jamfile.v2 10 KB

  1. # Boost.circular_buffer library documentation Jamfile.v2
  2. #
  3. # Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2013.
  4. # Copyright Jan Gaspar 2003-2008.
  5. # Use, modification and distribution is subject to
  6. # the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  7. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
  8. # or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  9. path-constant nav_images : html/images/ ; # png and svg images for home, next, note, tip...
  10. path-constant images_location : html/images ; # location of my SVG and PNG images referenced by Quickbook.
  11. path-constant pdf_images_location : .. ; # location of SVG and PNG images referenced by pdf.
  12. path-constant here : . ; # location of /doc folder.
  13. # echo "nav_images = " $(nav_images) ; # "nav_images = I:\boost-trunk\libs\circular_buffer\doc\html\images
  14. # echo "images_location = " $(images_location) ; # images_location = I:\boost-trunk\libs\circular_buffer\doc\html\images
  15. # echo "pdf_images_location = " $(pdf_images_location) #
  16. import modules ;
  17. using auto-index ;
  18. using doxygen ; # Required if you want to use Doxygen.
  19. using quickbook ;
  20. doxygen autodoc
  21. :
  22. # List all the files individually (RECURSIVE=NO ).
  23. [ glob ../../../boost/circular_buffer.hpp ]
  24. [ glob ../../../boost/circular_buffer/base.hpp ]
  25. [ glob ../../../boost/circular_buffer/space_optimized.hpp ]
  26. :
  27. # Pass some setting parameters to Doxygen.
  28. <doxygen:param>WARNINGS=YES # Default NO, but useful to see warnings, especially in a logfile.
  29. # It is also wise to to set a warnings logfile like this:
  30. <doxygen:param>WARN_LOGFILE=AutoDoxywarnings.log # This may not be empty (usually not a good sign!), depending on options chosen.
  31. # Much better to send message to a logfile than the default stderr.
  32. # and make sure that there are no Doxygen errors or significant warnings in the log file.
  33. <doxygen:param>RECURSIVE=NO # Search recursively down .hpp and .cpp subdirectories.
  34. <doxygen:param>EXTRACT_ALL=NO
  35. <doxygen:param>EXTRACT_PRIVATE=NO # NO means do not extract info about private member functions and data.
  36. <doxygen:param>HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS=YES # Only show members that have some documentation like \param, \return ...
  37. <doxygen:param>MACRO_EXPANSION=YES # YES will expand all macro names in the source code (default = NO).
  38. <doxygen:param>EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF=YES # If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES
  39. # then the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and EXPAND_AS_DEFINED tags.
  40. # If EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded (as defined).
  41. # The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that are defined
  42. # before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of gcc).
  43. # The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form:
  44. # name or name=definition (no spaces).
  45. # If the definition and the "=" are omitted, "=1" is assumed.
  46. # To prevent a macro definition from being undefined via #undef or
  47. # recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
  48. # See http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/config.html#cfg_predefined.
  49. # static char *malloc BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(const size_type bytes);
  50. # will not produce a helpful Doxygen output, so
  51. # replace some with more helpful text, or none, for example:
  52. <doxygen:param>"PREDEFINED= \\
  54. \"BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(T,V)=static x const y\" \\
  55. \"BOOST_UNITS_AUTO_STATIC_CONSTANT(a,b)=static const auto a = b\" \\
  56. \"BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME=typename\" \\
  57. \"BOOST_CONSTEXPR=constexpr\" \\
  58. \"BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT=noexcept\" \\
  59. \"BOOST_CONTAINER_NOEXCEPT_IF(T)=noexcept(T)\" \\
  60. \"BOOST_UNITS_TYPEOF(a)=typeof(a)\" \\
  62. \"BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(expr)=\" \\
  63. \"BOOST_ASSERT(expr)=\" \\
  64. \"BOOST_RV_REF(T)=T &&\" \\
  65. \"ASSERT(x)=assert(x)\" \\
  66. \"__cplusplus \""
  67. # BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION, will not be replaced by ,
  68. # BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT will be replaced by "static x const y",
  69. # BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME will be replaced by "typename",
  70. # BOOST_CONSTEXPR will be replaced by "constexpr".
  71. <doxygen:param>EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS=*_throws
  72. # <doxygen:param>IMAGE_PATH="../images" # for circular_buffer.png
  73. # See autodoxywarnings.log to check this is correct.
  74. # The syntax hoops to jump through are 'interesting' for more than one PREDEFINED,
  75. # and to permit spaces within definitions (use double quotes).
  76. # Don't forget that every double quote " needs a preceding \trip character!
  77. # and that each trailing continuation \ needs a preceding \trip character too!
  78. # And finally that if more than one item is included (as here) the whole is
  79. # enclosed in "PREDEFINED=... ", but without a leading \. Go figure...
  80. # A grep for PREDEFINED= in jamfiles will reveal even more complex examples.
  81. # Boost Libraries with useful examples are: Accumulators, Interprocess, MPI, Random, Units, Expressive.
