rtree_dynamic_rstar.qbk 2.1 KB

  1. [/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk 1.1.1, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
  2. [/ Generated from xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1dynamic__rstar.xml]
  3. [#classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1dynamic__rstar]
  4. [section boost::geometry::index::dynamic_rstar]
  5. '''<indexterm><primary>boost</primary></indexterm><indexterm><primary>geometry</primary></indexterm><indexterm><primary>index</primary></indexterm><indexterm><primary>dynamic_rstar</primary></indexterm>'''
  6. R*-tree creation algorithm parameters - run-time version.
  7. [heading Header]
  8. `#include <boost/geometry/index/parameters.hpp>`
  9. [heading Synopsis]
  10. [pre
  11. `class dynamic_rstar`
  12. `{`
  13. ` // ...`
  14. `};`
  15. ]
  16. [heading Constructor(s) and destructor]
  17. [table
  18. [[Function][Description]]
  19. [[[link classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1dynamic__rstar_1ad5115c769752603a179bf158f02fdb1c `dynamic_rstar(size_t)`]][The constructor. ]]
  20. ]
  21. [#classboost_1_1geometry_1_1index_1_1dynamic__rstar_1ad5115c769752603a179bf158f02fdb1c]
  22. [section dynamic_rstar(size_t)]
  23. '''<indexterm><primary>dynamic_rstar</primary></indexterm>'''
  24. The constructor.
  25. [heading Synopsis]
  26. [pre
  27. `dynamic_rstar``(``size_t` `max_elements``,`
  28. `size_t` `min_elements` = /default/`,`
  29. `size_t` `reinserted_elements` = /default/`,`
  30. `size_t` `overlap_cost_threshold` = `32``)`
  31. ]
  32. [heading Modifier(s)]
  33. ``explicit ``[heading Parameter(s)]
  34. [table
  35. [[Type][Name][Description]]
  36. [[`size_t`][ `max_elements` ][Maximum number of elements in nodes. ]]
  37. [[`size_t`][ `min_elements` ][Minimum number of elements in nodes. Default: 0.3*Max. ]]
  38. [[`size_t`][ `reinserted_elements` ][The number of elements reinserted by forced reinsertions algorithm. If 0 forced reinsertions are disabled. Maximum value is Max-Min+1. Greater values are truncated. Default: 0.3*Max. ]]
  39. [[`size_t`][ `overlap_cost_threshold` ][The number of most suitable leafs taken into account while choosing the leaf node to which currently inserted value will be added. If value is in range (0, MaxElements) - the algorithm calculates nearly minimum overlap cost, otherwise all leafs are analyzed and true minimum overlap cost is calculated. Default: 32. ]]
  40. ]
  41. [endsect]
  42. [endsect]