amonkinitiate.lua 9.0 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : SpawnScripts/qeynos_combined02/amonkinitiate.lua
  3. Script Author : Rylec
  4. Script Date : 2021.02.14 05:02:23
  5. Script Purpose :
  6. :
  7. --]]
  8. function spawn(NPC)
  9. local model = MakeRandomInt(1,2)
  10. if model == 1 then
  11. SetModelType(NPC, "132")
  12. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "132")
  13. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5529")
  14. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5530")
  15. else
  16. SetModelType(NPC, "134")
  17. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "134")
  18. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5533")
  19. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5534")
  20. end
  21. local hair = MakeRandomInt(1121,1140)
  22. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", hair)
  23. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", hair)
  24. local beard = MakeRandomInt(1164,1191)
  25. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", beard)
  26. SetPlayerProximityFunction(NPC, 10, "InRange")
  27. AddTimer(NPC, 4000, "EmoteLoop")
  28. end
  29. function hailed(NPC, Spawn)
  30. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  31. local type = GetModelType(NPC)
  32. if type == 132 then
  33. humanFemale(NPC)
  34. else
  35. humanMale(NPC)
  36. end
  37. end
  38. function humanFemale(NPC)
  39. local chiChoice = MakeRandomInt(1,7)
  40. if chiChoice == 1 then
  41. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_63aeaecb.mp3", "Hail, good traveler!", "agree", 3880132810, 2976839399, Spawn)
  42. elseif chiChoice == 2 then
  43. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_c5cb5ec8.mp3", "Hail to you as well, traveler. There is much work to be done in Qeynos, might as well get started on it now.", "smile", 3197561806, 3190128247, Spawn)
  44. elseif chiChoice == 3 then
  45. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_e9f03834.mp3", "Welcome to Qeynos, traveler, know that you are among allies.", "bye", 2097755939, 469858505, Spawn)
  46. elseif chiChoice == 4 then
  47. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Good day to you. I trust your journey to our city was not overly hazardous.", "fullcurtsey", 0, 0, Spawn)
  48. elseif chiChoice == 5 then
  49. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_a1a2ce02.mp3", "Hello and welcome to the city. Everything you need can be found here in Qeynos.", "thanks", 3632185330, 3617071255, Spawn)
  50. elseif chiChoice == 6 then
  51. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_bf6c3bd5.mp3", "Hello there, friend, I hope the day finds you well.", "nod", 2878226663, 595387800, Spawn)
  52. else
  53. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_408eb029.mp3", "Greetings traveler and welcome to our village. Be sure to help us keep it tidy.", "scold", 748098747, 1246453163, Spawn)
  54. end
  55. end
  56. function humanMale(NPC)
  57. local chiChoice = MakeRandomInt(1,9)
  58. if chiChoice == 1 then
  59. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_13b79d2d.mp3", "Welcome...welcome traveler, to the fair city of Qeynos! My, isn't it a magnificent day?", "hello", 3746934207, 794965138, Spawn)
  60. elseif chiChoice == 2 then
  61. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_ef2b9651.mp3", "Will you quit pestering me? Don't force me to summon the guards!", "tapfoot", 3345611839, 1442739842, Spawn)
  62. elseif chiChoice == 3 then
  63. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_d38d1fff.mp3", "Ah, what have we here? Glad to see you endured the journey here, adventurer.", "wave", 2806352129, 3453714070, Spawn)
  64. elseif chiChoice == 4 then
  65. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_26f4c608.mp3", "Greetings visitor, I'm glad to meet you.", "bye", 1300497520, 2713745446, Spawn)
  66. elseif chiChoice == 5 then
  67. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_3fc546db.mp3", "As a citizen of the mighty city, Qeynos, I greet you openly.", "salute", 2645256785, 1334313741, Spawn)
  68. elseif chiChoice == 6 then
  69. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_7e3b456a.mp3", "Hail, pleasure to meet you.", "agree", 471367832, 2417424572, Spawn)
  70. elseif chiChoice == 7 then
