--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/Graystone/qst_unseenhand_crate_1.lua Script Purpose : qst_unseenhand_crate_1 Script Author : Scatman Script Date : 2009.10.05 Script Notes : --]] local BARBARIAN_MENTOR_QUEST_2 = 290 local DWARF_MENTOR_QUEST_3 = 286 function spawn(NPC) SetRequiredQuest(NPC, BARBARIAN_MENTOR_QUEST_2, 4) SetRequiredQuest(NPC, DWARF_MENTOR_QUEST_3, 2) end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function casted_on(Target, Caster, SpellName) if HasQuest(Caster, BARBARIAN_MENTOR_QUEST_2) and GetQuestStep(Caster, BARBARIAN_MENTOR_QUEST_2) == 4 and SpellName == "inspect" then AddStepProgress(Caster, BARBARIAN_MENTOR_QUEST_2, 4, 1) SendMessage(Caster, "This crate is not from shipment CG4QC.") SendPopUpMessage(Caster, "This crate is not from shipment CG4QC.", 255, 255, 255) SpawnSet(Target, "show_command_icon", 0) AddTimer(Target, 60000, "ResetBarrel") elseif HasQuest(Caster, DWARF_MENTOR_QUEST_3) and GetQuestStep(Caster, DWARF_MENTOR_QUEST_3) == 2 and SpellName == "inspect" then conversation = CreateConversation() AddConversationOption(conversation, "Stop inspecting.", "CloseConversation") StartDialogConversation(conversation, 1, Target, Caster, "A quick search doesn't turn up any packages meant for Mav Boilfist, perhaps you should check some of the other crates and barrels.") end end function ResetBarrel(NPC) SpawnSet(NPC, "show_command_icon", 1) end