--[[ Script Name : ItemScripts/JinglesLastingThawPotion.lua Script Purpose : Handles the item "Jingle's Lasting Thaw Potion" Script Author : vo1d Script Date : 2019.10.30 Script Notes : --]] -- Original Item Values: -- Name: a vial of breezes -- Description: A small vial that contains a captured breeze. A merchant might pay a few coin for this item. -- Item Type: Normal -- StackCount: 20 -- MaxCharges: 0 -- Toggles: false (all) function used(Item, Player) local target = GetTarget(Player) if GetName(target) == 'Candice Cheriweth' or 'Gardy Ex-Giftgiver' or 'Mr. McScroogle' or 'Queen Bunny' or 'Snarf Frostfoot' then CastThawPotion(Player, target) end end function CastThawPotion(Player, target) Say(Player, "Casting Thaw Potion!") CastEntityCommand(Player, target, 930, "pour acid on") end