  71. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_60dfe3da.mp3", "Welcome to Qeynos, friend.", "nod", 3850495157, 2924033866, Spawn)
  72. elseif chiChoice == 8 then
  73. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_9b2049a3.mp3", "Well met, friend. It's good to make your acquaintance!", "bow", 754727055, 3165426316, Spawn)
  74. else
  75. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_e58035f3.mp3", "What do you want? Leave me be!", "shrug", 1323474108, 3355478224, Spawn)
  76. end
  77. end
  78. function respawn(NPC)
  79. spawn(NPC)
  80. end
  81. function InRange(NPC, Spawn)
  82. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  83. local type = GetModelType(NPC)
  84. if type == 132 then
  85. humanFemaleProximity(NPC)
  86. else
  87. humanMaleProximity(NPC)
  88. end
  89. end
  90. function humanFemaleProximity(NPC)
  91. local chiChoice = MakeRandomInt(1,4)
  92. if chiChoice == 1 then
  93. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_79781fd.mp3", "Welcome to the city, newcomer. All are welcome in the court of Antonia Bayle.", "bow", 4027811518, 2764738720, Spawn)
  94. elseif chiChoice == 2 then
  95. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_aoi_gf_7b765111.mp3", "You stand within the sturdy and unyielding walls of Qeynos, give thanks for their existence!", "point", 1908238477, 1252205270, Spawn)
  96. elseif chiChoice == 3 then
  97. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_9a63d2e3.mp3", "Hail, I am pleased to see so many eager new adventurers among us.", "hello", 3500366421, 3655995659, Spawn)
  98. else
  99. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gf_1dba0c5b.mp3", "Salutations and warm greetings to you.", "curtsey", 707852693, 1737331106, Spawn)
  100. end
  101. end
  102. function humanMaleProximity(NPC)
  103. local chiChoice = MakeRandomInt(1,4)
  104. if chiChoice == 1 then
  105. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Welcome...welcome traveler, to the fair city of Qeynos! My, isn't it a magnificent day?", "hello", 0, 0, Spawn)
  106. elseif chiChoice == 2 then
  107. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_aoi_gm_4d212798.mp3", "I'm confident that the merchants of our city will fill all equipment needs with the utmost hospitality.", "smile", 2600666744, 586734676, Spawn)
  108. elseif chiChoice == 3 then
  109. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_aoi_gm_2c5409ba.mp3", "Another lovely day in the city of Qeynos!", "sigh", 2759856909, 614688407, Spawn)
  110. else
  111. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_good_1/ft/human/human_eco_good_1_hail_gm_34d7a9e6.mp3", "Well met. Here, in Qeynos, you shall find a wealth of useful supplies, and more importantly, ale.", "wink", 3467166298, 3144147842, Spawn)
  112. end
  113. end
  114. function EmoteLoop(NPC)
  115. SpawnSet(NPC, "action_state", 0)
  116. local choice = MakeRandomInt(1,10)
  117. if choice == 1 then
  118. PlayAnimation(NPC, 1181)
  119. AddTimer(NPC, 1300, "Idle")
  120. elseif choice == 2 then
  121. PlayAnimation(NPC, 1284)
  122. AddTimer(NPC, 1550, "Idle")
  123. elseif choice == 3 then
  124. PlayAnimation(NPC, 1286)
  125. AddTimer(NPC, 1300, "Idle")
  126. elseif choice == 4 then
  127. PlayAnimation(NPC, 4506)
  128. AddTimer(NPC, 1550, "Idle")
  129. elseif choice == 5 then
  130. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11824)
  131. AddTimer(NPC, 950, "Idle")
  132. elseif choice == 6 then
  133. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11828)
  134. AddTimer(NPC, 3000, "Idle")
  135. elseif choice == 7 then
  136. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11830)
  137. AddTimer(NPC, 1300, "Idle")
  138. elseif choice == 8 then
  139. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11831)
  140. AddTimer(NPC, 2450, "Idle")
  141. elseif choice == 9 then
  142. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11832)
  143. AddTimer(NPC, 1750, "Idle")
  144. else
  145. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11848)
  146. AddTimer(NPC, 2000, "Idle")
  147. end
  148. end
  149. function Idle(NPC)
  150. PlayAnimation(NPC, 372)
  151. SpawnSet(NPC, "action_state", 372)
  152. local timer = MakeRandomInt(500,2500)
  153. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  154. end