--[[ Script Name : ItemScripts/OrcSmugglerRequisition_classic.lua Script Author : Dorbin Script Date : 2022.05.29 10:05:01 Script Purpose : : --]] local LANGUAGE_QUEST = 5569 function examined(Item, Player) conversation = CreateConversation() if not HasQuest(Player, LANGUAGE_QUEST) or GetQuestStep(Player,LANGUAGE_QUEST)==1 then AddConversationOption(conversation, "Compare the Norrathian and orcish symbols closely.", "Study") end AddConversationOption(conversation, "Hold on to the requisition order for use later.","CloseItemConversation") StartDialogConversation(conversation, 2, Item, Player, "This smuggler requiisition appears to be written in Norrathian and pictograms from what is most likely orcish. If I found a few more of these orders I could understand some of the basics of the orcish language.") end function Study(Item,Player) CloseItemConversation(Item,Player) if not HasQuest(Player, LANGUAGE_QUEST) then OfferQuest(nil, Player, LANGUAGE_QUEST) else RemoveItem(Player,10202,1) --smuggler requisition SummonItem(Player,13529)-- studied smuggler requisition CloseItemConversation(Item,Player) end end