icl.qbk 13 KB

  1. [library Boost.Icl
  2. [quickbook 1.4]
  3. [authors [Faulhaber, Joachim]]
  4. [copyright 2007-2010 Joachim Faulhaber]
  5. [copyright 1999-2006 Cortex Software GmbH]
  6. [category container]
  7. [id optional]
  8. [dirname optional]
  9. [purpose
  10. Implements sets and maps as sets and maps of intervals
  11. ]
  12. [source-mode c++]
  13. [license
  14. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  15. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  16. [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
  17. ]
  18. ]
  19. [/ Macros will be used for links so we have a central place to change them ]
  20. [def __itv__ [classref boost::icl::interval interval]]
  21. [def __Itv__ [classref boost::icl::interval Interval]]
  22. [def __itv_tr__ [classref boost::icl::interval_traits interval_traits]]
  23. [def __Itv_tr__ [classref boost::icl::interval_traits Interval_traits]]
  24. [def __ro_itv__ [classref boost::icl::right_open_interval right_open_interval]]
  25. [def __lo_itv__ [classref boost::icl::left_open_interval left_open_interval]]
  26. [def __op_itv__ [classref boost::icl::open_interval open_interval]]
  27. [def __cl_itv__ [classref boost::icl::closed_interval closed_interval]]
  28. [def __dc_itv__ [classref boost::icl::discrete_interval discrete_interval]]
  29. [def __ct_itv__ [classref boost::icl::continuous_interval continuous_interval]]
  30. [def __itvs__ [classref boost::icl::interval intervals]]
  31. [def __icl_itvs__ [classref boost::icl::interval icl::intervals]]
  32. [def __Itvs__ [classref boost::icl::interval Intervals]]
  33. [def __itv_set__ [classref boost::icl::interval_set interval_set]]
  34. [def __itv_sets__ [classref boost::icl::interval_set interval_sets]]
  35. [def __itv_bset__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_set interval_set]]
  36. [def __Itv_bset__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_set Interval_set]]
  37. [def __itv_bsets__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_set interval_sets]]
  38. [def __itv_bset_s__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_set interval_set's]]
  39. [def __Itv_bsets__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_set Interval_sets]]
  40. [def __ele_set__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::set` ]]
  41. [def __ele_sets__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::sets`]]
  42. [def __icl_set__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::set` ]]
  43. [def __icl_sets__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::sets`]]
  44. [def __std_set__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::set` ]]
  45. [def __Std_set__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `Std::set` ]]
  46. [def __std_sets__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::sets`]]
  47. [def __std_map__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::map` ]]
  48. [def __std_maps__ [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/set/ `std::maps`]]
  49. [def __Itv_set__ [classref boost::icl::interval_set Interval_set]]
  50. [def __Itv_sets__ [classref boost::icl::interval_set Interval_sets]]
  51. [def __spl_itv_set__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_set split_interval_set]]
  52. [def __spl_itv_sets__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_set split_interval_sets]]
  53. [def __spl_itv_set_s__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_set split_interval_set's]]
  54. [def __Spl_itv_set__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_set Split_interval_set]]
  55. [def __sep_itv_set__ [classref boost::icl::separate_interval_set separate_interval_set]]
  56. [def __sep_itv_sets__ [classref boost::icl::separate_interval_set separate_interval_sets]]
  57. [def __Sep_itv_set__ [classref boost::icl::separate_interval_set Separate_interval_set]]
  58. [def __itv_map__ [classref boost::icl::interval_map interval_map]]
  59. [def __itv_maps__ [classref boost::icl::interval_map interval_maps]]
  60. [def __itv_map_s__ [classref boost::icl::interval_map interval_map's]]
  61. [def __itv_bmap__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_map interval_map]]
  62. [def __Itv_bmap__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_map Interval_map]]
  63. [def __itv_bmaps__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_map interval_maps]]
  64. [def __Itv_bmaps__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_map Interval_maps]]
  65. [def __itv_bmap_s__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_map interval_map's]]
  66. [def __Itv_map__ [classref boost::icl::interval_map Interval_map]]
  67. [def __spl_itv_map__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_map split_interval_map]]
