Jamfile.v2 1.7 KB

  1. # Boost Filesystem Library test Jamfile
  2. # (C) Copyright Beman Dawes 2002-2006
  3. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. # See www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
  5. import testing ;
  6. import os ;
  7. project
  8. : requirements
  9. <library>/boost/filesystem//boost_filesystem
  10. ;
  11. # Some tests are run both statically and as shared libraries since Filesystem
  12. # has a history of bugs that appear only in one type of build or the other.
  13. path-constant HERE : . ;
  14. local VIS ;
  15. if [ os.environ UBSAN ]
  16. {
  17. VIS = <visibility>global
  18. -<library>/boost/filesystem//boost_filesystem
  19. <library>/boost/filesystem//boost_filesystem/<visibility>global ;
  20. }
  21. run config_info.cpp : : : <link>shared <test-info>always_show_run_output ;
  22. run config_info.cpp : : : <link>static <test-info>always_show_run_output : config_info_static ;
  23. run convenience_test.cpp ;
  24. compile macro_default_test.cpp ;
  25. run odr1_test.cpp odr2_test.cpp ;
  26. run deprecated_test.cpp ;
  27. run fstream_test.cpp : : : $(VIS) ;
  28. run large_file_support_test.cpp ;
  29. run locale_info.cpp : : : <test-info>always_show_run_output ;
  30. run operations_test.cpp : : : <link>shared <test-info>always_show_run_output ;
  31. run operations_test.cpp : : : <link>static : operations_test_static ;
  32. run operations_unit_test.cpp : $(HERE) : : <link>shared <test-info>always_show_run_output ;
  33. run path_test.cpp : : : <link>shared ;
  34. run path_test.cpp : : : <link>static : path_test_static ;
  35. run path_unit_test.cpp : : : <link>shared $(VIS) ;
  36. run path_unit_test.cpp : : : <link>static $(VIS) : path_unit_test_static ;
  37. run relative_test.cpp ;
  38. run ../example/simple_ls.cpp ;
  39. run ../example/file_status.cpp ;
  40. run foreach_test.cpp ;
  41. # `quick` target (for CI)
  42. run quick.cpp ;
  43. # Tests for specific issues
  44. run issues/70-71-copy.cpp ;