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  26. <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
  27. <a name="variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros"></a><a class="link" href="vmd_vmacros.html" title="Using variadic macros">Using variadic macros</a>
  28. </h2></div></div></div>
  29. <p>
  30. Variadic macros, as specified by C++11, is a feature taken from the C99 specification.
  31. They are macros which take a final parameter denoted as '...' which represents
  32. one or more final arguments to the macro as a series of comma-separated tokens.
  33. In the macro expansion a special keyword of '__VA_ARGS__' represents the comma-separated
  34. tokens. This information when passed to a variadic macro I call 'variadic macro
  35. data', which gives its name to this library. The more general term 'variadic
  36. data' is used in this documentation to specify data passed to a macro which
  37. can contain any number of macro tokens as a single macro parameter, such as
  38. is found in Boost PP data types.
  39. </p>
  40. <h4>
  41. <a name="variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros.h0"></a>
  42. <span class="phrase"><a name="variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros.boost_support"></a></span><a class="link" href="vmd_vmacros.html#variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros.boost_support">Boost
  43. support</a>
  44. </h4>
  45. <p>
  46. The Boost PP library has support for variadic macros and uses its own criteria
  47. to determine if a particular compiler has that support. Boost PP defines or
  48. uses the macro BOOST_PP_VARIADICS to denote whether the compiler being used
  49. supports variadic macros. When BOOST_PP_VARIADICS is set to 1 the compiler
  50. supports variadic macros, otherwise when BOOST_PP_VARIADICS is set to 0 the
  51. compiler does not support variadic macros. If a user of Boost PP sets this
  52. value, Boost PP uses the value the end-user sets, otherwise Boost PP defines
  53. the value of BOOST_PP_VARIADICS based on its own analysis of the compiler being
  54. used. This macro can also be checked to determine if a compiler has support
  55. for variadic macros.
  56. </p>
  57. <h4>
  58. <a name="variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros.h1"></a>
  59. <span class="phrase"><a name="variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros.determining_variadic_macro_suppo"></a></span><a class="link" href="vmd_vmacros.html#variadic_macro_data.vmd_vmacros.determining_variadic_macro_suppo">Determining
  60. variadic macro support</a>
  61. </h4>
  62. <p>
  63. The VMD library automatically determines whether variadic macro support is
  64. enabled for a particular compiler by also using the same BOOST_PP_VARIADICS
  65. macro from Boost PP. The end-user of VMD can also manually set the macro BOOST_PP_VARIADICS
  66. to turn on or off compiler support for variadic macros in the VMD library.
  67. When BOOST_PP_VARIADICS is set to 0 variadic macros are not supported in the
  68. VMD library, otherwise when BOOST_PP_VARIADICS is set to non-zero they are
  69. supported in the VMD library. This same macro can be used to determine if VMD
  70. supports variadic macros for a particular compiler.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>
  73. Since this library depends on variadic macro support, if BOOST_PP_VARIADICS
  74. is set to 0, using any of the macros in VMD will lead to a compiler error since
  75. the macro will not be defined. However just including any of the header files
  76. in VMD, even with no variadic macro support for the compiler, will not lead
  77. to any compiler errors.
  78. </p>
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