  68. [def __Spl_itv_map__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_map Split_interval_map]]
  69. [def __spl_itv_maps__ [classref boost::icl::split_interval_map split_interval_maps]]
  70. [def __inverse__ [classref boost::icl::inverse inverse]]
  71. [def __ip_cross__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_cross inplace_cross]]
  72. [def __ip_dash__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_dash inplace_dash]]
  73. [def __ip_plus__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_plus inplace_plus]]
  74. [def __ip_minus__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_minus inplace_minus]]
  75. [def __ip_star__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_star inplace_star]]
  76. [def __ip_slash__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_slash inplace_slash]]
  77. [def __ip_times__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_times inplace_times]]
  78. [def __ip_divide__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_divide inplace_divide]]
  79. [def __ip_pipe__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_pipe inplace_pipe]]
  80. [def __ip_et__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_et inplace_et]]
  81. [def __ip_caret__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_caret inplace_caret]]
  82. [def __ip_min__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_min inplace_min]]
  83. [def __ip_max__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_max inplace_max]]
  84. [def __ip_identity__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_identity inplace_identity]]
  85. [def __ip_erasure__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_erasure inplace_erasure]]
  86. [def __ip_bitset_union__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_bitset_union inplace_bitset_union]]
  87. [def __ip_bitset_difference__ [classref boost::icl::inplace_bitset_difference inplace_bitset_difference]]
  88. [def __itv_bmap_add__ [memberref boost::icl::interval_base_map::add add]]
  89. [def __ele_map__ [classref boost::icl::map map]]
  90. [def __ele_maps__ [classref boost::icl::map maps]]
  91. [def __icl_map__ [classref boost::icl::map icl::map]]
  92. [def __icl_maps__ [classref boost::icl::map icl::maps]]
  93. [def __icl_map_s__ [classref boost::icl::map icl::map's]]
  94. [def __pabsorber__ [classref boost::icl::partial_absorber partial_absorber]]
  95. [def __penricher__ [classref boost::icl::partial_enricher partial_enricher]]
  96. [def __penrichers__ [classref boost::icl::partial_enricher partial_enrichers]]
  97. [def __tabsorber__ [classref boost::icl::total_absorber total_absorber]]
  98. [def __tenricher__ [classref boost::icl::total_absorber total_enricher]]
  99. [def __itv_bse_set__ [classref boost::icl::interval_base_set interval_base_set]]
  100. [def __e [link element_type *e*]]
  101. [def __i [link interval_type *i*]]
  102. [def __s [link itl_set_type *s*]]
  103. [def __S [link interval_set_types *S*]]
  104. [def __b [link element_mapping_type *b*]]
  105. [def __p [link interval_mapping_type *p*]]
  106. [def __m [link itl_map_type *m*]]
  107. [def __M [link interval_map_types *M*]]
  108. [def __d [link discrete_types *d*]]
  109. [def __c [link continuous_types *c*]]
  110. [def __ei [link element_type *e*] [link interval_type *i*]]
  111. [def __bp [link element_mapping_type *b*] [link interval_mapping_type *p*]]
  112. [def __eS [link element_type *e*] [link interval_set_types *S*]]
  113. [def __es [link element_type *e*] [link itl_set_type *s*]]
  114. [def __bM [link element_mapping_type *b*] [link interval_map_types *M*]]
  115. [def __bm [link element_mapping_type *b*] [link itl_map_type *m*]]
  116. [def __ebm [link element_type *e*] [link element_mapping_type *b*] [link itl_map_type *m*]]
  117. [def __eiS [link element_type *e*] [link interval_type *i*] [link interval_set_types *S*]]
  118. [def __bpM [link element_mapping_type *b*] [link interval_mapping_type *p*] [link interval_map_types *M*]]
  119. [def __dc [link discrete_types *d*] [link continuous_types *c*]]
  120. [def __S1 [link ph_def_S1 *S1*]]
  121. [def __S2 [link ph_def_S2 *S2*]]
  122. [def __S3 [link ph_def_S3 *S3*]]
  123. [def __M1 [link ph_def_M1 *M1*]]
  124. [def __M3 [link ph_def_M3 *M3*]]
  125. [def __eiS_phs__ [link element_type placeholders]]
  126. [def __eiS_Phs__ [link element_type Placeholders]]
  127. [def __eibpsSmM__ [link element_type *e*] [link interval_type *i*]
  128. [link element_mapping_type *b*] [link interval_mapping_type *p*]
  129. [link itl_set_type *s*] [link interval_set_types *S*]
  130. [link itl_map_type *m*] [link interval_map_types *M*]]
  131. [def __biLConsCopyDest__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.construct__copy__destruct ['*Construct, copy, destruct*]]]
