::type >::value >::type* /*dummy*/ = nullptr) { using reader_t = typename get_reader::type; reader_t reader = make_reader(file_name, tag, detail::read_and_no_convert()); read_view(reader, view); } }} // namespace boost::gil #endif