acknowledgment.qbk 1.8 KB

  1. [/==============================================================================
  2. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
  3. Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Dan Marsden
  4. Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Thomas Heller
  5. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  6. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. ===============================================================================/]
  8. [section Acknowledgments]
  9. # Hartmut Kaiser implemented the original lazy casts and constructors based on
  10. his original work on Spirit SE "semantic expressions" (the precursor to
  11. Phoenix), and guided Phoenix from the initial review of V2 to the release of V3.
  12. # Eric Niebler did a 2.0 pre-release review and wrote some range related code
  13. that Phoenix stole and used in the algorithms. Additionally he played the leading role
  14. in inventing the extension mechanism as well as providing early prototypes and helping with
  15. Boost.Proto code. DA Proto MAN!
  16. # Angus Leeming implemented the container functions on Phoenix-1 which I then
  17. ported to Phoenix-2.
  18. # Daniel Wallin helped with the scope module, local variables, let and lambda
  19. and the algorithms. I frequently discuss design issues with Daniel on Yahoo Messenger.
  20. # Jaakko Jarvi. DA Lambda MAN!
  21. # Dave Abrahams, for his constant presence, wherever, whenever.
  22. # Aleksey Gurtovoy, DA MPL MAN!
  23. # Doug Gregor, always a source of inspiration.
  24. # Dan Marsden, did almost all the work in bringing Phoenix-2 out the door.
  25. # Thorsten Ottosen; Eric's range_ex code began life as "container_algo" in the
  26. old boost sandbox, by Thorsten in 2002-2003.
  27. # Jeremy Siek, even prior to Thorsten, in 2001, started the "container_algo".
  28. # Vladimir Prus wrote the mutating algorithms code from the Boost Wiki.
  29. # Daryle Walker did a 2.0 pre-release review.
  30. [endsect]