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  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Niebler
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  6. /]
  7. [section Localization and Regex Traits]
  8. [h2 Overview]
  9. Matching a regular expression against a string often requires locale-dependent information. For example,
  10. how are case-insensitive comparisons performed? The locale-sensitive behavior is captured in a traits class.
  11. xpressive provides three traits class templates: `cpp_regex_traits<>`, `c_regex_traits<>` and `null_regex_traits<>`.
  12. The first wraps a `std::locale`, the second wraps the global C locale, and the third is a stub traits type for
  13. use when searching non-character data. All traits templates conform to the
  14. [link boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.concepts.traits_requirements Regex Traits Concept].
  15. [h2 Setting the Default Regex Trait]
  16. By default, xpressive uses `cpp_regex_traits<>` for all patterns. This causes all regex objects to use
  17. the global `std::locale`. If you compile with `BOOST_XPRESSIVE_USE_C_TRAITS` defined, then xpressive will use
  18. `c_regex_traits<>` by default.
  19. [h2 Using Custom Traits with Dynamic Regexes]
  20. To create a dynamic regex that uses a custom traits object, you must use _regex_compiler_.
  21. The basic steps are shown in the following example:
  22. // Declare a regex_compiler that uses the global C locale
  23. regex_compiler<char const *, c_regex_traits<char> > crxcomp;
  24. cregex crx = crxcomp.compile( "\\w+" );
  25. // Declare a regex_compiler that uses a custom std::locale
  26. std::locale loc = /* ... create a locale here ... */;
  27. regex_compiler<char const *, cpp_regex_traits<char> > cpprxcomp(loc);
  28. cregex cpprx = cpprxcomp.compile( "\\w+" );
  29. The `regex_compiler` objects act as regex factories. Once they have been imbued with a locale,
  30. every regex object they create will use that locale.
  31. [h2 Using Custom Traits with Static Regexes]
  32. If you want a particular static regex to use a different set of traits, you can use the special `imbue()`
  33. pattern modifier. For instance:
  34. // Define a regex that uses the global C locale
  35. c_regex_traits<char> ctraits;
  36. sregex crx = imbue(ctraits)( +_w );
  37. // Define a regex that uses a customized std::locale
  38. std::locale loc = /* ... create a locale here ... */;
  39. cpp_regex_traits<char> cpptraits(loc);
  40. sregex cpprx1 = imbue(cpptraits)( +_w );
  41. // A shorthand for above
  42. sregex cpprx2 = imbue(loc)( +_w );
  43. The `imbue()` pattern modifier must wrap the entire pattern. It is an error to `imbue` only
  44. part of a static regex. For example:
  45. // ERROR! Cannot imbue() only part of a regex
  46. sregex error = _w >> imbue(loc)( _w );
  47. [h2 Searching Non-Character Data With [^null_regex_traits]]
  48. With xpressive static regexes, you are not limitted to searching for patterns in character sequences.
  49. You can search for patterns in raw bytes, integers, or anything that conforms to the
  50. [link boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.concepts.chart_requirements Char Concept]. The `null_regex_traits<>` makes it simple. It is a
  51. stub implementation of the [link boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.concepts.traits_requirements Regex Traits Concept]. It recognizes
  52. no character classes and does no case-sensitive mappings.
  53. For example, with `null_regex_traits<>`, you can write a static regex to find a pattern in a
  54. sequence of integers as follows:
  55. // some integral data to search
  56. int const data[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
  57. // create a null_regex_traits<> object for searching integers ...
  58. null_regex_traits<int> nul;
  59. // imbue a regex object with the null_regex_traits ...
  60. basic_regex<int const *> rex = imbue(nul)(1 >> +((set= 2,3) | 4) >> 5);
  61. match_results<int const *> what;
  62. // search for the pattern in the array of integers ...
  63. regex_search(data, data + 7, what, rex);
  64. assert(what[0].matched);
  65. assert(*what[0].first == 1);
  66. assert(*what[0].second == 6);
  67. [endsect]