  132. [def __biLContainedness__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.containedness ['*Containedness*]]]
  133. [def __biLcontainedness__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.containedness ['*containedness*]]]
  134. [def __biLEquivsOrderings__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.equivalences_and_orderings ['*Equivalences and Orderings*]]]
  135. [def __biLSize__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.size ['*Size*]]]
  136. [def __biLRange__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.range ['*Range*]]]
  137. [def __biLHull__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.range ['*Hull*]]]
  138. [def __biLSelection__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.selection ['*Selection*]]]
  139. [def __biLAddition__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.addition ['*Addition*]]]
  140. [def __biLadd__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.addition ['*add*]]]
  141. [def __biLSubtraction__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.subtraction ['*Subtraction*]]]
  142. [def __biLsubtraction__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.subtraction ['*subtraction*]]]
  143. [def __biLInsertion__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.insertion ['*Insertion*]]]
  144. [def __biLErasure__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.erasure ['*Erasure*]]]
  145. [def __biLerasure__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.erasure ['*erasure*]]]
  146. [def __biLIntersection__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.intersection ['*Intersection*]]]
  147. [def __biLintersection__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.intersection ['*intersection*]]]
  148. [def __biLSymmetricDifference__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.symmetric_difference ['*Symmetric difference*]]]
  149. [def __biLIteratorRelated__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.iterator_related ['*Iteration*]]]
  150. [def __biLElementIteration__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.element_iteration ['*Element iteration*]]]
  151. [def __biLStreaming__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.streaming__conversion ['*Streaming, conversion*]]]
  152. [def __biLIntervalConstruct__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.interval_construction ['*Construction*]]]
  153. [def __biLIntervalOrderings__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.additional_interval_orderings ['*Orderings*]]]
  154. [def __biLIntervalMiscellaneous__ [link boost_icl.function_reference.miscellaneous_interval_functions ['*Miscellaneous*]]]
  155. [/ column headers]
  156. [def __ch_itvs__ intervals]
  157. [def __ch_dom_t__ domain\ntype]
  158. [def __ch_itv_t__ interval\ntype]
  159. [def __ch_dom_mp_t__ domain\nmapping\ntype]
  160. [def __ch_itv_mp_t__ interval\nmapping\ntype]
  161. [def __ch_itv_sets__ interval\nsets]
  162. [def __ch_itv_maps__ interval\nmaps]
  163. [def __ch_itl_set__ std::set]
  164. [def __ch_itl_map__ icl::map]
  165. [def __ch_icl_set__ std::set]
  166. [def __ch_icl_map__ icl::map]
  167. [def __ch_ele_sets__ element\nsets]
  168. [def __ch_ele_maps__ element\nmaps]
  169. [def __ch_ele_set__ element\nset]
  170. [def __ch_ele_map__ element\nmap]
  171. [def __ch_dsc_itv__ discrete\n_interval]
  172. [def __ch_cnt_itv__ continuous\n_interval]
  173. [def __ch_ro_itv__ right_open\n_interval]
  174. [def __ch_lo_itv__ left_open\n_interval]
  175. [def __ch_cl_itv__ closed\n_interval]
  176. [def __ch_op_itv__ open\n_interval]
  177. [def __bi_conceptual__ ['*fundamental*]]
  178. [def __conceptual__ fundamental]
  179. [def __Conceptual__ Fundamental]
  180. [def __bi_iterative__ ['*segmental*]]
  181. [def __iterative__ segmental]
  182. [def __Iterative__ Segmental]
  183. [def __O1__ ['O(1)]]
  184. [def __aO1__ ['amortized O(1)]]
  185. [def __On__ ['O(n)]]
  186. [def __Om__ ['O(m)]]
  187. [def __Ok__ ['O(k)]]
  188. [def __Onpm__ ['O(n+m)]]
  189. [def __Olgn__ ['O(log n)]]
  190. [def __a_Olgn__ ['amortized\nO(log n)]]
  191. [def __Onlgn__ ['O(n log n)]]
  192. [def __Omlgn__ ['O(m log n)]]
  193. [def __Omlgnpm__ ['O(m log(n+m))]]
  194. [def __inpops__ `+= -= &= ^=`]
  195. [def __ainpop__ `o=`]
  196. [/ Cited Boost resources ]
  197. [/ Other web resources ]
  198. [/ Icons ]
  199. [def __SPACE__ [$images/space.png]]
  200. [def __GO_TO__ [$images/callouts/R.png]]
  201. [include introduction.qbk]
  202. [include examples.qbk]
  203. [include projects.qbk]
  204. [include concepts.qbk]
  205. [include semantics.qbk]
  206. [include interface.qbk]
  207. [include customization.qbk]
  208. [include implementation.qbk]
  209. [include functions.qbk]
  210. [include acknowledgments.qbk]
  211. [xinclude icldoc.xml]
  212. 14:46 15.10.2010