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  12. <h1><img src="../../../boost.png" alt="Boost logo" align=
  13. "middle" width="277" height="86">Boost.Flyweight Acknowledgements</h1>
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  23. <p>
  24. The following people have provided valuable feedback and suggestions during the
  25. development of the library: Ion Gazta&ntilde;aga, Janek Kozicki, Tobias Schwinger,
  26. Pavel Vo&#382;en&iacute;lek. Simon Atanasyan contributed a workaround for a
  27. problem with Sun Studio compilers. Rosa Bern&aacute;rdez has proofread the
  28. documentation from the first drafts up to its present form.
  29. </p>
  30. <p>
  31. The acceptance review of Boost.Flyweight took place between January 21st
  32. and February 3rd 2008. Many thanks to Ion Gazta&ntilde;aga, the stalwart review manager,
  33. and to all the reviewers: Alberto Ganesh Barbati, Tim Blechmann,
  34. Vicente Juan Botet Escrib&aacute;, Mat&iacute;as Capeletto, Neil Hunt, Marcus Lindblom,
  35. John Reid, David Sankel, Kevin Sopp, John Torjo, Markus Werle. Alberto identified
  36. important limitations of the initial design, which led to the
  37. introduction of <a href="tutorial/key_value.html">key-value flyweights</a>.
  38. </p>
  39. <p>
  40. Boost.Flyweight relies on the
  41. <a href="../../mpl/doc/index.html">Boost MPL Library</a> from
  42. Aleksey Gurtovoy. The
  43. <a href="tutorial/configuration.html#free_order_template">free-order template
  44. parameter interface</a> offered by the library has been implemented
  45. with the <a href="../../parameter/doc/html/index.html">Boost Parameter
  46. Library</a> from David Abrahams and Daniel Wallin. Ion Gazta&ntilde;aga's
  47. <a href="../../interprocess/index.html">Boost Interprocess Library</a>
  48. is the core element behind the
  49. <a href="tutorial/configuration.html#intermodule_holder"><code>intermodule_holder</code></a>
  50. component.
  51. </p>
  52. <p>
  53. This work is dedicated to Jorge L&oacute;pez, in the hope that past
  54. dire straits gentler oceans will lie.
  55. </p>
  56. <h2><a name="boost_1_39">Boost 1.39 release</a></h2>
  57. <p>
  58. Many thanks to Tim Blechmann for helping identify and solve a serious
  59. <a href="release_notes.html#refcounted_bug">thread safety problem</a>
  60. and to Peter Dimov for kindly extending the interface of his
  61. <code>boost::detail::atomic_count</code> utility to allow for the
  62. implementation of the fix.
  63. </p>
  64. <h2><a name="boost_1_57">Boost 1.57 release</a></h2>
  65. <p>
  66. Boost.Flyweight serialization uses the newly introduced
  67. <a href="../../serialization/doc/special.html#helpersupport">helper support
  68. functionality</a> of the <a href="../../serialization/index.html">Boost Serialization Library</a>
  69. from Robert Ramey. Without helper support, serialization of <code>flyweight</code>s would have
  70. been unacceptably costly in terms of archive space consumption.
  71. </p>
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  81. <br>
  82. <p>Revised September 1st 2014</p>
  83. <p>&copy; Copyright 2006-2014 Joaqu&iacute;n M L&oacute;pez Mu&ntilde;oz.
  84. Distributed under the Boost Software
  85. License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <a href="../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">
  86. LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or copy at <a href="">
  88. </p>
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