vc6-stlport.mak 1.9 KB

  1. # copyright John Maddock 2003
  2. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  3. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  4. # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.
  5. # very basic makefile for regression tests
  6. #
  7. # Visual C++ 6 + full stlport 4.x
  8. #
  9. # we don't test single threaded builds as stlport doesn't support these...
  10. #
  11. #
  12. # Add additional compiler options here:
  13. #
  15. #
  16. # Add additional debugging options here:
  17. #
  19. #
  20. # Add additional include directories here:
  21. #
  23. #
  24. # add additional linker flags here:
  25. #
  26. XLFLAGS=
  27. #
  28. # sources to compile for each test:
  29. #
  30. SOURCES=*.cpp
  31. !IF "$(MSVCDIR)" == ""
  32. !ERROR Variable MSVCDIR not set.
  33. !ENDIF
  34. !IF "$(STLPORT_PATH)" == ""
  35. !ERROR Variable STLPORT_PATH not set.
  36. !ENDIF
  37. CFLAGS= $(INCLUDES) /I$(STLPORT_PATH)\stlport /Zm400 /GF /Gy -GX -GR -I..\..\..\..\ $(CXXFLAGS) /DBOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC=1
  38. LFLAGS= -link /LIBPATH:..\..\..\..\stage\lib /LIBPATH:..\..\build\vc6-stlport /LIBPATH:$(STLPORT_PATH)\lib user32.lib $(XLFLAGS)
  39. all :: r3-vc6-stlport.exe r4-vc6-stlport.exe r5-vc6-stlport.exe r6-vc6-stlport.exe r7-vc6-stlport.exe r8-vc6-stlport.exe
  40. r1-vc6-stlport
  41. r2-vc6-stlport
  42. r3-vc6-stlport
  43. r4-vc6-stlport
  44. r5-vc6-stlport
  45. r6-vc6-stlport
  46. -copy ..\..\build\vc6\boost_regex*.dll
  47. -copy ..\..\..\..\stage\lib\boost_regex*.dll
  48. r7-vc6-stlport
  49. r8-vc6-stlport
  50. r3-vc6-stlport.exe :
  51. cl /MT $(CFLAGS) /O2 -o r3-vc6-stlport.exe $(SOURCES) $(LFLAGS)
  52. r4-vc6-stlport.exe :
  53. cl /MTd $(CFLAGS) -o r4-vc6-stlport.exe $(SOURCES) $(LFLAGS)
  54. r5-vc6-stlport.exe :
  55. cl /MD $(CFLAGS) /O2 -o r5-vc6-stlport.exe $(SOURCES) $(LFLAGS)
  56. r6-vc6-stlport.exe :
  57. cl /MDd $(CFLAGS) -o r6-vc6-stlport.exe $(SOURCES) $(LFLAGS)
  58. r7-vc6-stlport.exe :
  59. cl /MD $(CFLAGS) /O2 /DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -o r7-vc6-stlport.exe $(SOURCES) $(LFLAGS)
  60. r8-vc6-stlport.exe :
  61. cl /MDd $(CFLAGS) /DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -o r8-vc6-stlport.exe $(SOURCES) $(LFLAGS)