  82. # Optionally, you can provide a Reference section name specific for your library, for example:
  83. <xsl:param>"boost.doxygen.reftitle=Boost.Circular_buffer C++ Reference"
  84. ;
  85. xml circular_buffer : circular_buffer.qbk ;
  86. using boostbook ;
  87. boostbook standalone
  88. :
  89. circular_buffer
  90. :
  91. # General settings
  92. # =================
  93. <format>html:<xsl:param>boost.root=../../../..
  94. <format>html:<xsl:param>img.src.path=../../../../doc/html/
  95. <format>docbook:<xsl:param>boost.root=boost:
  96. # Options for html and pdf
  97. # ========================
  98. # No indent on body text:
  99. <xsl:param>body.start.indent=0pt
  100. # Margin size:
  101. <xsl:param>page.margin.inner=0.5in
  102. # Margin size:
  103. <xsl:param>page.margin.outer=0.5in
  104. # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments:
  105. <xsl:param>admon.graphics=1
  106. # HTML options:
  107. # =============
  108. # Use graphics icons not text for navigation:
  109. <xsl:param>navig.graphics=1
  110. # How far down we chunk nested sections, basically all of them:
  111. <xsl:param>chunk.section.depth=2
  112. # Don't put the first section on the same page as the TOC itself:
  113. <xsl:param>chunk.first.sections=1
  114. # How far down sections get TOC's
  115. <xsl:param>toc.section.depth=4
  116. # Max depth in each TOC:
  117. <xsl:param>toc.max.depth=2
  118. # How far down we go with TOC's
  119. <xsl:param>generate.section.toc.level=10
  120. # Horizontal ? spacing in table cells.
  121. <format>html:<xsl:param>html.cellspacing=3 # pixels
  122. # Vertical spacing in table cells.
  123. <format>html:<xsl:param>html.cellpadding=5 # pixels
  124. # Not sure if these are right way round?
  125. <auto-index>on # Turns on index (or off).
  126. # Turns on (or off) index-verbose for diagnostic info (using /bin auto-index-verbose folders).
  127. <auto-index-verbose>on
  128. <format>pdf:<auto-index-internal>off # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes.
  129. <format>html:<xsl:param>index.on.type=1 # = 1 For the native stylesheets to generate multiple different indexes.
  130. <auto-index-script>circular_buffer.idx # Specifies the name of the script to load for circular_buffer.
  131. <auto-index-prefix>../../.. # Will get you back up to /circular_buffer, so !scan-path "boost/circular_buffer/" is where *.hpp will be,
  132. # and /libs/circular_buffer for other files.
  133. # Without this would need !scan-path "../../../boost/circular_buffer"
  134. # Used by Quickbook to invoke indexing.
  135. # Required by boost-trunk/doc/ see jamfile.v2 to use auto-index.
  136. # Choose indexing method for html:
  137. <format>html:<auto-index-internal>on
  138. <format>docbook:<auto-index-internal>on
  139. # PDF Options:
  140. # ============
  141. # TOC Generation: this is needed for FOP-0.9 and later:
  142. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>fop1.extensions=0
  143. # Or enable this if you're using XEP:
  144. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>xep.extensions=1
  145. # TOC generation: this is needed for FOP 0.2, but must not be set to zero for FOP-0.9!
  146. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>fop.extensions=0
  147. # No indent on body text:
  148. <xsl:param>body.start.indent=0pt
  149. # Margin size:
  150. <xsl:param>page.margin.inner=0.5in
  151. # Margin size:
  152. <xsl:param>page.margin.outer=0.5in
  153. # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments:
  154. <xsl:param>admon.graphics=1
  155. # Set these one for PDF generation *only*:
  156. # default png graphics are awful in PDF form,
  157. # better use SVG instead:
  158. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.extension=".svg"
  159. #<format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.extension=".png" # Only png images are available.
  160. # Don't need this, default path works OK:
  161. #<format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.path=$(nav_images)/ # next, prev, note, tip ... for pdf.
  162. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>use.role.for.mediaobject=1
  163. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>preferred.mediaobject.role=print
  164. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>img.src.path=$(pdf_images_location)/ # graphics (diagrams) for pdf.
  165. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>draft.mode="no"
  166. <format>pdf:<xsl:param>boost.url.prefix=../../../..
  167. <dependency>autodoc #
  168. <dependency>png_install
  169. ;
  170. # Install (copy) the 'master' copies of all icon images (both PNG and SVG)
  171. # and the Boost logo from your current Boost-root
  172. # to the local /doc/html/images folder so that html is complete and standalone.
  173. install png_install : [ glob $(here)/*.png ] : <location>$(here)/../../../doc/html/images ;
  174. # install pdf-install : standalone : <install-type>PDF <location>. ;
  175. # Effectively copies the file from \bin folder to the \doc folder,
  176. # but will not work as expected if doxygen and/or autoindex is used
  177. # because a modified pdf file is created, so this command
  178. # will rename the file to the expected filename, here circular_buffer.pdf.
  179. install pdfinstall : standalone : <install-type>PDF <location>. <name>circular_buffer.pdf ;
  180. ###############################################################################
  181. alias boostdoc
  182. : standalone/<format>docbook
  183. :
  184. :
  185. : ;
  186. explicit boostdoc ;
  187. alias boostrelease ;
  188. explicit boostrelease ;