preface.qbk 3.1 KB

  1. [/==============================================================================
  2. Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Joel de Guzman
  3. Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
  4. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  6. ===============================================================================/]
  7. [section Preface]
  8. [:['["Examples of designs that meet most of the criteria for
  9. "goodness" (easy to understand, flexible, efficient) are a
  10. recursive-descent parser, which is traditional procedural
  11. code. Another example is the STL, which is a generic library of
  12. containers and algorithms depending crucially on both traditional
  13. procedural code and on parametric polymorphism.]] [*--Bjarne
  14. Stroustrup]]
  15. [heading How to use this manual]
  16. This document is roughly divided into 3 parts:
  17. # Tutorials: A step by step guide with heavily annotated code. These
  18. are meant to get the user acquainted with the library as quickly as
  19. possible. The objective is to build the confidence of the user in
  20. using the library through abundant examples and detailed
  21. instructions. Examples speak volumes and we have volumes of
  22. examples!
  23. # Abstracts: A high level summary of key topics. The objective is to
  24. give the user a high level view of the library, the key concepts,
  25. background and theories.
  26. # Reference: Detailed formal technical reference. We start with a quick
  27. reference -- an easy to use table that maps into the reference proper.
  28. The reference proper starts with C++ concepts followed by
  29. models of the concepts.
  30. Some icons are used to mark certain topics indicative of their relevance.
  31. These icons precede some text to indicate:
  32. [table Icons
  33. [[Icon] [Name] [Meaning]]
  34. [[__note__] [Note] [Generally useful information (an aside that
  35. doesn't fit in the flow of the text)]]
  36. [[__tip__] [Tip] [Suggestion on how to do something
  37. (especially something that is not obvious)]]
  38. [[__important__] [Important] [Important note on something to take
  39. particular notice of]]
  40. [[__caution__] [Caution] [Take special care with this - it may
  41. not be what you expect and may cause bad
  42. results]]
  43. [[__danger__] [Danger] [This is likely to cause serious
  44. trouble if ignored]]
  45. ]
  46. This documentation is automatically generated by Boost QuickBook
  47. documentation tool. QuickBook can be found in the __boost_tools__.
  48. [heading Support]
  49. Please direct all questions to Spirit's mailing list. You can subscribe
  50. to the __spirit_list__. The mailing list has a searchable archive. A
  51. search link to this archive is provided in __spirit__'s home page. You
  52. may also read and post messages to the mailing list through
  53. __spirit_general__ (thanks to __gmane__). The news group mirrors the
  54. mailing list. Here is a link to the archives: __mlist_archive__.
  55. [endsect] [/ Preface]