has_complement.qbk 3.8 KB

  1. [/
  2. (C) Copyright 2009-2011 Frederic Bron.
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  5. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
  6. ]
  7. [section:has_complement has_complement]
  8. template <class Rhs, class Ret=dont_care>
  9. struct has_complement : public __tof {};
  10. __inherit
  11. If (i) `rhs` of type `Rhs` can be used in expression `~rhs`,
  12. and (ii) `Ret=dont_care` or the result of expression `~rhs` is convertible to `Ret`
  13. then inherits from __true_type,
  14. otherwise inherits from __false_type.
  15. The default behaviour (`Ret=dont_care`) is to not check for the return value of prefix `operator~`.
  16. If `Ret` is different from the default `dont_care` type, the return value is checked to be convertible to `Ret`.
  17. Convertible to `Ret` means that the return value of the operator can be used as argument to a function expecting `Ret`:
  18. ``
  19. void f(Ret);
  20. Rhs rhs;
  21. f(~rhs); // is valid if has_complement<Rhs, Ret>::value==true
  22. ``
  23. If `Ret=void`, the return type is checked to be exactly `void`.
  24. __header `#include <boost/type_traits/has_complement.hpp>` or `#include <boost/type_traits/has_operator.hpp>` or `#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>`
  25. [has_binary_operator_compat]
  26. __examples
  27. [:`has_complement<Rhs, Ret>::value_type` is the type `bool`.]
  28. [:`has_complement<Rhs, Ret>::value` is a `bool` integral constant expression.]
  29. [:`has_complement<int>::value` is a `bool` integral constant expression that evaluates to `true`.]
  30. [:`has_complement<long>` inherits from `__true_type`.]
  31. [:`has_complement<int, int>` inherits from `__true_type`.]
  32. [:`has_complement<int, long>` inherits from `__true_type`.]
  33. [:`has_complement<const int>` inherits from `__true_type`.]
  34. [:`has_complement<int*>` inherits from `__false_type`.]
  35. [:`has_complement<double, double>` inherits from `__false_type`.]
  36. [:`has_complement<double, int>` inherits from `__false_type`.]
  37. [:`has_complement<int, std::string>` inherits from `__false_type`.]
  38. [*See also:] [link boost_typetraits.category.value_traits.operators Operator Type Traits]
  39. [*Known issues:]
  40. * This trait cannot detect whether prefix `operator~` is public or not:
  41. if `operator~` is defined as a private member of `Rhs` then
  42. instantiating `has_complement<Rhs>` will produce a compiler error.
  43. For this reason `has_complement` cannot be used to determine whether a type has a public `operator~` or not.
  44. ``
  45. struct A { private: void operator~(); };
  46. boost::has_complement<A>::value; // error: A::operator~() is private
  47. ``
  48. * There is an issue if the operator exists only for type `A` and `B` is
  49. convertible to `A`. In this case, the compiler will report an ambiguous overload.
  50. ``
  51. struct A { };
  52. void operator~(const A&);
  53. struct B { operator A(); };
  54. boost::has_complement<A>::value; // this is fine
  55. boost::has_complement<B>::value; // error: ambiguous overload
  56. ``
  57. * There is an issue when applying this trait to template classes.
  58. If `operator~` is defined but does not bind for a given template type,
  59. it is still detected by the trait which returns `true` instead of `false`.
  60. Example:
  61. ``
  62. #include <boost/type_traits/has_complement.hpp>
  63. #include <iostream>
  64. template <class T>
  65. struct contains { T data; };
  66. template <class T>
  67. bool operator~(const contains<T> &rhs) {
  68. return f(rhs.data);
  69. }
  70. class bad { };
  71. class good { };
  72. bool f(const good&) { }
  73. int main() {
  74. std::cout<<std::boolalpha;
  75. // works fine for contains<good>
  76. std::cout<<boost::has_complement< contains< good > >::value<<'\n'; // true
  77. contains<good> g;
  78. ~g; // ok
  79. // does not work for contains<bad>
  80. std::cout<<boost::has_complement< contains< bad > >::value<<'\n'; // true, should be false
  81. contains<bad> b;
  82. ~b; // compile time error
  83. return 0;
  84. }
  85. ``
  86. * `volatile` qualifier is not properly handled and would lead to undefined behavior
  87. [prefix_operator_known_issues has_complement..~]
  88. [endsect]