--[[ Script Name : Quests/Darklight/UsefulMaterials.lua Script Purpose : Handles the quest, "Useful Materials" Script Author : Cynnar Script Date : 8/30/2015 Script Notes : Zone : Darklight Wood Quest Giver : Ilmtar D'Viervs Preceded by : One Man's Waste... Followed by : Sorcerous Necessities --]] function Init(Quest) AddQuestStepObtainItem(Quest, 1, "Collect pieces of wood for Ilmtar D'Viervs", 6, 100, "Ilmtar D'Viervs wants wood from the Field of Ruin.", 830, 6486) AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 1, "Step1Complete") end function Step1Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 1, "I have collected the wood") AddQuestStepChat(Quest, 2, "Bring the wood back to Ilmtar", 1, "Ilmtar D'Viervs wants wood from the Field of Ruin.", 830, 340076) AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 2, "QuestComplete") end function QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) UpdateQuestDescription(Quest, "I have brought Ilmtar the wood he asked for.") while HasItem(Player, 6486, 1) do RemoveItem(Player, 6486) end GiveQuestReward(Quest, Player) end function Reload(Quest, QuestGiver, Player, Step) if Step == 1 then Step1Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) elseif Step == 2 then QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) end end function Accepted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) FaceTarget(QuestGiver, Player) local con = CreateConversation() PlayFlavor(QuestGiver, "", "", "", 0, 0, Player) StartConversation(con, QuestGiver, Player, "Good.") end function Declined(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) -- Add dialog here for when the quest is declined end function Deleted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player) end