--[[ Script Name : ItemScripts/scarwurmpheromone.lua Script Purpose : clickable used in quest "The Mother Lode" Script Author : fearfx Script Date : 24 Jan 2017 Script Notes : Summons "the wurm mother" (ID = 341051) --]] local TheMotherLode = 148 function used(Item, Player) local zone = GetZone(Player) local x = GetX(Player) local y = GetY(Player) local z = GetZ(Player) if x >= -490 and x <= -438 and z <= -43 and z >= -76 and y <= -48 and y >= -53 and GetTempVariable(Player, "WurmMother") == nil and GetQuestStep(Player, TheMotherLode) ~= 3 then local zone = GetZone(Player) local newSpawn = SpawnMob(zone, 341051, 1, -464.18, -49.33, -60.43, 242.84) if newSpawn ~= nil then AddSpawnAccess(newSpawn, Player) AddStepProgress(Player, TheMotherLode, 1, 1) SetTempVariable(Player, "WurmMother", "1") end elseif GetQuestStep(Player, TheMotherLode) == 3 then SendMessage(Player, "You have already killed The Wurm Mother.", "yellow") elseif GetTempVariable(Player, "WurmMother") ~= nil then SendMessage(Player, "The Wurm Mother has already been summoned.", "yellow") else SendMessage(Player, "You must use this item on the bridge that spans Innoruuk's Scar.", "yellow") end end