Emagi 878dd00fb9 Address spell caster dead ptrs, location enter/leave with discovery based on grid id alone 2 miesięcy temu
LUA 091f962210 LUA 5.1 -> 5.4 3 lat temu
LoginServer 7324c9a462 - Fix #544 - login server now correctly loads skin color for appearance data in character select, matches in-game color. 7 miesięcy temu
WorldServer 878dd00fb9 Address spell caster dead ptrs, location enter/leave with discovery based on grid id alone 2 miesięcy temu
common 47196d6b67 - Fix #504 - Group Options Support (loot methods, yell restrictions, encounter lock features, item rarity, auto split coin, auto loot mode) 3 miesięcy temu
depends 708385cbbe navpaths Starcrest Commune, Nettleville, Castleview Hamlet and willow wood 4 lat temu