WesleyTundrafoot.lua 2.6 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : SpawnScripts/ScaleYard/WesleyTundrafoot.lua
  3. Script Purpose : Wesley Tundrafoot
  4. Script Author : John Adams
  5. Script Date : 2008.10.01
  6. Script Notes : Auto-Generated Conversation from PacketParser Data
  7. --]]
  8. -- Quest ID's
  9. local QUEST_1 = 341
  10. function spawn(NPC)
  11. end
  12. function respawn(NPC)
  13. spawn(NPC)
  14. end
  15. function hailed(NPC, Spawn)
  16. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  17. conversation = CreateConversation()
  18. if HasQuest(Spawn, QUEST_1) and GetQuestStep(Spawn, QUEST_1) == 2 then
  19. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/tutorial_revamp/wesley_tundrafoot/fprt_hood06/rcp_wesley001.mp3", "", "", 2865891538, 1410389644, Spawn)
  20. AddConversationOption(conversation, "I'm afraid to say you won't be slaying anything, Wesley. It looks as though the Freeport Militia wants to speak to you about the broken furniture in Guard Captain Issik's office.", "dlg_12_1")
  21. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "Who's that there? Marcus? Is it time to fight? Point me to something and I'll gladly snap its neck!")
  22. else
  23. Say(NPC, "I find the lack of snow in this place... unsettling.")
  24. end
  25. end
  26. function dlg_12_1(NPC, Spawn)
  27. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  28. conversation = CreateConversation()
  29. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/tutorial_revamp/wesley_tundrafoot/fprt_hood06/rcp_wesley002.mp3", "", "", 692581137, 3283910777, Spawn)
  30. AddConversationOption(conversation, "Well, it may just be a rumor but... Tristan O'Rilley definitely ratted you out.", "dlg_12_2")
  31. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "What?! I never even set foot in that lizard's office. Who told the Militia I was to blame? C'mon, out with it, lizard. Tell me!")
  32. end
  33. function dlg_12_2(NPC, Spawn)
  34. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  35. conversation = CreateConversation()
  36. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/tutorial_revamp/wesley_tundrafoot/fprt_hood06/rcp_wesley003.mp3", "", "", 2622307148, 2901004163, Spawn)
  37. AddConversationOption(conversation, "I must take my leave. Good day.", "dlg_12_3")
  38. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "WHAT!? That back-stabbin' under-handed kilt yanker! This is how he repays my tutelage? That's it, I'm going to beat him so hard he'll... I'll pummel him till he's.. And then I'm gonna...")
  39. SetStepComplete(Spawn, QUEST_1, 2)
  40. end
  41. function dlg_99_1(NPC, Spawn)
  42. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  43. conversation = CreateConversation()
  44. AddConversationOption(conversation, "Quests", "dlg_99_2")
  45. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "What would you like?")
  46. end
  47. --[[ raw_conversations
  48. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/tutorial_revamp/wesley_tundrafoot/fprt_hood06/quest_wesley_idle_text_f22e7e7b.mp3", "I find the lack of snow in this place... unsettling.", "", 3738848352, 3752147462, Spawn)
  49. --]]